Saturday, May 3, 2014

S. Mary's eNEWS for 5.4.14

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

May 4, 2014 – The Third Sunday in the Great Fifty Days

Our prayer concerns for this week

For healing: Andrea Marko, Arthur Markos, Ella Brown, Larry Bennett, Marion Abramo, Michelle Bilodeau, Andre Casavant, Paula Gardner, Hazel Heyward, Charlie Hunt, Kathryn Kuehn, Andrew Leighton, Roger Murray, Brian Pettingill, Peg Pierce.

For those deployed: For Shea Bickerstaff, serving with the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf, for his family, and for all active-duty military personnel and family.

***IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, please write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or

Congratulations to Winston Corbett on his Baptism!

We welcome him into the world-wide Body of Christ and into this special community which is known as Saint Mary’s, and we look forward to watching him grow and learn!

Our 2014 First Holy Communion Class

Many thanks to our young 11 participants this weekend: Katie Bryant, Meghan Curran, William Gale, Caroline Grace, Chance Guyton, Katie Hanifin, Joseph Herlihy, Joshua Herlihy, Duncan Leahy, Sophia Kelly, and T.J. Rhoades. They are responsible for the wonderful bread which we are using for Communion at 10 AM this Sunday morning!

Stewardship Update: God's power is at work within us!

Are you like some at Saint Mary's who make regular donations but don't pledge?  Maybe you think that your gift won't matter to the overall financial picture of the parish? By sharing your intention with us, you'll help us budget wisely. Every pledge counts! Pick up a pledge form in the Parish Office or in the Narthex. Scan it and email it to, mail it or drop it off and join the over 130 parishioners who have already pledged for this year! Thank you to all who have pledged!!


Zenith Journey up Katahdin: our plans are set!

We have reserved the LAST TWO lean-to's at Chimney Pond on Thursday, August 28 and two lean-to's at Roaring Brook on Friday, August 29. This means that we have space for a maximum of EIGHT people for this adventure trip.  All those interested in joining Nathan+ for a climb to the TOP of Maine, let him know right away! Everyone is welcome.

2015 Leadership Nominations:  We need your input!

This year the Nominating Committee is requested to recruit parishioners to fill the 2015 positions of Sr. Warden and Jr Warden; four (4) three year-terms on the Vestry; one (1) one-year term on the Vestry; and four (4) delegates and three alternates to the 2015 Diocesan Convention.  For the Nominating Committee to be successful in its task, we need your input with nominations of eligible parishioners who you believe to be best suited for these key parish leadership positions.  If you are interested, please nominate yourself!

Nominations will be accepted through June 8, 2014.  Ballots and a ballot box will be placed in the Guild Room and the Narthex of the church for your use.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Nominating Committee whose names are listed below.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Your 2015 Nominating Committee::   Becky Pride [Chair], Nikki Evans, Tim Grace, Mac Hinkel, Elizabeth McIntosh.


Whose gift did we receive?  Someone sent shares of Coca-Cola to our broker account.  It came anonymously, so if you wouldn’t mind contacting Beth in the parish office, 781-3366, then we will credit the rightful donor.  And thank you for your generosity!

Serving The World

Don’t buy your coffee anywhere else!  Support Souper Supper at S. Mary's

Fair-Traded  “Coffee by Design” Coffee is on Sale Now!

If 50 families bought just 1 bag a month, we could fully support our Souper Supper community fellowship effort …. and support fair trade practices by local owners…..and get GREAT organic coffee! For sale in the Auditorium and in the Parish Office.


Souper Supper at Saint Mary’s -   Every 2nd and 4th Fridays – May 9th!

Join us as a diner, volunteer, or supporter for a relaxed evening of fellowship and outreach to the community and each other.  FMI contact the parish office 781-3366.

The Second Friday of every month is also Cinema night – this Friday’s presentation is the inspiring 1935 Cary Grant flying classic “Wings in the Dark”

Youth Ministry Notes

Greater Falmouth Young Life

Excitement is building for the launch of a Young Life Club in our area! We are looking forward to Jordan and Emily Droge’s move to Falmouth this summer and to the start of this amazing, ecumenical youth ministry here in the Fall. Want to find out how you can join this God-inspired effort? Speak with Nathan+ to learn more (see below).

Godly Play: Christian Formation for our young people

On regular Sundays from September to June, we offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church with our children. 

Family Chapel with Fr. Nathan is at 9:15 am in the Chapel. This is followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) downstairs in the Parish House beginning at 9:30am. The nursery also opens at 9:15 am for our infants and preschoolers.    

The Middlers meet from 9:30 to 10:35 AM

For our young people in Middle School, this special and fun group meets on the same schedule as the Guiding RAY classes, in order to make the group more accessible to even more of our young people. 

The Middlers Celebation Project: Sunday, May 25, 11:30 am to 2 pm

All the Middlers are invited to wear (or bring) their outdoor work clothes on Sunday, May 25. After Coffee Hour, they will join Fr. Nathan in volunteering to repair trails in Pine Grove Preserve (across the street). After this, it’s ice cream for everyone at SuperScoops!

Meetings & Notes

Spiritual nourishment for all: Thursdays at Saint Mary’s   

All are welcome for a time of spiritual refreshment and community. If you need help with transportation or childcare in order to participate, provisions can be made. Please ask!

10:30am:  Wisdom Seekers –Bible Study and small group discussion

  12noon:    Healing Eucharist with the laying on of hands for healing. All are welcome. You do not need to be ill. This is a brief, informal liturgy in the Chapel.

Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s

Every weekday at 12 Noon there is a brief gathering for prayer in the Fr. James Chapel.

(On Thursdays, this gathering takes the form of a Healing Eucharist.) Please join us any weekday for Noonday Prayer, and remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where you might be. What a great way to lift each other up!  

Like us on Facebook and Twitter!

While we work on the re-development of our website, our Facebook page and Twitter feed are the best ways to keep up with parish news on the internet! Like us, follow us and stay in the know!  or @SMaryFalmouth

S. Mary’s Bridge-a-Thon: Friday, May 16, 1-4pm  - Reserve your table now!

Enjoy an afternoon of bridge - or any card game for four - at S. Mary's.  Sumptuous refreshments, prizes for high scorers, all for price of admission ($40.00 per table/$10 per person) Call Beth Shaw 781-3366 to reserve your spot!   Don’t play Bridge or cards?  Tea-snacks needed!   For those who can't or don't wish to play bridge that day, we would greatly welcome tea-snacks (tea sandwiches, sweets, savories) for this event.  Call the office or Jennifer Gregg if you can help. Share this with any Bridge player you know!

Safe Church Training Sessions for the Spring

The Diocese of Maine's Safe Church Training program includes healthy church practices for the safety of ministry with adults, the protection of children and youth, and elder abuse prevention. Everyone working with children and youth, and senior adults, are encouraged to attend one of the all-day training sessions. 

Saturday, May 10, 9am – 3pm at the Cathedral of St. Luke in Portland

June 7, 9am – 3pm  in Augusta


Pastoral Care

Communicating with Fr. Nathan   

Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning.  The Eucharistic Visitor today is Paul Engel.  If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine.











The Paschal Season is The Great Fifty Days!

These are festive days of celebration. There is no kneeling, no fasting, no confession of sin during this season. The word for “resurrection” in the Greek of the New Testament (anastasis) literally means “standing up”, and so we stand up with Christ during these days. From now until the Day of Pentecost, let the joy of the risen Lord be on your lips, in your heart and in your homes. Smile, give thanks, and sing the “Alleluia” with energy and vigor! Christ is alive!






This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday                4      8:00am    The Third Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist

                                   9:00am    Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                   9:15am    Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                   10:00am   The Third Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist, Holy   Baptism and Celebration of First Holy Communion

                                   11:15am   Coffee Hour in the auditorium

Monday               5      12noon   Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Tuesday               6      12noon   Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                   1:00pm   Staff meeting

                                   3:00pm   Executive Committee meeting

                                   4:00pm   Outreach Ministry meeting

                                   7:00pm   AA in Auditorium

                                   7:30pm   Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday          7      12noon   Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                   7:00pm   Bible Study @ the Hurdman’s

Thursday             8      10:30am   Wisdom Seekers Bible Study

                                   12noon   Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                   4:00pm   Boy Singers of Maine

                                   7:00pm   Choir Rehearsal

Friday                 9      Parish Office is closed on Fridays

                                   12noon   Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

                                   5:30pm   Al-Anon in the Guild Room

                                   5-7pm      Souper Supper followed by Classic Cinema

Saturday              10    9:00am    Boy Singers of Maine

                                   9-11am    St. Mary’s Garden Club Plant Sale

Sunday                11    8:00am    The Fourth Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist

                                   9:00am    Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                   9:15am    Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                   9:30am    Guiding RAY begins

                                   10:00am   The Fourth Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist

                                   11:15am   Coffee Hour in the auditorium



Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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