Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for October 6, 2013 – The 20th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Francis Weekend - Oct 4-5-6th
Friday, October 4th: Celebration of the Life of Dorothy Ryan
10:00am in the church sanctuary followed by a gathering at the Portland Yacht Club.
Saturday, October 5th: St Mary’s Garden Club Flower Show
In the Auditorium and Guild Room. Open to the public 10am - 3pm
Saturday, October 5th: The Blessing the Bay – in honor of St. Francis
Get on board this free sunset cruise to bless Casco Bay and the creatures who live in it. We will sing, pray and make Eucharist together. Gather to board the boat at 4:30pm or meet at the church to carpool at 4pm.
Sunday, October 6th: No morning services! The Maine Marathon closes Rt. 88, but Fr. Nathan, Bruce Fithian, Elizabeth Heinzman and Mike Ianno will represent the parish as “the S. Mary’s Godspeed Relay Team.” Please cheer them on!
Sunday, October 6th: Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation with Bishop
5:00pm on Sunday afternoon. All are welcome for a joyous Eucharist with Bishop Steve and to celebrate with 8 Saint Marians who will receive the laying on of hands.
Our prayer concerns for this week
Dana Michael, Peg Pierce, Mary Lygo, Ann Tholen, Roger Murray, Dolores Rich, Nat Fenollosa, Keith Galli, Andrew Leighton, and Lee Snow.
Haiti Social - Don’t miss THIS Wednesday, October 9:
A Gathering to learn more of Haiti and where our missioners will work in November.
Enjoy conversation and information in a relaxed, social setting. Appetizers and beverages with Nate Nickerson of Konbit Sante on this Wednesday, October 9th, from 5 to 6:30 in our Guild Room. The Outreach Committee invites you to this enjoyable event, which will also feature a display of original Haitian art work. Come for a fun and lovely time!!
Spiritual Needs Survey – for VISION 2014
Throughout the month of September, everyone is asked to complete a brief, anonymous 5-question survey about your spiritual life. This will help us to vision together about our future ministries and how we can assist the spiritual growth of each person in our community. Please complete one and place it in one of the 2 Survey collection boxes. You can also complete this on-line at our FaceBook page!
Here is the weblink for the Spiritual Needs Survey.
Dialogue of Art and Faith
Everyone is welcome to join this open group discussion of Art & Faith in all its forms. The discussion group meets on each Sunday morning at 9:15am in the Guild Room.
Godly Play
We offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play for children to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church. Family Chapel begins at 9:15am followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) downstairs in the Parish House at 9:30am. Godly Play utilizes a sensory-based method for biblical, spiritual, and liturgical instruction applicable to both children and adults. Come to volunteer and experience this program for yourself.
Daily Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s
Please join us any weekday for a brief (10 min.) Noonday Prayer in the Chapel, and let’s remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where we might be.
Youth Ministry Notes
“Middlers” group for Middle Schoolers: Sundays at 9 AM
Every Sunday morning, all Middle Schoolers are invited to meet together downstairs for games and a time to learn about our spiritual ancestors. Led by Jeff and Diane Campbell.
Fall Middle School Event: Friday-Sunday, October 18-20
A full weekend for Middle Schoolers (grades 6-8) from all across the Diocese held at St. Luke’s Cathedral. $48 per person (financial aid is available). Good food, swimming, games, skits, music, worship and new friends! Bring a friend.
Falmouth Unites Now In Serving GOD (FUN IS GOD!): High School group
All High Schoolers are invited to come out for monthly town-wide projects with youth from all churches in town, led by area youth. Community Service hours are available!
Next Project: “Releasing the Rays of a Rainbow”: Tie-Dying for The Root Cellar. October 27, 3 – 5:30 pm at 211 Winn Road, Falmouth.
Serving The World
Harvest Community Supper benefits the Food Pantry - Thurs., October 17th
S. Mary’s and the other Falmouth churches and the Jewish community are hosting a free supper in support of the Food Pantry. This fifth annual Harvest Community Supper will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Rd on Thursday, October 17 from 4:30 to 7:00pm. Plan on joining the community for this evening of good food and fellowship. Given the great and growing need of many of our neighbors, there will be an opportunity for free-will donations to support the Falmouth Food Pantry. The supper is free and will include roast turkey and all the fixings, vegetables and homemade apple crisp with ice cream. Again, we need parishioners to help with serving and cleanup. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need in our community. Please contact John Brooks at 781-2097 or for further information.
Upcoming Meetings, Gatherings and Events
Harvest Home Sunday: Sunday, October 13th
Harvest Home is an ancient fall festival born of gratitude for matured crops ready to gather. It originated in Celtic Britain before the Roman conquest and became a non-official ceremony in the early Church of England combining hymn singing, special prayers and decorating with crops of the harvest. Many believe this was part of God’s great plan for “planting” His church in the British Isles, easing the way for missionaries to bring the Gospel to the Celtic tribes. S. Mary’s will be decorated in this way as we give thanks for God’s goodness and as we remember those who receive food help through the Falmouth Food Pantry. More information is located on the Sign-Up Table outside the Guild Room.
Columbus Day All-Parish Hike! Monday, October 14
All are invited for a day hike up to the summit of Old Speck Mountain, Maine’s 3rd highest peak! For all ages (and friendly pets too)! Meet at 8:30am at Saint Mary’s to carpool. Pack your own lunch and water, and bring some cash to stop for dinner together on the way back. Get ready for great views and beautiful fall colors!
Newcomer’s Gathering: Sunday October 20th 4-6pm
On Sunday, October 20th , a gathering to welcome all "Newcomers & Old Friends Returning" will be held. This is an entire family event. If you are new or relatively new or returning to S. Mary's, please come so that you enjoy a warm welcome and good fellowship. If you plan to attend or have any questions regarding this event please contact Beth in the parish office, 781-3366 or Mary Ann McLean, 781-4871 or e-mail
Haitian Souper Supper: October 25th
Friday, October 25th: A terrific evening of delicious Haitian recipes for all of us, followed by an informative and powerful movie called “The Price of Sugar.” This will be a wonderfully fun, delicious, and inspiring parish event! Hopefully, we will have with us at the supper Wesley Saintilnord, a former student at Institute Univers in Haiti and member of Becky Pride’s and Kelly Ianno’s class, who is presently attending a U.S. college. Wesley will join us for dinner and attend church with us, his soccer schedule permitting.
Pastoral Care
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate .
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor today is Ginny Stelk. During the week if you or someone you know needs communion, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine at any time.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Saturday 5 10-3pm S. Mary Garden Club Flower Show - Open to the public
4:30pm The Blessing of the Bay – Eucharist on the Casablanca
(To carpool, meet at the church by 4pm)
Sunday 6 Maine Marathon – no morning services!
5:00pm Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist with Bishop Lane
Monday 7 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 8 10:00am Order of St. Luke
10:00am Staff Meeting
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
4:00pm Walking the Mourner’s Path (session 8 of 8)
5:30pm Mourner’s Path Celebration of the Eucharist, Chapel
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 9 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:00pm Outreach Social with Nate Nickerson of Konbit Sante
7:00pm Bible Study @ the Hurdman’s
Thursday 10 10:00am Wisdom Seekers – small group study for all
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine rehearse
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA in Auditorium
Friday 11 Parish Office Closed on Fridays
12noon Pray - wherever you find yourself
5:00pm Souper Supper for all - free
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
7:00pm Classic Cinema night - free
Saturday 12 9:00am Boy Singers of Maine rehearse (Parent’s meeting)
Sunday 13 Harvest Home Sunday
8:00am The 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:00am Middlers meet
9:15am Family Chapel – in the Chapel
9:15am Faith & Art Discussion Group
10:00am The 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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