Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 9.30 & 10.1.17

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

September 30, 2017 –  The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Still Studying Romans!

Since we are justified by faith, we have peace (shalom) with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).

Hurricane Assistance through Episcopal Relief & Development

Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) works closely with church partners after disasters, equipping them to meet needs of those most vulnerable in their communities. Currently, their staff is responding to areas devastated by multiple hurricanes, and watching developing tropical storms. Because of strong diocesan partnerships, ERD is ready to assist in the recovery of the impacted areas for as long as necessary. You can help provide critical relief to affected communities by donating to our Hurricane Relief Fund. To donate and read the latest updates, visit

RSCM Musical Nuggets:   Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Chapel

All families and children are invited to gather in the Chapel before Guiding RAY begins for a brief time of singing with Mr. Bruce Fithian.

Vestry Nominations:  accepting throughout September

One more week to nominate yourself or someone else for important leadership roles in our parish and in our diocese! Details can be found in the September AVE  and Nomination forms can be found in your bulletin, in the Narthex or the Parish House. FMI contact Nadine Timberlake





8 am – Eucharist


8 am – Marathon Volunteers

9 am – Mission Morning


No Morning Worship!

6 pm – Godspeed Dinner


5 pm – Blessing of All God’s Creatures

Sparkles Spirit

It’s an Appetizer party!!--October 20th in the Guild Room from 6 to 8---get your tickets during coffee hour or from the church office.  $10.00 now or $12.00 at the door.   Come for a festive evening, bring your friends and order some appetizers for your holiday entertaining.


Sparkles NEWS:

JOIN with us for the Second Planning Meeting on Friday morning, October 6 in the White Wool Room at 9:30 am.

FIRST DROP OFF DAY is Saturday, October 7, between 9 and 12.  Bring your gently used household items, family treasures, old jewelry and holiday decorations.  Please NO rummage, books (no storage) or clothing.

BEANS and more BEANS!  We need lots and lots of beans to create Saint Mary’s popular Friendship Soup.  Put your bags of dried beans (any color or type) in the basket outside the Guild Room.

SPARKLES SPIRITS will be our new event on Friday, October 20.  Tickets will be on sale at Coffee Hours on October 8 and 15 - $10 in advance, and $12 at the door.  Get your taste buds ready for 12 delicious and convenient appetizers along with beverages.  You’ll be able to order the appetizers already frozen, ready to pick up ( Nov 19 or 26) to thaw and heat whenever you want – Thanksgiving, Christmas, or unexpected guests.

Serving The World

 Saturday, September 30:  8 AM Eucharist AND 9 AM Mission Morning 

ALL are invited to gather on SATURDAY morning (NO services on Sunday due to the Maine Marathon) in the Sanctuary for our regular 8 AM liturgy. After this, we will gather in the Auditorium to begin our Mission Morning at 9 AM with plans to undertake various projects through which we will seek God in His creation, and then return to Saint Mary's at 11:30 for lunch and fellowship.  We once again offer opportunities and projects for all ages and capabilities!

  •    Coastal Clean-up (around Mackworth Island) (bring gloves and boots) – Family-Friendly
  •    Morning at Milestone Recovery in Portland
  •   Bringing Autumn Joy to Seniors at The Cedars – Family-Friendly
  •   In-House Art Project (creating "Kindness Rocks") – Family-Friendly
  •    Fall Clean-up at homes of neighbors in need. (bring gloves and boots)Family-Friendly

FMI, and to indicate your intention to join us, please see the sign-up sheets on the table outside the Guild Room. All ages and abilities can participate.


Welcome New Mainers: Pihcintu Chorus on October 15 at 4 PM

Nationally-recognized, Portland-based  Immigrant Girls Chorus at Saint Mary’s

Let’s come together to welcome and celebrate our new Mainers with a wonderful concert offered by the Pihcintu multi-national chorus. This group welcomes immigrant girls from around the globe, helping them through music to restart their lives by moving from tragedy and loss to harmony and community. A free concert, but donations will be accepted. A reception will follow.

 9th Annual Harvest Community Supper: Thu, Oct 19, 4:30-7:00 PM

Saint Mary’s, the other Falmouth churches, and Jewish community, again will combine to host a free turkey supper to raise funds for the Falmouth Food Pantry, a resource devoted to serving the growing needs of many in our area. Please come by the Falmouth Congregational Church (267 Falmouth Road) on Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 4:30 to 7PM and enjoy an evening of good food, goodwill and friendship. Free-will donations will be gratefully accepted. 

As one of the hosts of this event, parishioners from Saint Mary’s are asked to donate and cook turkeys, bake squash and help with serving and cleanup.

Please volunteer by signing up on the poster near the Guild Room. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause. Call John Brooks (781-2097) or Nancy Lightbody (781-4670) with any questions.

We are collecting for Milestone Recovery! 

As part of our continuing support of Milestone, which helps people in recovery from substance abuse, Saint Mary’s is gathering some necessary items for their facilities.  The Outreach Committee is coordinating this effort, and items can be tucked under the Ryder sign-up table outside the Guild Room.

Towels, Clip boards, Blankets, Wash cloths, Crossword puzzle books, Mad-lib books, Magazines, Small Journals (art journals), Markers, Flash lights, Book (reading) lights, Decks of cards, Board games, Puzzles, Dice.


Year -End Contributions:  Parishioners we want your input!

The Outreach Committee is making decision about their 2017 year-end Charitable contributions.  We send support locally and around the world.  If you have a favorite charity you’d like the Outreach Committee to consider financially supporting, please contact Marian McCue

Youth Ministry

This week in Guiding RAY

There are no classes in Guiding RAY this week with the running of the Maine Marathon down route 88 on Sunday, October 1.  All families are encouraged to do God’s work in the world by participating in Mission Morning, Saturday September 30 at 9am.  You are also invited to worship and honor all God’s Creatures by attending the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday afternoon, October 1 at 5pm

Acolytes Wanted!

Children and youth (age 8 and up) as well as adults are invited to be acolytes.  Our acolytes help the clergy with the worship service on Sundays and Holidays, and they have the summer off.  The Gospel and Epistle acolytes carry the torches (candles) and the Crucifer carries the cross. The training provided by Father Nathan is short and easy. Training for this year is scheduled for Sunday, October 15 after the 10am service. Acolytes generally serve once a month.  It is a wonderful way for youth to be involved in worship and connect with each other and the Saint Mary's community and earn community service hours. FMI and to sign up for training, please contact  Tricia Wheeler at

Community Care & Nurture

Wisdom Seekers: studying the Letter to the Romans

This Bible study group meets on Tuesdays at 10:30 AM in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! This Autumn, the group will follow our Sunday focus on St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans and look at each week’s passage in depth.

Chapel Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon

This is an informal time (in a beautiful space!) to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day and prayers for healing.

Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel   Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.

Communicating with Nathan+   

Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him.  You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away on vacation.

Prayer Concerns for this week: Lee Lamphere, Julie Vinson, Arthur Markos, Phil Grondin, Patti Braswell, Brian Pettingill, Richard Harris, Brooke Welch-Frehsee, Ellen Hitchcock, Frank Rheaume, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or





THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Friday       29   11:00am                      Memorial Service for Larry Bennett

Saturday       30        8:00AM                Contemplative Eucharist

                                    9:00am            MISSION MORNING – Gather for community projects

                                    11:30am          Return to Auditorium for lunch

                                    6:00PM            Godspeed Dinner – for runners and their families

Sunday, Oct. 1           Maine Marathon – no morning services! 

                                    8-11am            Marathon support and cheerleading – helpers needed!

                                    5:00pm            The Blessing of All God’s Creatures – at Saint Mary’s 

Monday           2          12n-3p             Parish Administrators Collaboration

                                    12 noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                    6:00pm            Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in the auditorium

Tuesday           3          8-11AM           Saint Marians at St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center

                                    9:30am            Art Group in the auditorium

                                    10:30am               Wisdom Seekers – study of Romans

                                    12 noon               Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                    7:00pm            AA in the auditorium

                                    7:30pm            Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s)

Wednesday 4      10a - 2p Mainely Weavers in the Guild Room

                                                12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                    12:30 pm            Staff Meeting in Kneeler Room

                                    4 - 6PM            RSCM Choir rehearsal

                                    6 - 8pm            SinG rehearsal in the auditorium

Thursday         5          12noon            Chapel Eucharist – informal and brief

6-8:30pm         Oratorio Chorale in Sanctuary

6:15pm            Dowsers in Guild Room

                                    7:00 pm           Saint Mary’s Choir rehearsal

Friday              6          Parish Office closed

9:30am            Sparkles meeting #2 in the Guild room

12noon            Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

2:00pm            Wedding rehearsal

                                    5:30 pm            Al-Anon meeting

Saturday          7          9a -12n            Sparkles Drop-Off #1

                                    3:30PM            Williams private wedding

Sunday            8          8:00am            Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:30am            RSCM Singing with Musical Nuggets in the Chapel

9:45am            Nursery opens

9:45 am           Guiding RAY gathering with classes to begin at 10am

                                    10:00am            Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

Monday           9          Parish Office is closed for the holiday

                                    9:00am            Columbus Day Faith Family Hike - Pleasant Mtn.





Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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