Thursday, May 7, 2020

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 5.10.20

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

10 May 2020:  Fifth Sunday of the Great Fifty Days

Common Ground has returned! But in a Zoom Bible Study

6 to 7 PM this Thursday evening, join Nathan+ for an online Bible Study of  Acts

May 7:  Acts 2.1-47       (The Day of Pentecost)

May 14: Acts 4.325.16  (The Sharing of Resources)

May 21: Acts 1.1-26          (The Ascension and Selection of Matthias)

May 28: Acts 8.1-25          (Simon the Magician in Samaria)

June 4:  Acts 15.1-35        (The Council of Jerusalem)

   June 11: Acts 17.1-34     (Paul in Athens)

 All you need is a Bible and Prayer Book (if you don’t have one, you can borrow from the Parish House,) and some way to access the internet. Feel free to bring food and beverages with you to the screen. There will also be a Bible trivia challenge, so bring your competitive energy! Everyone is invited – no special skill or knowledge needed. Below is the information needed to join this meeting (contact our office if you need assistance with Zoom):







Like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

While we await the restoration of regular activities, connecting to our online presence (including our webpage) is the best way to participate in our parish and to keep up on parish news. Click on these links to follow us! 

No Facebook? No worries!

Our webpage ( has easy links to each Noonday Prayer and the Sunday services after the event with links to the bulletins, the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal, plus lots of other online resources for worship and spiritual growth. 

Serving  Others

Hand Made Fabric Masks for Parishioners and the Community

As they come in, you will find them, on a first-come, first-serve basis, one-each in individual plastic bags, in a basket at the Guild Room portico door. While these individually-bagged masks have been laundered, it is recommended that you launder again before using.  Questions? Contact Jennifer,

Caring for Others:  Facemask Project
For those who have sewing machines, here is an opportunity to help those who are at greater risk during this difficult time by creating washable fabric face masks.  There are many patterns online;  here’s a simple one: .

**And we have received a fabric grant from Cuddledown to make masks.  The fabric material can be found outside our parish office, along with aluminum strips for the nose piece. The Outreach Committee (along with gifts from a couple of generous parishioners)  is willing to reimburse sewers for the cost of supplies, as needed. Submit costs to Beth    

For those continuing to make masks, please deliver your masks in a plastic bag to the other basket marked "newly sewn" at the Chapel portico door. These will be retrieved, laundered and bagged for distribution.  Please contact Jennifer Gregg,, upon drop-off.   

Here’s an idea for a DIY face mask with no sewing

Souper Supper To Go  

Souper Supper will return on May 22 for take-home distribution only. It will resume its 2nd and 4th Friday timeframe for To-Go meals only.  If food insecurity is an issue in your home, Saint Mary’s can help you discreetly. Just call the parish office at 781-3366.

The Book Sale:  is being rescheduled again, but it’ll be worth it!  We have such wonderful current and vintage books; we’re excited for you to see them!  Stay tuned for a new date!  We’ll still need help two days before, during and after the sale.

Looking for something to do to fill your time? 

  Right now, we have a few puzzles, DVDs ( from kids to action), games and a few books (for children and adult) in the Auditorium with an honor box if you want to stop in during business hours and grab one. Only $1 each.

Falmouth Food Pantry thanks all and hopes for our continued help
With the Pantry no longer able to accept food donations and the grocery stores no longer donating excess produce, meat and baked goods and safe distribution in question, the Pantry estimates it will need $7,000 monthly to provide food supplemented with gift cards to help 70 families, with priority to Falmouth residents. As they continue with no-contact deliveries, the Pantry thanks all for the outpouring of support.  
Please join us in doing our part by sending checks to the Falmouth Food Pantry, at 279 Middle Road, Falmouth ME 04105. Make the check out to the Falmouth Food Pantry, which is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Or make an online PayPal donation at  If you would like to contribute.  While any amount will be appreciated, please note that a gift of $100 will help 1 family for 1 whole month.  


Love your Neighbor Feel free to make or have kids make cards for people who are isolated at home or in assisted living facilities. Many of our parishioners would love a card to lift their spirits! Contact Janet Bowne,,  for a list of names to send cards to. 

Parish Office reduced hours 

This week, the parish office will be open on Monday and Thursday. Messages and phones will be answered at this time.  If you must come to the Parish House, please sign in to establish a call list if necessary. The window to Beth's office will be open so distance communication is possible. This email is reviewed every weekday if assistance is needed:

Prayers over the Phone
If you feel the need for encouragement and prayer, you can receive this over the phone from our own Jane Stegemann. Feel free to call her mobile phone at
207-252-8272. This is a gift of love available to anyone who may need it. 

Christian Formation & Youth Notes

All Children and Youth Programs are temporarily suspended

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)      During normal programing, our Guiding RAY programs, for all young people ages 0 to 14, are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.   FMI Please contact Megan

AT HOME with Guiding RAY

We have set up a Guiding RAY Facebook group as a place for parents to connect. Please like  and join the Guiding RAY Group. It is a great way to share resources, stories and a general check-in with each other.  Please visit our website,, for more at home resources.

Community Care & Nurture

OnLine worship

NoonDay PrayerMonday – Friday  12noon  on Facebook Live

Sunday WorshipSunday 10:15 am on Facebook Live

These services are also linked on our website ( on the banner titled “Community & Worship Online: COVID-19 Resources”)

OnLine Spiritual Formation

Be Still: Sundays at 9:30 AM  online via ZOOM

Be Still: Mondays at 5 PM  online via ZOOM

Merton Group:  Thursdays at 3 pm  online via ZOOM

These three groups will continue to meet online via ZOOM. If you would like to participate, send an email to Jennifer Gregg ( to receive the meeting login information. 

Common Ground: Thursdays 6-7 pm online via ZOOM

Bible Study in the Acts of the Apostles with Nathan+. No knowledge or skill required. All are invited. See details in the news above.

Communicating with Nathan+

If you need to connect with someone for encouragement, or if you need advice, guidance or prayer, please text Fr Nathan on his cell phone at 207-310-0268. Share your name and your concern.  You can call or e-mail as well ( ), but texting is the best way to make contact.

Prayer Concerns this week: Greg Hodgdon, Randy Braley, Allen Graffam, John Lund, Roxann Gregory, Stewart and Shirley Stalnecker, Mark, Russell, Joseph.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, contact our Parish Office (781-3366 or

THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday               10      Fifth Sunday of the Great Fifty Days and Mothers Day

                                    9:30           Be Still ZOOM meeting 

                                    10:15         Liturgy of the Word on Facebook Live    

                                                      (Mystical Songs Concert canceled)

Monday             11      12:00         Noonday Prayer on Facebook Live

                                    5:00           Be Still ZOOM meeting

Tuesday             12      12:00         Noonday Prayer on Facebook Live

Wednesday        13      12:00         Noonday Prayer on Facebook Live

Thursday            14      12:00         Noonday Prayer on Facebook Live

                                    3:00           Merton Group ZOOM meeting

                                    6:00           Common Ground Bible Study ZOOM meeting

Friday                15      12:00         Noonday Prayer on Facebook Live

Saturday            16    

Sunday               17      Sixth Sunday of the Great Fifty Days

                                    9:30           Be Still ZOOM meeting 

                                    10:15         Worship with the entire Episcopal Church in Maine

                                                      and a homily by our Bishop Brown    



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Chrch of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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