Saint Mary’s Weekly News
For March 17, 2013: The Fifth Sunday in Lent
v Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! v
Our prayers are with the Kiely family following the fire in their home Thursday evening. Those asking and wondering how they may help out, an effort is being organized by one of their neighbors, Kelli. Reportedly, needs today and this weekend are: flashlights, yellow trash bags for Falmouth, work gloves, trash bins, works boots - size 13 men's, trucks to haul trash.
Also Gift cards to Target, local restaurants or Hannaford/Shaw’s would be helpful. Hannah is girl’s size 14/16 (pants or leggings size 12-14 slim) shoe size 6.5. Ike wears kid’s size 10/12 with a shoe size of 6. Hannah loves ballet; Ike loves baseball ( he lost his MLB hat collection in the fireL.) Meals can be delivered to their temporary home and organized through Things can be dropped off at Kelli’s home, 159 Woodlands Dr. Of course, prayers are always welcome!
!!!! Book, Bake & Soup Sale!!! - Saturday, March 16th 9am - 1pm
PLEASE join the family of S. Mary's for the Book, Bake, and Soup Sale on Saturday, from 9 to 1. This event promises to be a rousing, good time! Thousands of WONDERFUL books for ridiculously low prices. Three soups, a fine assortment of baked goods, and Irish soda bread to eat in or take out. ALSO, a special display of S. Mary's "literary set": those among us who have written, illustrated, published books or the like. SUCH FUN to see our own talents "set on a bushel"!!
Also, if possible, plan to help us pack up books on Sunday from 11:30 to 12 for the Salvation Army to pick up.
THANKS to the 30 (yes, 30!!!!) folks who helped move books last night! Your presence was SUCH A GIFT!! On to the BOOK, BAKE, SOUP SALE: workers be there at 8:15.
See you all perusing books and enjoying soup & treats from 9am to 1pm!!
Wednesday Evening Lenten Series: Final Session this Wednesday
“How to Pray without Ceasing” by using the Eastern Orthodox practice of the Jesus Prayer. What does this mean? Is it even possible? Join your parish family for this concluding group discussion led by Fr. Nathan.
Here’s How it Works:
Each week, two or three people prepare soup or beans. Other participants bring a salad, bread, or beverage. See the SIGN-UP TABLE, so we know how much soup to prepare.
*** 6:00 - Soup supper, 6:45 – Discussion, 7:30 - Prayer and clean-up ***
Thursday Lenten Conversations with our Deacon: “Resilience”
Last session this Thursday at 12 noon. In our ever changing lives, one thing is certain and that is that God is with us! Nothing is so certain as change and coping with change is very difficult. Our help is in God who teaches us resilience. Deacon Christine will guide a conversation about resilience based on a collection of articles from "Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life" Copies of each week's article will be available outside the Guild room in advance of each session. Please come!
Help needed for upcoming special Liturgies!
Inserted into this bulletin is a sheet where you can volunteer to participate in the great liturgies of Holy Week and the Triduum. Please look it over, fill it out, and return to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Non-fresh foods for the Maundy Thursday Agape meal need to be brought in before Tuesday, March 30th.
2013 Stewardship Campaign: “All Baptized into One Body”
Christ offered himself freely for us, so that we might live a new life in hope.
In recognition of this gift, we offer portions of our time and treasure so that God can continue to bless the world through the church. Remember to bring your 2013 Pledges on Palm Sunday, March 24, when we will have a special Ingathering. Thank you so much for your vital and faithful support of S. Mary’! Here are our 2013 Pledge results so far:
Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
Thursday, March 21, at 7pm in the Guild Room. Everyone who might be interested is invited to our initial meeting in the Parish House. We will discuss our preparations for this special event. Please bring your questions to this meeting, or contact Fr. Nathan in advance. Bishop Stephen will visit with us on Sunday, October 6 at 5 PM (the Maine Marathon day) in order to celebrate the Eucharist and to offer the laying on of hands. Everyone who feels called to do one of the following is encouraged to join in preparations for this celebration:
· To confirm their baptismal identity as followers of Christ
· To be received into the fellowship of The Episcopal Church from another denomination (and so be eligible for parish leadership positions)
· To reaffirm their trust in God and their commitment to life in Christ
Celebrate or remember your loved ones through floral tributes on the altar.
The Altar Flower Guild is honored to provide flowers not only at Easter but on each Sunday throughout the year (except for Advent and Lent.) You may support these special decorations by donating to the Altar Flower Guild in memory, in honor or in celebration of someone special to you. Please see the enclosed lavender or salmon-colored form or locate one in the back of the church, the guild room or the parish office.
KEYS! All the locks to the doors in the church and Parish House have been changed to our new system of locks. Please see Beth Shaw in the parish office if a key is needed.
New Schedule - Christian Formation: A Dialogue of Art and Faith Class
As you’ve read in the March AVE, during our worship schedule experiment starting in April, one of the class choices is A Dialogue of Art and Faith offered by our own Erin Ferrell, Oscar Mokeme and Lee Snow. It is suggested that those taking this class gather together and see the performance of The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace performed by the Portland Ballet and the Choral Art Society on Friday, April 26th at 8pm. The choreographer of the ballet will be speaking to our group on April 21st . Tickets are available at PortTix: 842-0800 or
(Psst! Keep your eyes open for an Intro to Drawing class for teens and Adults offered by Erin in May and June)
Next Sunday Soup Kitchen Sunday – March 24th
The Fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. We need people to (a) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00. Bless you. Questions? Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or
Legacy Project - Sunday, June 9, 5pm - Consecration, Blessing, Celebration
Please save the date! All parishioners and friends of S. Mary's are invited to welcome Bishop Lane as we give thanks for and celebrate the consecration and blessing of the fruits of the Legacy Project. The service will begin in the church at 5pm, to be followed by a gala reception in the Parish House. Many thanks to Janet Bowne, who has graciously agreed to lead the organizational effort for this event. Watch this space for further information!
Godspeed- S. Mary’s Saturday prayer & running group - Nathan’s ready to run, Saturday, March 16th! Join him and others!
8 am every Saturday morning! All are invited to gather by the Parish House. The group pace will be determined by those who show up, but you can expect to be challenged! Watch the E-News for weekly updates if there are weather concerns.
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at .
Interested in starting a Book Club based at S. Mary’s?
We worship together; we pray, we eat, and we laugh together. Let’s read together too! If interested in helping to charter a S. Mary’s Book Club, please contact Kathy Street, 878-9641 or
Youth Center Ministry needs you!
Our 17 young men are so appreciative and polite. This is such a safe and rewarding ministry! Please consider joining us as a team member once a month for an hour and a half. We would be so grateful if you did so. We played bucket ball, bean bags, Life, Yahtzee, Connect Four, and just talked ... oh, and we ate lots of cookies and drank soda!! See Jim Stoddard, Marian McCue, Bruce Fithian or Becky Pride for more information.
Our children in church
The Guiding RAY Leadership Team is developing new quiet baskets for the children in church. Please look through your toy baskets at home and bring in any coloring books (gently used is fine), drawing books, notebooks, pencils, crayons, lacing cards, magna doodles, etc. Any quiet, interactive activities are most appreciated. Please note we cannot use play-doh, moon sand, markers, or any other items that may damage the kneelers. Anything we can't use will be donated to Goodwill or to Guiding RAY.
Safe Church Trainings this Spring - Great for all working with children or older folks
The Diocese of Maine is sponsoring three Safe Church Training programs which include healthy church practices concerning the safety of ministry with adults, protection of children and youth, and elder abuse prevention. Participants will build an awareness and strive to make our churches safer places for all generations. For complete information about Diocesan Policies and Procedures, the schedule of trainings, and links to register for training, visit
Scheduled trainings: Saturday, March 16 at St. Columba’s in Boothbay Harbor; Saturday, April 13 at St. George’s in Sanford; and Saturday, May 11th at Trinity Church, in Castine.
Emergency Fuel Discretionary Assistance
As the winter continues and the temperatures are still low, let’s not forget to lend assistance to those that are struggling to stay warm. Requests for help come frequently to our office. Emergency Fuel Fund envelopes can be found in the hymnals in each pew. Thank you on behalf of the Outreach Committee and those who truly need the help.
We have just learned that the Falmouth Food Pantry is requesting blankets for families who are forced to keep the heating bills as low as possible.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Lee Snow.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s – March 2013
Sunday 17 8:00am The 5rd Sunday in Lent: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY open downstairs in Parish House
10:00am The 5rd Sunday in Lent: Contemporary Eucharist
Monday 18 10am Garden Club Board meeting in the Guild room
6:00pm Stewardship Team meeting
Tuesday 19 10:00am Order of St. Luke in church
1:00pm Staff meeting
4:00pm Pastoral Partners
5:00pm Prayer Chain
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 20 6:00pm Lenten Soup, Salad & Program - All welcome!
Thursday 21 10:30am Weekday Worship – in the Chapel
12:00pm Resilience Study
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
7:00pm Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation info meeting
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 22 5:00pm Godly Play training begins
5 - 7 pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Saturday 23 8:00am Godspeed prayer & running group (weather permitting)
8:30am Godly Play training continues
9:00am Boy Singers of Maine
9 - 11am Altar Guild Clean-Up
Sunday 24 Sunday of the Passion:
Parishioners meet in the Parish House and process to the church
8:00am Palm Sunday: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY opens downstairs in Parish House
10:00am Palm Sunday: Contemporary Eucharist
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