Saint Mary’s Weekly News
April 7, 2013 – The Second Sunday of Easter
2013 Stewardship Campaign: “All Baptized into One Body ” .
Christ offered himself freely for us, so that we might live a new life in hope.
In recognition of this gift, we offer portions of our time and treasure so that God can continue to bless the world through the church. Thank you to those who brought your 2013 Pledges. If you couldn’t be present at the Ingathering or you have misplaced your form, there are extra pledge forms in the back of the church. We need everyone’s participation. Thank you so much for your vital and faithful support of S. Mary’s!
Here are our 2013 Pledge results so far:
Habitat for Humanity Family and Pet Walk!
Today, April 7th, is Habitat Sunday. There will be a brief presentation to Guiding RAY, and the congregation about the value of Habitat for Humanity and what Habitat contributes in the Greater Portland area. Hands, Feet and Dollar bills will be available in the bulletin for volunteer sign up.
It’s time to start gearing up for Saturday, April 27th . Pancake Breakfast here from 8am to 9am. Official Walk Start Time is at 9am. Registration goes from 8am until 10am.
Foreside Community Church will be the half way turn around this year. Walkers, volunteers and sponsors are needed! For more information or to find out how you can help please contact Anne LaFond -, or 781-8820.
Our Spring Sunday Schedule Experiment!
Beginning on Sunday, April 14, we will experiment with a 7-week trial change in our Sunday morning schedule. At the conclusion of this trial, we will ask for feedback from everyone. The Vestry and the Staff will use this feedback as we make plans for our Sunday schedule in the autumn. The trial schedule from April 14 to May 26 will be as follows:
8:00am Traditional Eucharist followed by coffee hour
9:30am Formation Hour for all ages - adult groups, Guiding RAY classes, and middle school groups
10:30am Contemporary Eucharist for all ages (intergenerational) followed by coffee hour
On April 14, in addition to our regular Guiding RAY classes, there will be one large group meeting in the Auditorium at 9:30am to discuss this question: Where Are We Now?. Come to hear a report on our Stewardship campaign and to discuss our hopes and dreams for the future of this parish. By meeting together in this way, we hope this will be a gentle introduction to the new schedule without having a rush of activity.
On April 14, there will also be a chance for parents to meet with the new Director of Camp Bishopswood, Mike Douglass, in the Guild Room for an informal dialogue about the new summer camp offerings at our diocesan camp located in Hope (near Camden).
Beginning on April 21, in addition to our regular Guiding RAY classes, there will be the following groups meeting during this new Formation Hour (from 9:30 to 10:30am):
How to Discern Your Gifts for Service - led by Fr. Nathan Ferrell in the Auditorium.
A Conversation on Art and Faith -led by Erin Ferrell, Oscar Mokeme, and Lee Snow
in the Guild Room.
Be Still: Open Space for Silence and Prayer – led by Deacon Christine Bennett in our new “Fr. James Chapel.”
Middle Schoolers: Connecting with God – led by Jeff and Diane Campbell in the brand new Youth Rooms downstairs in the Parish House.
All of our adults and teens in the parish are invited to choose one of these groups in which to participate during this trial period. Everyone is invited to participate as much as your schedule allows.
Thursday Morning worship is taking a twist
At 10:30am, Deacon Christine will lead a time of Spiritual Reflection that is open to all. This may include a bible study, a book study, reflective readings as well as follow-ups and conversations.
At 12 noon, each Thursday, Father Nathan will lead a Healing Liturgy usually with Eucharist -great for those who are away for the Sunday service.
Interested in GOING TO HAITI for a week this November?
Please come to an informational meeting this afternoon (April 7th) in the Guild Room for one hour from 4 to 5. Bring your questions, and we'll all share our enthusiasm to volunteer at this wonderful school, Institute Univers, grades K-13!!
Call Becky Pride with any questions!
The Celebration of a New Ministry - Sunday, April 28th at 5:00pm
Mark your calendars for this special occasion and plan on joining Bishop Stephen, other clergy, and the S. Mary’s parish family to celebrate our new era of ministry with Fr. Nathan and the Ferrell family. Bishop Stephen will officially install Father Nathan as Rector of the parish. There will be beloved hymns and a beautiful liturgy that is only heard during this special event followed by a splendid reception in the Auditorium. This will be a wonderful event in life of Saint Mary’s. To help with the reception (start thinking of your favorite hors d’oeuvres to share), please contact Beth Shaw in the Office.
Legacy Project Dedication and Blessing – Sunday, June 9th at 5:00pm
Save the date and join us for the Chapel Dedication and Rededication of the Mother Window. On Wednesday, April 10th, at 4 p.m. the organizing committee will gather to plan for this wonderful event. Join us to share your vision, ideas and energy. Can't make it? Email Janet Bowne ( or call 781-3844 to share your thoughts.
Interested in starting a Book Club based at S. Mary’s?
We worship together; we pray, we eat, and we laugh together – let’s read together too. If interested in helping to charter a S. Mary’s Book Club, please contact Kathy Street, 878-9641
Safe Church Trainings this Spring
The Diocese of Maine is sponsoring three Safe Church Training programs which include healthy church practices concerning the safety of ministry with adults, protection of children and youth, and elder abuse prevention. Participants will build an awareness and strive to make our churches safer places for all generations. For complete information about Diocesan Policies and Procedures, the schedule of trainings, and links to register for training, visit
Scheduled trainings: April 13 at St. George’s in Sanford; and Saturday, May 11th at Trinity Church, in Castine. We have people going to both, so we can car pool!
You’re invited to ‘Walk the Mourner’s Path’
Transforming grief into joyful living. This eight-week class offered by Deacon Christine Bennett, offers ways, in a confidential and quiet setting, to share, learn and understand how grief affects us and how Jesus offers hope and healing. Contact Deacon Christine, 653-2448 or 655-3282, or the parish office with your interest. Hopes to start later in April.
Godspeed- S. Mary’s Saturday prayer & running group
8 am every Saturday morning! All are invited to gather by the Parish House. The group pace will be determined by those who show up, but you can expect to be challenged! Watch the E-News for weekly updates if there are weather concerns.
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at
Our children in church
The Guiding RAY Leadership Team is developing new quiet baskets for the children in church. Please look through your toy baskets at home and bring in any coloring books (gently used is fine), drawing books, notebooks, pencils, crayons, lacing cards, magna doodles, etc. Any quiet, interactive activities are most appreciated. Please note we cannot use play-doh, moon sand, markers, or any other items that may damage the kneelers. Anything we can’t use will be donated to Goodwill or to Guiding RAY.
Join the Souper Supper Team
We offer free community suppers on the second and fourth Friday of each month in the auditorium of S. Mary’s Parish House. The dinners, which will be available to the public at no charge, are served in a family-style setting and consist of a hearty soup or entree, salad or vegetable, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. We’d love to have you join us for a wonderful fellowship dinner or to help out in setup serving or clean-up. Contact Jennifer Gregg if interested or if you would like more information. Support Souper Supper at S. Mary’s, buy Fair Traded “Coffee by Design” Coffee on sale now in the parish office or at coffee hour.
!!! Opening tonight at Oscar Mokeme’s Museum of African Culture
‘The Crowd Around Us and Within Us’
A sculptural interpretation of the beauty and oneness of all humanity via Catherine Stakel. Showing tonight through June.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Paul Engel.
These are festive days of celebration. Following ancient custom, there is no kneeling, no fasting, no confession of sin during this season. The word for “resurrection” in the New Testament (anastasis) literally means “standing up again”, and so we stand up with Christ during these days. From now until the Day of Pentecost, let the joy of the risen Lord be on your lips, in your heart and in your homes.
Smile, give thanks, and sing the “Alleluia” with energy and hope!
Scan this Code for more information about Saint Mary’s!
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s – March 2013
8:00am The Second Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY open downstairs in Parish House
10:00am The Second Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist
Monday 8 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
11:00am Garden Club Meeting
Tuesday 9 8:30am S. Marians volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry
10:00am Order of St. Luke
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff meeting
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 10 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
7:00pm VESTRY meeting
Thursday 11 10:30am Spiritual Reflection in the Chapel
12noon Noonday Healing Liturgy in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA downstairs
Friday 12 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
5:00pm Souper Supper begins
7:00pm Classic Cinema
Saturday 13 8:00am Godspeed outdoors group (weather permitting)
9:00am Boy Singers of Maine
Sunday 14 8:00am The Third Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Formation Hour for all ages
10:30am The Third Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist
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