Tuesday, August 26, 2014

S. Mary's eNEWS for 8.24.14

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

August 24, 2014 – The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Our prayer concerns for this week

For healing:  John Abramo,  SuzanneBauer, Larry Bennett, Michelle Bilodeau, Terry Cassavant, Dodie Clifford, Lilian Davidson, Paula Gardner, Angela Kase, Kathryn Kuehn, Andrew Leighton,  Arthur Markos, Roger Murray, Karen Mynahan, Peg Pierce, Dennis Pike, John Reny, Phil Stegemann, Ann Tholen, Barbara Thurston, Jim Whittemore.

For those deployed: For Mark Winter, who is serving in Cuba with the U.S. Navy, for his family, Meredeth, Will and Ellie, and for all active-duty military personnel and family.

***IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, please write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or smary@smary.org).


Summer Worship Schedule

Sunday worship will be at 8:00 and 9:30 AM (instead of 10am until September 7)  There will be no Guiding RAY classes or Middlers, but there will be nursery all summer.

Mass On The Grass: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. A brief, informal, outdoor Eucharist that is interactive and multi-sensory and appropriate for all ages. Bring your own lawn chair and/or blanket. If inclement weather, we’ll gather in the Chapel. August 27th is last MotG for the summer.

The Thursday noon Healing Eucharist and the Spiritual Reflections with Deacon Christine  will both take a brief hiatus during the summer months. Thursday Eucharist to resume on September 4th.  Please join us for Noonday Prayer in the chapel.


NEW  Stewart Adult Day Center – come find out about it!

Southern Maine Agency on Aging is bringing a new social services resource to the Falmouth area.  Opening this Fall on Lunt Road.  SMAA is holding an informational meeting and presentation on Tuesday, August 26 at 6pm at the Falmouth Memorial Library.  For more information call 396-6516  or visit www.smaaa.org

Serving The World

Join us !!!

Lend a Helping Hand – One-Day Mission Trip - Saturday, September13

Saint Mary’s Outreach members and all interested helpers (maybe you!) are gathering at S. Mary’s to carpool to Wiscasset to assist the St. Philip’s Church members in converting their rectory to a Women’s Community Home.  There’s something to do for everyone!  Weeding, raking, scraping, washing windows, painting.  Our missioners will leave S. Mary’s parking lot at 8am and return by 5pm for a wonderful day helping our neighbors!  There’s a sign-up sheet outside the Guild Room and Becky Pride (781-4391 or rebeccapride@gmail.com) can any questions you may have.


Adopt a Bed – Last summer and this summer we have employed two teenagers who weed and mulch areas of the campus.  They have each averaged 5 hours of work a week.  We have not been able to complete a circuit of the full property in that time and we have had a banner year for weeds.  Note that the work does not include the formal beds behind the chapel that are beautifully maintained by members of St. Mary’s Garden Club.  The teenagers will be returning to school soon.  Would you be interested in adopting a bed?  You get to pick the area and your commitment would simply be to keep an eye on it and weed it!  If you are interested, let me know.  Lucy Ellis, Landscape Team 450-3650.


Preble Street Soup Kitchen: THIS  Sunday, August 24 

The Fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen.  We need people to (a) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00.  Bless you. Questions?  Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or mmccue@maine.rr.com 


Youth Ministry Notes


Guiding RAY Summer Nursery Care

Though Guiding RAY classes end on June 8th, Nursery Care will continue throughout the summer from 9:15-10:30 thanks to the devoted service of Alison Hayward and several volunteers.  Thank you! 

Meetings, Events & Notes

Conversation, Creativity, Coffee!!!

Jody Liddell and Ginny Stelk would like to invite anyone who has an interest in knitting their own project, prayer shawls, prayer scarves, mittens, baby caps or blankets; needlepoint projects, quilting projects, crocheting, or any other creative outlet, to join them on September 30 (Tuesday), at 10:00am, in the Parish House.  We think it would be fun and supportive to gather frequently, so on September 30, we will try to decide how often, a good time of day, when and where to gather.  This is not intended to be a group of just “pros”, so please come regardless of ability.  PLEASE JOIN US.

If you cannot come September 30, but are interested, please let Jody (233-2344, jlidj@aol.com ) or Ginny (847-3602, lstelk@maine.rr.com) know, and we will keep you informed.  You can also let Beth know in the Parish Office.


WELCOME HOME Cookout and Festivities:  September 7 – Save the Date!!

It’s coming soon! Mark your calendars now and plan on joining together for our festive “Welcome Home” from all of our summer travels.  Plans are being made now to kick off our new Program Year with energy! The Middlers will meet on this day and families will be invited to tour the Guiding RAY spaces downstairs.

Any ideas for fun that you have will be welcome.  Some events kids love are water balloons, relay races, face painting, bowling, and of course, the bounce house.   If you can host a game, we need you!!   Also sign up to bake a whole cake or cupcakes for the Cake Walk that day also.  To help out or provide a cake/cupcakes, please email Heather Gale hpgale@earthlink.net . Let’s work together to celebrate the children of S. Mary’s and to welcome them back for a new year in Guiding RAY!   Following the second service on the 7th, at 11:15 am, there will be a cookout on the lawn. Hospitality will grill hamburgers and hotdogs and provide beverages. Families are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share. If your last name begins with           

        A-L please bring a salad,                M-Z please bring a dessert

A sign-up sheet is outside the Guild Room. To help with set-up, cooking or clean up or with any questions, call Anne LaFond 781-8820 or email alafond@maine.rr.com.


Watch for updates on the September 2nd Parish Council meeting. 



Pastoral Care


Communicating with Father Nathan   

Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at nathanferrell@smary.org or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Eucharistic Visitors

take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning.  The Eucharistic Visitor this Sunday is Paul Engel.   If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine.


This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday                      24      8:00am       The Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour

                                           9:30am       The Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist 

                                           10:45am       Coffee Hour


Monday                     25   12noon  Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Tuesday                     26      8:30 11am   S. Mary’s volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                           1:00pm       Staff Meeting

                                           3:00pm       Food for the Soul at Foreside Harbor

                                           7:00pm       AA in Auditorium

                                           7:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday               27      12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                           1 – 3pm      FCC group

                                           6:00pm       Dowers meet in the Guild Room

                                           6:30pm       Mass on the Grass

Thursday                   28      Katahdin adventurers leave until Saturday afternoon

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Friday                        29      Parish Office is closed on Fridays

                                           7:30   -3pm Pine Grove School Training

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

                                           5:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Sunday                      31      8:00am       The Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour

                                           9:30am       The Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist 

                                           10:45am       Coffee Hour

       Sunday, September 7th - Regular Sunday service hours resume -  8am and 10am



Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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