Saturday, September 6, 2014

S. Mary's eNEWS for 9.7.14

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

September 7, 2014 – The 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Our prayer concerns for this week

For healing: John Abramo, Suzanne Bauer, Larry Bennett, Michelle Bilodeau, Terry Cassavant, Dodie Clifford, Lilian Davidson, Marge Devine, Paula Gardner, Angela Kase, Kathryn Kuehn, Arthur Markos, Shelly Maher, Karen Mynahan, Linda Nutter, Peg Pierce, Dennis Pike, John Reny, Liz Richter, Phil Stegemann, and Ann Tholen,.

For those deployed: for Mark Winter, Adam Bryan, and for all active-duty military personnel and their families.

***IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, please write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


The full AUTUMN Sunday schedule resumes

  • 8:00 AM          Traditional Eucharist
  • 9:00 AM          Coffee Hour begins (in the Auditorium)
  • 9:00 AM          The Choir rehearses, and The Moth @ Saint Mary’s begins
  • 9:30 AM          Family Chapel (for all children up to grade 5)
  • 9:30 AM          The Middlers meet
  • 9:45 AM          Guiding RAY class begin
  • 10:00 AM          Contemporary Eucharist
  • 11:00 AM          Coffee Hour continues – with our Welcome Home Cookout THIS SUNDAY!


The Healing Eucharist resumes on Thursdays at 12 noon in the Chapel.

 All are welcome for a brief, informal time of worship with prayers for healing and the laying on of hands.

Noonday Prayer every other weekday in the Chapel.

This takes 10 minutes. Everyone is welcome! You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own daily life with God.

Congratulations to Cadence Christine Martin on her Baptism!

We welcome her into the world-wide Body of Christ, into the communion of saints across all lands and all generations! We look forward to watching and hearing about her growth in Christ as the years progress!



Visit the Sparkles table at the Welcome Back Celebration and get all of your questions answered! For new or newer parishioners, we’d love to say hello and tell you all about Sparkles. For returning parishioners, please come by to sign-up and/or pick up a gift box to fill.  You fill them, return them to the church and we see that they are wrapped and priced for sale at the Boutique on December 6. 

The first organization meeting for Sparkles is Thursday, September 11, 6:30 PM in the Guild Room.  We love seeing all our returning Sparklers AND having new folks join us.  Anyone who is interested in helping with Sparkles is WELCOME.    So mark your calendar and join us! Sparkles Co-Chairs: Jan Mordarski and Onnie Hastings.


Adopt a Bed   

Interested in “adopting” a bed on our beautiful campus?  Pick any area and think of it as your own!  The area may be small or large, prominent or tucked away.  Your commitment would simply be to keep an eye on it and weed it, as needed.  Note that this work does not include the formal beds behind the Chapel that are beautifully maintained by members of St. Mary’s Garden Club.  Contact Lucy Ellis, Landscape Team 450-3650.


Let’s all wear our Nametags!

Nametags are found in the Parish House. As a sign of hospitality, please wear them each Sunday and reach out to visitors. If you need a nametag, contact Beth in the parish office.

Like us on Facebook and Twitter!

While we work on the re-development of our website, our Facebook page and Twitter feed are the best ways to keep up with parish news on the internet! Like us, follow us and be up to speed on our parish life!   AND   @SMaryFalmouth


Share the Hostas!

There are clumps of mature hosta plants (that can be split into several plants) for the sharing beside Jean Wandel’s home on Foreside Road.  If you are interested in taking home with you a clump or two, please contact Jean at 781-4940.


Note:   Please check the coat closet in the Parish House for left coats, jacket, hats & umbrellas.  We’ll be donating unclaimed items to St. Elizabeth’s by the end of September.  Thanks!

Serving The World


Join us on a One-Day Mission Trip! Saturday, September13, 8 AM – 5 PM

Saint Mary’s Outreach members and all interested workers (maybe you!) are going to Wiscasset to assist the members of St. Philip’s Church in converting their rectory into a Women’s Community Home.  There’s something to do for everyone!  Weeding, raking, scraping, washing windows, painting.  Our missioners will carpool and leave S. Mary’s parking lot at 8am and return by 5pm. There’s a sign-up sheet outside the Guild Room. FMI, contact Becky Pride (781-4391 or


Mindful Movement & Breath Series  Mondays, 9-9:45

September 15 – October 20  - FREE AND OPEN TO ALL

Enjoy a six week class that seeks to connect the body mind and spirit.  Each class is structured around a universal meditation/intention, threading quiet movement and breath through a musical journey designed to create space and drop each participant more deeply into themselves.  These movements may be done from a chair or the floor, so are suitable to all ages and physical abilities.  Held in the auditorium.  Open to and offered at no charge to the community at large.  Bring a friend!  


Scarf-Sewing Party - September 19, 5-7pm

Join Barbara Bell in the auditorium to create winter that will be distributed by our youth groups to those in need this winter!!  Can you bring a sewing machine?  If so, please let Barbara know!  Otherwise just bring scissors and/or an appetizer to share!!  Beverages will be provided!  FMI:  Barbara Bell: or 653-4320.  The sign-up sheet is outside the Guild Room.   


Join the Souper Supper Team

We offer free community suppers on the second and fourth Friday of each month in the auditorium of S. Mary’s Parish House.  The dinners, which are available to the public at no charge, are served in a family-style setting and consist of a hearty soup or entree, salad or vegetable, bread, homemade desserts and beverages.  We’d love to have you join us for a wonderful fellowship dinner or to help out in setup serving or clean-up.  Contact Jennifer Gregg if interested or if you would like more information.


Don’t buy your coffee anywhere else!  Support Souper Supper at S. Mary's

Fair Traded  “Coffee by Design” Coffee on Sale Now!

If 50 families bought just 1 bag a month, we could support our Souper Supper community fellowship effort! …. and support fair trade practices by local owners…..and get GREAT organic coffee!     Win!  Win!  Win!

Christian Formation Notes

Godly Play: Christian Formation for our young people

On regular Sundays from September to June, Guiding RAY offers Godly Play, a program that helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain a religious language and to enhance their religious experience through "wonder" and play during which they  learn about God, the Bible, and the Church

Family Chapel with Fr. Nathan begins at 9:30 AM in the Chapel and is open to everyone.

Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) follow this downstairs in the Parish House beginning at 9:45 AM.  This week, registration will be outside the Guild Room.

The Nursery also opens at 9:30 AM for our infants and preschoolers and this week will be held in the kneeler room in the foyer of the auditorium.

The Middlers meet from 9:30 AM until approximately 10:35 when they join everyone in the church for Holy Communion.

NEW Sunday morning group: The Moth @ Saint Mary’s, 9 AM

Modeled after the popular radio show, this is simple storytelling by fellow parishioners. Get to know others in your parish family at a deeper level, and perhaps share a laugh or two. Led by Andrea Myles-Hunkin and Erin McGee Ferrell. All are welcome to stop in and join the group on any given Sunday, and feel free to come in late, if necessary.




Fall 2014 Small Groups: Choose your group and plan to grow!

Wednesdays @ 7 PM

(beginning September 24)

The Book of Job. Led by Meg and Charlie Hurdman and meeting at their home. A 5-week study of this literary masterpiece and remarkable meditation on the reality of suffering.

Wednesdays @ 7 PM

(beginning September 24)

The Legacy of Saint Francis. Led by Nathan+ and meeting in the Guild Room. A 5-week study of how Francis’ amazing insights challenge the status quo.

Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM

(beginning September 16)

Wisdom Seekers. Led by Deacon Christine and meeting in the Guild Room. Spiritual conversations inspired by Scripture and other spiritual writings.

Every other Tuesday @

3 PM   (Sept. 2, 16, 30)

Food For The Soul. Led by Nadine Timberlake and meeting at Foreside Harbor. Bible study and discussion with the residents. All are welcome.



Youth Ministry

High School Service Group

The "Saint Mary's High School Community Service Group" will serve as a vehicle for service, fellowship and spirituality for high schoolers.  This new group will focus on two of S. Mary's established outreach programs:  Preble Street Soup Kitchen (on the 4th Sunday of every month) and Souper Supper (on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month.)  

There are sign-up sheets on the sign-up table outside the Guild Room.  Or, please contact Anne LaFond ( or 781-8820) with your dates/times or any questions you might have.


Young Life of Casco Bay: First Club on Wednesday, October 8

Our new area director, Jordan Droge, has moved into the area. Plans are being made now to build up the work of Young Life in every High School from Portland to Freeport. Mark your calendars now for the first rocking Club of the Fall with Jordan on October 8!





Meetings, Events & Notes

WELCOME HOME Cookout and Celebration!

Plan on joining together THIS SUNDAY, September 7 for our festive “Welcome Home” from all of our summer travels.  We will kick off our new Program Year with energy! The Middlers will meet on this day and families will be invited to tour the Guiding RAY spaces downstairs.
Helpers are needed for all of the fun! Contact Heather Gale if you would like to help with festivities, games or the cake walk.  There will  be a cookout on the lawn. Our Hospitality Team will grill hamburgers and hotdogs and provide beverages. Families are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share. If your last name begins with           
        A-L please bring a salad               M-Z please bring a dessert  
To lend a hand with set-up, cooking or clean with the cookout or with any questions, contact Anne LaFond 781-8820 or
A major THANK YOU to Heather Gale, Anne LaFond and everyone who are helping to make Sunday’s celebration a success! ALL are invited!!!


Safe Church Training: Saturday, September 27 at St. Paul’s, Brunswick

The Diocese of Maine's Safe Church Training program includes healthy church practices concerning the safety of ministry with adults, protection of children and youth, and elder abuse prevention. Participants need to attend all sessions in an effort to build awareness and strive to make our churches safer places for all generations. Everyone involved in ministry to and with children, youth and the homebound are required to attend, and anyone else who is interested is invited as well. FMI, visit .


Pastoral Care

Communicating with Father Nathan   

Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Eucharistic Visitors

These are trained ministers who take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning.  The Eucharistic Visitor this Sunday is Ginny Stelk.   If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this very special ministry and how you might get involved, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine ( ).





This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday                      7        8:00am       The 13th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour and The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                          9:30am       Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                           9:30am       The Middlers meet

                                           9:45am       Guiding RAY classes begin

                                                          10:00am       The 13th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Baptism & Eucharist 

                                           11:15am       WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION

Monday                     8        9:00am       Budget & Finance Committee meeting

                                           10:00am       St. Mary’s Garden Club

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Tuesday                     9        8am- 4pm   Spurwick  School Training

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                           1:00pm       Staff meeting

                                           2:30pm       Churchyard walk-about

                                           3:00pm       Website training

                                           4:00pm       Prayer Chain meeting

                                           6:30pm       Beginner’s Al-Anon in the Guild Room

                                           7:00pm       AA in Auditorium

                                           7:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday               10      12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Thursday                   11      12noon       Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                           4:00pm       Boy Singers of Maine

                                           6:30pm       Sparkles organizational meeting

                                           7:00pm       Choir Rehearsal

Friday                        12      Parish Office is closed on Fridays

                                           9a - 1p         Churchyard marker survey

                                           12noon       Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

                                           5-7pm         Community Souper Supper – all are welcome!

                                           5:30pm       Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Saturday                    13      8a - 5p         One-Day Mission Trip to Wiscasset

                                           9:00am       Boy Singers of Maine

                                           11:00am      Wedding Shower

Sunday                      14      8:00am       The 14th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist

                                           9:00am       Coffee Hour and The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                          9:30am       Family Chapel – for all families and children

                                           9:30am       The Middlers meet

                                           9:45am       Guiding RAY classes begin

                                                          10:00am       The 14th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist 

                                           3:00pm       Don Hansen Memorial Service




Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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