Saint Mary’s Weekly News
May 19, 2013 - The Day of Pentecost
Rescheduled!! Spring Spruce-Up - Saturday, May 18th , 8am - 12pm
Bring your gloves, rakes, tarps, leaf blowers and willingness to make the Saint Mary’s property ready for Memorial Day. We’ll supply the coffee and goodies.
Our Prayer Concerns for this week
Keith Galli, John Maher, Tom Leighton, Kate Keene, Andrew Leighton, Stella Baumann, Gary Conway, Nat Fenollosa, Chip Hartwell, Roger Murray, Sandy Snow, and Ann Tholen.
2013 Stewardship Campaign: “All Baptized into One Body”
If you have not yet participated, then please do so now (no matter how small or large your pledge.) You can make a pledge on-line through our website, or mail a pledge form into the office. Thank you so much for your vital and faithful support of S. Mary’s!
Here are our 2013 Pledge results so far:
Formation Hour for All Ages continues until May 26!
TODAY - From 9:30 to 10:30am, there will be the following groups meeting, in addition to our regular Guiding RAY classes.
· How to Discern Your Gifts for Service - led by Fr. Nathan Ferrell in the Auditorium. Do you know what your God-given spiritual gift is?
· A Conversation on Art and Faith -led by Erin Ferrell, Oscar Mokeme, and Lee Snow in the Guild Room. Different topics each week.
· Be Still: Open Space for Silence and Prayer – led by Deacon Christine Bennett in our new “Father James Chapel.” With instruction in meditation.
· Middle Schoolers: Connecting with God – led by Jeff and Diane Campbell in the brand new Youth Rooms downstairs in the Parish House.
All of our adults and teens in the parish are invited to choose one of these groups in which to participate during this trial period. Watch for evaluation forms to share your views on this experiment.
Daily Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s & a Healing Liturgy
Every weekday at 12 Noon there is a brief gathering for prayer in the Fr. James Chapel.
PLUS on Thursdays, this gathering takes the form of a Healing Eucharist with the laying on of hands. This is preceded by a time of Spiritual Reflection, open to all, which is led by Deacon Christine at 10:30 am. This may include a bible study, a book study, reflective readings as well as follow-ups and conversations.
Please join us any weekday for Noonday Prayer, and let’s remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where we might be.
We volunteer at St. Elizabeth's Essential Pantry on Tuesday, May 21st
Come and experience the wonder of serving at the Pantry located at St. Luke’s Cathedral. The BEST couple of hours you'll ever spend! 8:30 - 11am. For more information contact Judith Brooks or Betsy Elliman.
Memorial Eucharist for Ruth White: Thursday, May 23, 10:30am
This is the same time as the ‘Thursday Group’ in which Ruth participated for decades. At 107 years of age, Ruth was our oldest parishioner and oldest Falmouth resident. All are invited to come and remember her life among us. May she rest in peace.
HAITI Meeting this afternoon, 5/19 - mission is from Nov. 9th to the 16th!
Dear 2013 Haiti mission team potential travelers and participants,
We're looking at having our initial mission trip retreat meeting Sunday, May 19, at Grace Church in Bath from 1-5 PM. On the agenda will be: getting to know the whole group going; deciding what volunteering opportunities you might be interested in, be it in the elementary school, high school, voc-tech school, or Univers Meidcal clinic to name some of the options. We will also discuss final itinerary and plan for finances, pooling funds for misc. expenses, etc. This is a short video that gives you an oversight of the school. . We can carpool from S. Mary's; please call Becky at 781-4391 or Kelly at 781-3498 to express your interest!
Guiding RAY recognition Sunday is next week: May 26th
Help welcome summer with our Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Hour
Next Sunday morning, May 26th, please join us for an “End-of-the-year shortcake feed” held on the church grounds to help Guiding RAY close out another successful and fun year teaching our children. In case of inclement weather, we’ll go inside.
Refreshments for Memorial Day parade: May 27th 10am
Saint Mary’s sets up refreshments for Falmouth parade goers on our lawn following the parade. If you can help set-up, serve and clean-up, please contact Anne LaFond ( or 781-8820.)
Legacy Project update: Painting, Driveways and Landscaping
Exterior painting continues. From May 14-26, work will proceed on sidewalks, curbing and driveways. During that period, access to the parking lot during the week will be sporadic, so we ask for your patience and forbearance. For those who are able, please consider parking along Rt. 88 and walking onto the campus to ensure your safety.
Concurrently, the last of the landscaping associated with this project will continue in the churchyard and around the parish house.
We are on schedule to finish all by June 5th, just in time to CELEBRATE!
SUNDAY, JUNE 9: One morning liturgy at 9:30 am AND
one at 5pm: Our Legacy Project Dedication
We will be gathering to celebrate the completion of the construction of our new and renovated spaces. Bishop Lane will be our celebrant and preacher for this wonderful service. Please plan to attend and join us for a festive reception after the service. We are also hoping that the cooks of Saint Mary's will rally once again and offer up a savory or sweet item to be shared with all of the attendees! The sign-up sheet for appetizers is at the entrance to the Guild Room.
Out-reaching to you!
Please join members of the Outreach committee at the coffee hours on Sunday, May 19th. We will have great coffee and treats to eat as well as information about groups and organizations we support in addition to initiatives and plans for helping those in need in our community and beyond. We look forward to seeing you.
Save the Date: August 10th - Lobster Bake & Auction
Looking for auction items, helpers and tables to fill!
Contact Betsy or Jim Stoddard with questions or offers, 829-2026
It’s Spring! A great time to visit the our Saint Mary’s Labyrinth
It’s located in front of the rectory and feel free to experience the meditative prayer of walking a labyrinth and know what a powerful spiritual exercise it can be.
The S. Mary’s labyrinth is laid out in the “Chelsea” design. A labyrinth has only one path, so there are no tricks to it and no dead ends. It is not a maze! The path winds on a disciplined way throughout the circle and becomes a mirror for where we are in our lives. It touches our sorrows and releases our joys as we walk it with an open mind and an open heart. The labyrinth is a perfect symbol for us of what we are called to leave behind, what we are invited to receive and to what we are called to return. It is indeed a blessing to have the sacred space of a labyrinth to our historic grounds.
Newcomer's welcome Gathering on Sunday afternoon, June 2nd
On Sunday, June 2nd , a gathering to welcome all "Newcomers & Old Friends Returning" will be held at the residence of Janet & John Corey, 36 Carroll Street, Falmouth. This is an entire family event. If you are new or relatively new or returning to S. Mary's, please come so that you enjoy a warm welcome and good fellowship.
If you plan to attend or have any questions regarding this event please contact Mary Ann McLean, 781-4871 or e-mail
Godspeed prayer & running group
8 am every Saturday morning! All are invited to gather by the Parish House. The group pace will be determined by those who show up, but you can expect to be challenged! Watch the E-News for weekly updates if there are weather concerns.
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at
Attention All Knitters!
The ‘Prayer Shawl Ministry’ is expanding the scope of its work to include other knitting projects. This ministry will now become ‘The Knitting Ministry.’ Our plan is to create scarves to be presented to S Mary’s high school graduates (this year’s are done); and hats (adult, child and baby sizes), mittens (adult, child and baby sizes) (and possibly socks) to donate to Preble Street, St. Elizabeth’s, etc. (in the fall); baby blankets and baby sweaters/layettes to be presented to newborn babies; as well as prayer shawls for new mothers, recent widows/widowers, homebound, chronically ill, those undergoing long-term hospitalization/rehabilitation, etc. If you would be interested in participating in this expanded ministry, please contact Beth Miller 865-3300 or Ginny Stelk 847-3602. Patterns will be supplied to any who need them and would like to do this rewarding work.
Like Us on Facebook!!
If you want to be up-to-date on the day-to-day happenings in this parish community, then please like us on Facebook ( Our page is updated daily with event photos, daily devotions, and news.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Ginny Stelk. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine at any time.
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This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 19 8:00am The Day of Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Formation Hour for all ages
10:30am The Day of Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
Monday 20 AVE DEADLINE – material needed for June edition
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 21 8:30am S. Marians volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry 10:00am Order of St. Luke
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff Meeting
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 22 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Eleanor Goduti Graveside Committal
Thursday 23 10:30am Ruth White Memorial Eucharist
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA downstairs
Friday 24 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:00pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Saturday 25 8:00am Godspeed prayer & running group
9:00am Boy Singers of Maine
3:00pm Drawing Class in the Guiding RAY Art Studio
Sunday 26 8:00am Trinity Sunday: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Formation Hour for all ages
10:30am Trinity Sunday: Contemporary Eucharist and Guiding RAY Recognition Sunday
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