Sunday we switch to Daylight Savings time – set clock ahead 1 hour.
Saint Mary’s Weekly News
March 9, 2014 – The First Sunday in Lent
Our prayer concerns for this week
For healing: Michelle Bilodeau, Peter Bramhall, Lynda Conner, Andrew Leighton, Mary Lygo, Roger Murray, Brian Pettingill, Peg Pierce, Grace Robinson, Eileen Shortell, and John Unfricht.
For those deployed: For Shea Bickerstaff, serving with the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf, for his family and for all active-duty military personnel and family.
S. Mary's-Habitat Work Day! Saturday, March 8th – Freeport
NEW Time: 8:30 – 1:30pm (lunch at 12:30)
This is a wonderfully fun, local Outreach Mission opportunity! We will be working INDOORS in Freeport! NO existing skills necessary, as you will be taught on the job! Must be at least 16 years of age (liability requirement). If you would rather not work a shift, we also need lunch for the workers at noon! Sign-up sheet outside of the Guild Room or contact Jennifer Gregg (
There are guests with us this Sunday whom we are grateful and honored to welcome
We are happy to have with us today many Girl Scouts, past and present, who are celebrating their 102nd birthday as a leading organization for girls that instills lessons of leadership and service to others. Let’s cheer them on.
We are also happy to have members of Casco Bay CAN with us during coffee hour. Together, we can help prevent youth substance abuse. Stop by their table and feel free to ask question and/or get involved.
God's power at work within us!
Amen! Saint Mary's is truly blessed. In the last week, over 80 parishioners have pledged their support to help us carry out our ministries. And each day's mail delivers more completed pledge forms. Thank you to everyone who has shared their intentions with us. If you haven't sent your pledge form in, there's still time. Scan it, mail it or drop it by the Parish Office. Thank you!
Youth Ministry Notes
Godly Play - Christian Formation for our younger Christians
On regular Sundays from September to June, we offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church with our children. Family Chapel begins at 9:15am followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) begin downstairs in the Parish House at 9:30am. The nursery also opens at 9:15 for our infants and preschoolers. “The Middlers” also meet 9:30 to 10:35 AM on Sunday mornings!
FUN IS GOD High School group gathers monthly! Next one will be:
Sunday, March 23, 2014, 1:00-6:00 (youth, choose all or part of event) In response to a recent article in The Forecaster about the needs of the Falmouth Food Pantry, the youth are changing their focus and event to collect canned food and rolls of toilet paper for the FFP.
12:45 meet at Expo for free Red Claws game: 1:00-2:30 ish
2:45 drive to Falmouth Food Pantry
3-5Falmouth Food Pantry to contribute food, t.p. and stock shelves and enjoy snack together
Why: God absolutely wants us to have fun by serving others and ourselves! ("love thy
neighbor AS thyself")
Serving The World
Book, Bake and Soup Sale in support of Outreach: March 22
As part of our 2014 Outreach Project, S. Mary's is holding its Book, Bake & Soup Sale on Sat., March 22nd, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. WE NEED YOU to: donate books, videos, games & puzzles; sort books; sell books; BAKE for the bake sale; clean-up. Please sign up to help in whatever way you are able and willing. There are sign-up sheets outside the Guild Room. Regarding books, games or puzzles: Please leave all donations downstairs on the HUGE table in the big storage room. Please, NO used textbooks, encyclopedia sets, or magazine sets.
Recyclers Unite! Help Keep S. Mary's "Green!"
Can you lend ONE hour of your time to S. Mary's in 2014? That's all it will take to help S. Mary's continue our recycling program! You will be assigned one month during the year (or more, if you wish) during which we ask that you gather recyclables to put out for curb-side pick-up each Tuesday of that month. Quick, easy and NO meetings!!
FMI: Jennifer Gregg ( or Beth Shaw (
Meetings, Gatherings and Events
2014 Class for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
Initial meeting - Sunday, March 9, at 11:30am. Everyone who might be interested is invited to our initial meeting in the Parish House. We will discuss our preparations for this special event. Please bring your questions to this meeting, or contact Fr. Nathan in advance. Bishop Steve will visit with us for Confirmation on Sunday, November 9th at 5 PM
Who should come to this meeting and join this class? Those who wish:
· To confirm their baptismal identity as followers of Christ
- To be received into the fellowship of The Episcopal Church from another denomination (and so be eligible for parish leadership positions)
- To reaffirm their trust in God and their commitment to life in Christ
The Book Group at Saint Mary's will meet on Monday, March 31. 2:00,
to discuss Toni Morrison's "Beloved" Her novel won the 1988 Pulitizer Prize for fiction. The story takes place in post-Civil War Ohio and is about an escaped slave. Please call Kathryn Street, the host, 878-9641, for more details. Everyone is welcome!
Wednesday Afternoons at S. Mary’s
(starting March 12th for 6 weeks) 3:15- 4:15pm for ages 9-15years
lTHE STUDIO @ Saint Mary's teaching 1) Painting and Color Relationships: A Visual Art Feast of Color Exploration ( Adult classes 4:45 - 6pm) and 2) Comic Book Illustration
lTutoring @ Saint Mary's teaching 1) Academic Fundamentals and 2) Tutorial or enrichment work with first or second grade students plus some piano
See attached information sheet or contact
What are your unique God-given Spiritual Gifts? Come find out!
Two Sundays afternoons in March (March 16th and 23rd, 4 - 6pm)
Join Fr. Nathan for these two sessions where we will study the biblical understanding of spiritual gifts and explore how our personal passions and styles are used by God for the benefit of others. Every person has a special role to play in God’s mission, and each one of us needs to find this!
Pre-session Prep: Before March 16, all who wish to participate must complete a Spiritual Gifts Experience Assessment. Pick one up ASAP in the Parish Office!
Men’s Snowshoe Adventure: March 13-15
ALL men of any age or ability are invited to join us as we journey up into the Carrabassett Valley for yet another snowshoe adventure. “The Edwards Lodge” construction is now complete. We’ll depart after work on Thursday evening, snowshoe to a mountain summit on Friday, and return to Saint Mary’s on Saturday. Bring your Nordic or Telemark skis also, if you have them. Questions? Ready to join the fun? Please speak with Fr. Nathan!
Lenten Soup & Salad Program: Wednesday evenings in Lent
Chanting for All: An Ancient Spiritual Practice for Contemporary Christians
Can you talk? If so, then YOU can chant! Come and learn about the ancient practice of chanting from Fr. Nathan and Bruce Fithian during our Lenten Supper Program which begins on Wednesday, March 12, at 6 PM in the Auditorium. Each week, we will all learn to chant portions of the ancient monastic Compline office, which we will all chant together on April 9 at 7 PM. No musical knowledge or skill is required. If you learn this, then you can begin to chant all of your daily prayers and discover a new way to draw close to God in this ancient practice.
Pastoral Care
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call him anytime on his cell at 609-410-7573.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor today is Paul Engel. If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins - Set clocks ahead 1 hour
8:00am The First Sunday in Lent: Traditional Eucharist
9:00am Coffee Hour in the auditorium
9:15am Family Chapel – for all families and children
9:15am Art and Faith Discussion group
9:30am Guiding RAY begins and the Middlers gather
10:00am The First Sunday in Lent: Contemporary Eucharist
11:00am Coffee Hour in the auditorium with Casco Bay CAN
11:30am Confirmation, Receiving & Reaffirmation meeting
5 - 7pm Bible Study in Freeport – at the Unfricht’s
Monday 10 10-1pm Garden Club Ikebana presentation
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 11 Saint Marians volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff meeting
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 12 6:00pm Lenten Soup & Salad Series
Thursday 13 10:30am Wisdom Seekers Bible Study
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
5:00pm Men’s snowshoe adventurers depart S. Mary’s
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
Friday 14 Parish Office Closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer – wherever you find yourself
5:00pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
7:00pm Classic Cinema featuring “Crossfire”
Saturday 15 9:00am Boy Singers of Maine rehearse
Sunday 16 8:00am The Second Sunday in Lent: Traditional Eucharist
9:00am Coffee Hour in the auditorium
9:15am Family Chapel – for all families and children
9:15am Art and Faith Discussion group
9:30am Guiding RAY begins and the Middlers gather
10:00am The Second Sunday in Lent: Contemporary Eucharist
4 - 6pm “What are your Spiritual Gifts?”
1 - 3pm Guiding RAY team review
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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