Saint Mary’s Weekly News
December 1, 2013 – The First Sunday of Advent
Giving thanks is something we at Saint Mary’s do every day. But this Thanksgiving, I want to thank each and every member of our parish for all of the support given to our mission and ministry. What a year it’s been at Saint Mary’s! We are blessed to have so many talented, dedicated and determined parishioners. Thank you for all you’ve done and will do to continue to on our shared journey in Christ’s path. --Father Nathan
Join us tonight for Saint Mary’s Thanksgiving Eucharist
On Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, November 27th at 7pm. All are welcome for this festive gathering! Bring your relatives and friends. This leaves the whole day on Thursday for you to cook, laugh and be thankful in your own home or the home of a loved one.
Our prayer concerns for this week
For healing: Jen Rothbart, Nat Fenollosa, Andrew Leighton, Roger Murray, Peg Pierce, Dolores and John Rich, and Lynne Shepherd
Sparkles NEWS for December 1st
Today is the beginning of Advent and the Sparkle Festivities.
December 1st, this afternoon, is the Advent Wreath Workshop (in the auditorium) beginning at 3:00 followed by the Advent Service of Lessons & Carols (in the Sanctuary) and Memorial and Thanksgiving Tree Lighting Ceremony. Be sure to stop in Skillin’s and thank them for once again donating the trees.
December 4th (beginning at noon) and 5th - 6th (all day) we need as many helpers as possible to set up for the Sparkles Boutique and Fair. PLEASE bring cookies and baked goods by noon on Fri. Dec, 6th (NOT the 30th.)
Urgent Update!!!: The COOKIE WALK and BAKE SALE need more goodies!! Please help with this successful fund raiser with a contribution of your prettiest Christmas cookies or yummy baked goods. Have them to the church by Friday, Dec. 6th by noon.
December 7th from 9 until 2 pm is the Boutique, Cafe, Cookie Walk and Bake Sale. We need volunteers downstairs in the Guiding RAY space by 8:00 am.
Please come shopping and bring your friends. Also, this year there will be a card which can be punched at both the S. Mary's Fair and the Foreside Community Church Fair and then can be dropped in the raffle bowl at Skillin's. A card will be pulled for a $25.00 gift certificate for Skillin’s Greenhouse.
December 15th is the Sparkles Benefit Concert; this year it will be the St. Mary’s Schola presenting "What Child Is This?" This delightful concert is followed by the gala reception which officially ends the Sparkle Season. If you have not already purchased tickets for this wonderful event, they are still available in the office or at the door. The concert begins at 4:00 in the Sanctuary. All proceeds go to S. Mary's.
Youth Ministry Notes
“The Middlers”
The Middlers are “on break” during the holidays and will restart in early 2014!
Greater Falmouth Young Life is being launched!
Anyone with a passion to help our area teens to know about God’s love for them is invited to our next Committee meeting on December 3 at 7 PM. This is an ecumenical ministry which, God willing, will have impact upon our communities for many years to come. Help us to build the foundation now! Please ask Fr. Nathan for more information.
FUN IS GOD High School group gathers monthly! Our next outing will be:
2:30 – 4:30pm, Sunday, December 15: “Creating a Christmas Carol Chorus”.
We will meet at the front door of the Main Lodge at Ocean View and walk the halls singing Christmas Carol for the elders. Questions? Call Jane Stegemann 797-8422 or Ruth 239-0482. All youth are welcome. Bring your friends!
Godly Play - Christian Formation for our younger Christians
We offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church with our children. Family Chapel begins at 9:15am followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) begin downstairs in the Parish House at 9:30am. The nursery also opens at 9:15 for our infants and preschoolers.
2013 Christmas Pageant! Following a quick snack at coffee hour, gather in the Guiding RAY spaces with Mrs. Otte, our Pageant Director. Remaining Pageant Rehearsal Schedule: December 8 and 15 - after the 10am service
December 21: DRESS REHEARSAL - arrive at 2:30 PM
December 22, 10am: The Pageant!
Advent Wreath Workshop: This afternoon - Sunday, December 1 at 3 PM
All are welcome to this family-friendly time to make Advent wreaths and gather resources for observing Advent at home, and to learn about the real Saint Nicholas. Please sign-up in the Parish House so that we can make sure to have enough resources for everyone!
Then stay for the Advent Lessons and Carols and lighting of the Memorial Tree. Don't miss it! FMI:
Serving The World
Saint Mary’s Giving Tree this year to help U.S. Marine’s Toys for Tots program
This year those of us who wish to do so are encouraged to give new toys, dolls, stuffed animals, games, trucks, clothing, etc to young people in need in our area. All of our gifts will be delivered to Toys for Tots on December 17th. Rather than wrap your gifts, please place new items under the tree in the foyer of the auditorium under the giving tree. Children from 1 to 18 will be thrilled to receive gifts on Christmas morning thanks to your kindness and generosity. Deadline for giving is December 17th.
Advent Caroling! December 13, 4pm. Adults and children are encouraged to gather at 4pm for caroling at Falmouth by the Sea and Foreside Harbor, followed by a hearty meal (and singing for your supper...) at S. Mary's SOUPER SUPPER. Sign-up in the Auditorium at coffee hour!
Meetings, Gatherings and Events
S. Mary’s Book Group
Please come!! We will be discussing (Pulitzer Prize-winning author) Wallace Stegner’s book Crossing to Safety on Tuesday, December 3rd at 2pm. It is a wonderful narrative about the lifelong relationship of two couples. You are warmly encouraged and welcome to read and join us!
Ushers Get-Together on Wednesday, December 4th
We’re meeting in the Church at 7:00 PM for 30-45 minutes of walk-throughs to hone our ushering skills. Then we’re going over to the Foreside Tavern for some good cheer. Hoping all ushers can attend and also inviting anyone new that would like to participate in this fun, yet important, ministry. Father Nathan will lead our meeting. Questions/comments can be directed to Jack Heinzman at or his cell at (207) 650-4311. This is a great chance to join in!
Art and Faith Dialogue Group
Everyone is welcome to join this open group discussion of Art & Faith in all its forms. The discussion group meets on each Sunday morning at 9:15am in the Guild Room.
Spiritual nourishment for all: Thursdays at Saint Mary’s
All are welcome for a time of spiritual refreshment and community. If you need help with transportation or childcare in order to participate, provisions can be made. Please ask!
10:30am: Wisdom Seekers – meditation and spiritual conversations with Deacon Christine on the Gospel for the coming Sunday. All are welcome to join us for this group discussion and some mid-morning munchies!
12noon: Healing Eucharist with the laying on of hands for healing. All are welcome; you do not need to be ill. This is a brief, special, intimate liturgy in the Chapel.
Pastoral Care
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call him anytime on his cell at 609-410-7573.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor today is Deacon Christine Bennett. During the week if you or someone you know needs communion, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine.
Pastoral Notes
David Lloyd-Rees passed away on November 22. The family will gather for a private Burial Office and Committal on Friday, December 6.
John MacDonald passed away on November 25. The family will gather for a private Burial Office on Saturday, December 14.
Earl Hathaway’s family and friends will gather for a Burial Eucharist at 2pm on Friday, December 20.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 1 8:00am The 1st Sunday of Advent: Traditional Eucharist
9:15am Family Chapel & Art and Faith Discussion group
10:00am The 1st Sunday of Advent: Contemporary Eucharist
Monday 2 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
3-5:00pm Middle School cooking class in kitchen
Tuesday 3 10:00am Order of St. Luke
10:00am Staff Meeting
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
2:00pm S. Mary’s Book Club
6:00pm Schola rehearsal
7:00pm Young Life Committee meeting @ Stegemann’s
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 4 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
12 - 2pm Mainely Weavers Christmas meeting in the Guild Room
3-6:00pm Art classes in downstairs kitchen
7:00pm Budget & Finance Committee
7:00pm Ushers Meeting
Thursday 5 8:30am Falmouth Ecumenical Clergy meeting @ Emmaus Lutheran
10:30am Wisdom Seekers
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine rehearsal
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
Friday 6 Parish Office Closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Saturday 7 9am - 2pm Sparkles Christmas Fair
9:00am Boy Singers of Maine rehearsal
Sunday 8 8:00am The 2nd Sunday of Advent: Traditional Eucharist
9:15am Family Chapel & Art and Faith Discussion group
10:00am The 2nd Sunday of Advent: Contemporary Eucharist
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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