Thursday, May 22, 2014

S. Marys eNEWS for 5.25.14

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

May 25, 2014 – The Sixth Sunday in the Great Fifty Days

Our prayer concerns for this week

For healing:  Dodie Clifford,  Jacci Evans, Kathryn Bouchard, Larry Bennett, Marion Abramo, Michelle Bilodeau, Paula Gardner, Charlie Hunt, Kathryn Kuehn, Andrew Leighton, Andrea Markos, Arthur Markos, Roger Murray, Brian Pettingill, Peg Pierce.

***IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, please write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


Welcome Harold Stover to the Organ Loft

We are so blessed and thankful to have Harold Stover with us this Sunday.  Many of you know of Harold Stover from his many years at Woodford’s Church in Portland, the director of Renaissance Voices,  as a faculty member at the Portland Conservatory of Music or as an accomplished recital organist or composer that he is.  Before moving to Maine, Harold had a 25 year career in Manhattan as a teacher, choirmaster and musician following his graduation from the Julliard School of Music.  We are delighted to have you with us this Sunday morning. 

2015 Leadership Nominations:  We need your input!   2 more weeks!

This year the Nominating Committee is requested to recruit parishioners to fill the 2015 positions of Sr. Warden and Jr Warden; four (4) three year-terms on the Vestry; one (1) one-year term on the Vestry; and four (4) delegates and three alternates to the 2015 Diocesan Convention.  For the Nominating Committee to be successful in its task, we need your input with nominations of eligible parishioners who you believe to be best suited for these key parish leadership positions.  If you are interested, please nominate yourself!  Nominations will be accepted through June 8, 2014.  Ballots and a ballot box will be placed in the Guild Room and the Narthex of the church for your use.


Whose gift did we receive?  Someone sent shares of Coca-Cola to our broker account.  It came anonymously, so if you wouldn’t mind contacting Beth in the parish office, 781-3366, then we will credit the rightful donor.  And thank you for your generosity!

Like us on Facebook and Twitter!

While we work on the re-development of our website, our Facebook page and Twitter feed are the best ways to keep up with parish news on the internet! Like us, follow us and be up to speed on our parish life!   AND   @SMaryFalmouth 


Serving The World

Preble Street Soup Kitchen: THIS Sunday, May 25 

The Fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen.  We need people to (a) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00.  Bless you. Questions?  Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or 


Camp Bishopswood Reminder  May 30 - June 1 –Spring Work Week-End

Join alumni, campers and their families and friends of the Camp to prepare the camp for the expected 700 campers they will welcome during the course of the summer!  The list of projects include building a compost pit, building 3 rope course elements, building a movie screen, lots of tree trimming, cleaning of indoor and outdoor  buildings and windows...and more!  Your week-end is free of all cost.    Reserve a cabin for the week-end or just come for Saturday.  Questions?  Contact Harold Otte (haroldotte@AOL.COM)

      Looking for more info on the Camp Bishopswood experience?  Check it out at


St. Elizabeth’s Essential Pantry: Tuesday, June 3 from  9 - 11 am

All are welcome to serve those in need in Portland at Saint Elizabeth’s. A group from Saint Mary’s will be there on Tuesday morning. Enter from the parking lot behind St. Luke’s Cathedral on Park Street.


Join the Souper Supper Team

We offer free community suppers on the second and fourth Friday of each month in the auditorium of S. Mary’s Parish House.  The dinners, which are available to the public at no charge, are served in a family-style setting and consist of a hearty soup or entree, salad or vegetable, bread, homemade desserts and beverages.  We’d love to have you join us for a wonderful fellowship dinner or to help out in setup serving or clean-up.  Contact Jennifer Gregg if interested or if you would like more information.


Youth Ministry Notes

Godly Play: Christian Formation for our young people

On regular Sundays from September to June, we offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church with our children. 

Family Chapel with Fr. Nathan is at 9:15 am in the Chapel. This is followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) downstairs in the Parish House beginning at 9:30am. The nursery also opens at 9:15 am for our infants and preschoolers.    

Middlers meet Sundays from 9:30 – 10:35am.

The Middlers Celebation Project: This Sunday, May 25, 11:30 AM to 2 PM

All the Middlers are invited to wear (or bring) their outdoor work clothes on Sunday, May 25.  After Coffee Hour, they will join Fr. Nathan in volunteering to repair trails in Pine Grove Preserve (across the street). After this, it’s ice cream for everyone at Super Scoops!


Young Life Club in Portland: Wednesday, May 28, 7:10 PM

All current and rising High Schoolers are invited to experience Young Life this Wednesday night. Club meets at the Deering Grange (1408 Washington Ave, Portland). No need to bring anything, but invite your friends to join you for a great time with a really great group of young people.

Meetings, Events & Notes

The Burying of old Bibles:  June 1, 11:30 am

Do you have an old Bible or Prayer Book that is damaged, worn out, or no longer useable? Bring it to Saint Mary’s, and we will bury it and return it to the earth with a respectable burial in an inconspicuous part of our grounds. All are welcome to join Nathan+ for this special event after Coffee Hour, and he especially needs help from our parish children!

Notice of a Special Meeting of the Parish: Sunday, June 15, 10:30 AM

A Special Meeting of the members of The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin is scheduled for Sunday, June 15, at 10:30 AM to vote on a request to Thomas G. Ainsworth, Esquire, of South Portland, Maine, the Trustee of the Ruth Eddy White Trust for the benefit of the Church which was established under the will of Ruth Eddy White dated April 22, 2008, that he exercise his sole and absolute discretion to distribute all of the undistributed income and principal in the Trust to the  Church, with one-half to be added to the S. Mary’s Programs Endowment Fund and one-half to be added to the S. Mary’s Buildings and Grounds Endowment Fund.

The Vestry has called for this Special Meeting to be held at the start of our gathering with Bishop Steve in order to discuss the future mission of our parish family. 


 Ascension Day Potluck, Haiti Video & Eucharist: Thursday, May 29

Everyone is invited to gather for a Community Potluck Dinner at 6 pm, during which we will hear once again from our three Haiti missionaries and view the excellent video which documents their experience back in November.  At 7 pm, we will move into the church for our Ascension Day Eucharist. This marks the 40th day after the Resurrection, when the Lord left the apostles and returned to life in the spiritual realm – but now clothed with the full humanity of his incarnate life. We will remember and celebrate this together. Please come to either the Potluck or the Eucharist – or both, as your schedule allows.

Memorial Day Parade and Refreshments: Monday, May 26

Once again, the Falmouth parade will end at the Pine Grove Memorial across the street around 10:45 AM. After this, all are invited for refreshments under the tent on our front lawn. Please consider joining us for this event as a ministry opportunity to greet our guests and visitors and to give them a tour of our beautiful church and campus.



Cleaning Closets?  Downsizing?  Closing and Estate?  Be sure to consider donating your unique items, family treasures or gently used household goods to the Sparkles Boutique.  Donation dates are not until Fall but if you need help with storage, please call Jan Mordarski (899-4099) or Onnie Hatings ( 878-6683) and we can make arrangements.


Safe Church Training Sessions for the Spring

The Diocese of Maine's Safe Church Training program includes healthy church practices for the safety of any ministry with adults, the protection of children and youth, and elder abuse prevention. Everyone working with children and youth, and senior adults, are encouraged to attend one of the all-day training sessions.  One more is remaining:

June 7: 9am – 3pm in Augusta


Spiritual nourishment for all: Thursdays at Saint Mary’s   

All are welcome for a time of spiritual refreshment and community. If you need help with transportation or childcare in order to participate, provisions can be made. Please ask!

10:30am:       Wisdom Seekers –Bible Study and small group discussion

  12noon:         Healing Eucharist with the laying on of hands for healing. All are welcome. You do not need to be ill. This is a brief, informal liturgy in the Chapel.

Saturday, August 9:  S. Mary's 10th Annual Lobster Bake & Auction

To be held on our lawns, weather permitting. Beginning at 4:30 pm, rain or shine, join fellow parishioners, family and friends for fun, fellowship and feasting. Lobster/Steamer dinner= $30, BBQ Chicken dinner= $10, and grilled burgers and hotdogs= $5. To purchase tickets, contact Beth in the office 781-3366, or Betsy & Jim Stoddard, 829-2026,

The Auction Committee has received many live and silent auction items thus far. Kindly consider donating an auction item to this event.  Can you offer a service or an experience? Gift certificates are very popular. If you prefer to underwrite any portion of this event, your monetary donation would gladly be appreciated.  We are looking for a co-chair for this wonderful annual event; if interested please contact either Warden or Betsy or Jim Stoddard. 


Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s

Every weekday at 12 Noon there is a brief gathering for prayer in the Fr. James Chapel.

(On Thursdays, this gathering takes the form of a Healing Eucharist.) Please join us any weekday for Noonday Prayer, and remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where you might be. What a great way to lift each other up! 


Please be mindful of our beautiful kneelers

The beautiful works of art that grace our church and provide a cushion for our knees during time of prayer suffer when shoes are put on them.  The grit and dust works its way into the needlepoint and can slowly wear away at the stitches; repairs can only be made when the kneeler is taken apart and reupholstered.  Please also be very careful not to drip candle wax on them (pushing the kneeler under the chair gets it out of harm's way), and please don't use the kneelers as a table when using markers and crayons.  The Kneeler Guild team thanks you very much!

Saint Mary’s Godspeed Team – Runners needed!

We have a few months until the Maine Marathon (October 5) when our Godspeed Team will be running again. Last year, we had a 4-person relay team, and this year we are hoping for even more runners to join the team!  We hope to have a meeting in late June to get organized and discuss a fundraising goal for a worthy cause. If you are interested in joining the Team, please let Nathan+ know right away. Runners of all abilities are welcome. The more, the merrier!

Pastoral Care

Communicating with Fr. Nathan   

Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning.  The Eucharistic Visitor today is Stan Eaton.  If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine.





This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday                      25      Preble Street Soup Kitchen – our Sunday of service – all are welcome

                                           8:00am       The Sixth Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                           9:15am       Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                           9:30am       Guiding RAY begins

                                           10:00am       The Sixth Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist

                                           11:15am       Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                           11:30am       Middlers project & ice cream celebration

Monday                     26      Memorial Day -  parish offices are closed for the holiday

                                           10:00am       Memorial Day parade begins at the American Legion

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

Tuesday                     27      12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                           3:00pm       “Food for the Soul” at Foreside Harbor

                                           4:00pm       Prayer Chain meeting

                                           7:00pm       AA in Auditorium

                                           7:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday       28    12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                           7:00pm       Bible Study @ the Hurdman’s

Thursday                   29      10:30am       Wisdom Seekers Bible Study

                                           12noon       Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                           4:00pm       Boy Singers of Maine

                                           6:00pm       Ascenion Day potluck dinner & Haiti trip video

                                           7:00pm       Ascenion Day Eucharist in the church

Friday                        30      Parish Office is closed on Fridays

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

                                           5:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Saturday                    31      9:00am       Boy Singers of Maine

                                           4:00pm       Huntley-Billings wedding

Sunday     June 1       8:00am       The Seventh Sunday of Easter: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                           9:15am       Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                           9:30am       Guiding RAY begins

                                           10:00am       The Seventh Sunday of Easter: Contemporary Eucharist: Celebration of our 2014 Graduates

                                           11:15am       Coffee Hour in the auditorium

                                           11:30pm     Burying of old Bibles – all are welcome to help out!




Who are we? 

The Vestry recently approved the following

mission statement for our parish family:



At The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary, we are building authentic, vibrant, Christ-centered community as we …

v Celebrate the goodness of God and the gift of life,

v Honor the presence of Christ in one another, and

v Serve the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.






Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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