SPARKLES FAIR Saturday 9am – 2pm
Saint Mary’s Weekly News
December 2, 2012 – The First Sunday of Advent
The 12th Annual Advent Giving Tree –This year, they are Needs - not Wants
S. Mary's will once again be sponsoring several local families again this Christmas. Maureen Merrick Hale has provided us with a "wish list" and all "wished for" items from Woodford’s Family Services case workers and are displayed as ornaments on a special "Giving Tree" in the Parish House, and there are still a few left for the taking! If you intend to make a purchase please TAKE the giving ornament OFF the tree as this will prevent duplicate buying. Then, unwrapped gifts (with the attached ornament) should be brought to the Parish House by Dec.19th. For those who are unable to shop for gifts, gift cards or checks payable to Woodfords Family Services (memo Advent Giving Tree) are also great. The case managers can then take parents shopping to select items for the children. Gift Cards & checks can be given to Beth Shaw or Maureen Hale.
Your generosity will help put joy into the holidays for these special families.
The staff of Woodford’s will distribute your gifts to the families. If you have any questions, please contact Maureen (Merrick) Hale at 781-2209, cell 650-9073 or
Videographers and Photographers needed!
Saint Mary’s needs parishioners who will regularly record our events and gatherings in pictures and video, so that we can share these with one another and the world. If you are willing and able to do this, please contact Fr. Nathan (see below).
Having a hard time looking for a gift for the person that has everything??
Honor them by supporting a child in Child Fund International or Episcopal Relief and Development in their name. Check out the catalogs in the guild room and Beth’s office to see the many ways you can help and honor your loved one.
Legacy Update
The "Mother Window" installation is almost complete (and may indeed be complete by Sunday, weather permitting...) Hair-raising to watch, but we know it will be glorious. On a more pedestrian level, the exterior stairs from the kitchen/pantry are functional and accessible in time for Sparkles, and the work on the elevator in the Parish House begins Monday! During the coming week, work will continue in the "arts and crafts" room and sheet-rocking and insulating begins in the Administration/Chapel wing.
On the campaign front, statements were sent last week to those of you with pledge balances. Do please check them carefully and do please inform the office if there are errors. End-of-year statements for tax purposes will be sent early in 2013. And a special Thank You to those who continue to come forth seeking to support this project and help to fill that remaining funding gap!
Our Sparkles NEWS
Be of Good Cheer! If you are, or were, unable to get to the Sparkles Fair on Sat. there is still an opportunity to shop. All left items will be in the Guild Room beginning Sun. the 9th and will be there for the week. On Fri. the 14th we will begin to take everything down and all will be gone by Sun. the 16th.
We conclude the Sparkles Season on Sunday the 16th with the wonderful music of the Schola Concert at 4:00 in the Sanctuary. The concert is followed by an elegant reception in our beautiful "new" auditorium and hosted by our own Ruth Kimball and Janet Bowne. Tickets may be purchased at the door, the parish office or on line at See below for more details on the concert.
Sparkles Concert - 4 pm on December 16 - “Magnificat”
One of its most celebrated texts of the Advent season is Mary's gentle hymn, the Magnificat. Interspersed throughout the evening will be readings from the King James Bible, and poetry from masters of all ages read by Saint Mary's new rector, the Reverend Nathan Ferrell. If you want to experience the mystery of medieval song, the glory of baroque music, and hear some of Maine's best singers and players celebrate this season, please join us at 4:00pm on Dec. 16th in the Sanctuary. After the concert you are invited to an elegant reception to end the Advent Sparkle Season. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and a family cap of $40.00 and are available on line at, the parish office or coffee hours or at the door.
Godspeed – Saturday morning prayer & running group with Fr. Nathan. Gather at the Parish House at 8 AM any Saturday morning for a time of spiritual encouragement and physical exertion! The runs will be tailored to the abilities of those who gather, but be prepared to be pushed a bit – with mutual love and support, of course.
Fr. Nathan Ferrell: Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at .
Open Door – open conversation time with Fr. Nathan (@FatherNate) on Twitter. Every Tuesday morning from 8 to 9 AM, Fr. Nathan will be live on Twitter and ready to answer any questions that you may have. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea), log in to Twitter, and join the group conversation.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Sunday morning children's program has classes for Preschool through 6th Grade and Nursery Care for children under 3. The theme for 2012-13 is God’s Covenants. We hope that parents will drop children off to the Guiding RAY spaces in plenty of time us to get started at 10am and for them to be able to get over to the church and not interrupt the 10am liturgy. The children join their parents in church for Communion. Watch for our intergenerational services when we all come to church together and worship as a community - great lessons for our young parishioners as well as our seasoned parishioners.
Pageant Practice Continues
All S. Mary's children (4 years and older) are welcome to be part of our Christmas Pageant. Directed by Heather Gale and Jen Means, the Pageant will be incorporated into our 10:00 am worship service on the 4th Sunday of Advent, December 23rd. Pageant practice will be held after church AND during Guiding RAY on Sunday mornings. ALL rehearsals will be held IN the church building immediately following the 10 o'clock service, except those during Guiding RAY time. Children will be asked to attend 4 (out of 5) after-church rehearsals. Remaining practice dates are as follows: December 9th and 16th. A mandatory full dress rehearsal will be held on Saturday, December 22nd at 3:00 pm and is a great time to invite grandparents or neighbors to witness this special performance. If you have any questions please contact Julie Morrison,
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Consider hosting a coffee hour in the Guild Room following the service (either by yourself or with another family. A feast is not needed – just a tidbit to enjoy with the coffee that is already made. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard at 829-2026 by e-mail at
S. Mary's Youth Choir: Under the direction of Betsy Stoddard and the accompaniment of Bruce Fithian, the children (ages 5-13) meet every Sunday immediately following church. Children should meet up front in the pews. We are currently practicing for our Christmas services. If your child doesn't read, we utilize the Suzuki method of listening, listening, listening. CD's are available upon request for families to listen and learn.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Stan Eaton.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s - December 2012
Sunday 9 8:00am The Second Sunday of Advent: Traditional Eucharist
10:00am The Second Sunday of Advent: Contemporary Eucharist
10:00am Guiding RAY workshops in the Guiding RAY spaces
11:30am Altar Guild Clean-up
Monday 10 6:00pm Nominating Committee
Tuesday 11 10:00am Order of St Luke in church
7/7:30pm AA in auditorium/Al-Anon in Guild Room
Wednesday 12 6:00pm Schola rehearses in church
Thursday 13 10:30am Weekday Worship in the church (Morning Prayer)
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 14 4:30pm Traditional Christmas Caroling to the Nursing Homes
5:00pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
7:00pm Classic Cinema featuring ‘Hope & Glory’
Saturday 15 8:00am Godspeed - Run with Father Nathan
Sunday 16 8:00am The Third Sunday of Advent: Traditional Eucharist
10:00am The Third Sunday of Advent: Contemporary Eucharist
10:00am Guiding RAY workshops in the Guiding RAY spaces
4:00pm Sparkles SCHOLA Concert - Magnificat
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