Tuesday, October 28, 2014

S. Mary'e eNEWS for 10.26.14

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

October 26, 2014 – The 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Our Gratitude Dinner! A “Progressive” Dinner for all!

All Saints’ Day: Saturday, November 1, beginning at 6 PM.  

If you’re grateful to God, come!  If you’re thankful for your many blessings, come!  If you’ve worked hard on a project to help others, we are grateful, so come!  Together, let’s share and rejoice in our gratitude for this spiritual community!  Save the date, and sign up to attend or host! It’s easy and fun.

We’ll gather at the Parish House at 6 PM for appetizers and socializing. At 6:45, we’ll depart to assigned homes for dinner. By 8:45, we’ll return to the Parish House for dessert and more socializing!  Daylight Savings time ends, so you get an extra hour’s sleep!

How to sign up:   TIME IS RUNNING OUT, PLEASE SIGN UP BY Oct 30!

First of all, decide if you want to host or be hosted. Hosts should be able to accommodate 6 guests. It’s not about the menu! Dinner can be simply spaghetti and sauce with a salad OR soup, salad and bread! If you’d like to be a host, please email Rayle Ainsworth at edandrayle@gwi.net or call her at 846-3191.

If you want to be hosted, sign up on the sheet outside of the Guild Room or email Janet Bowne at janetbowne@maine.rr.com, 781-3844. Indicate on the sign-up sheet if you have a special dietary need that should be accommodated.

Those parishioners not hosting should plan to bring either an appetizer or dessert to the Parish House. If your last name begins with A-L, bring an appetizer. If your last name begins with M-Z, bring a dessert. Consider inviting friends or neighbors to this event (be sure to sign them up and indicate that you’re the contact). This is a great event by which we can introduce new people to our spiritual community.

PostponeD:   Ready, Set, NOT Going Yet!

Due to air quality issues in the lower level of the Parish House, we need to postpone the Ready, Set… Not Going Yet event originally scheduled for Sunday (Oct. 26).  Guiding RAY and our young folks have to use the rooms upstairs so the space is fully booked.  The air quality repair is in the works and once the condition is corrected, we will reschedule the event.  Thanks for being understanding and patient. 


Prayers Needed! 195th Convention of the Diocese of Maine: 10/24-25

Your clergy and delegates will be in Presque Isle on Friday and Saturday for our annual diocesan Convention. PLEASE PRAY for our meetings on those days and ask that the Holy Spirit will guide us in wise decision-making and in passionate commitment to sharing the good news of God’s love in Christ. 


Grab your Gloves and Rakes: Annual Fall Clean-Up, Saturday, Nov. 8

Let’s gather together on November 8th from 8 AM to 12 noon.  Please circle that date on your calendar and join the fun.  We will be working outside to spruce up our campus for the winter season – just in time for the Bishop’s visit for Confirmation and Reception on November 9th.  Food and drink will be provided.


Lower Level of the Parish House - Update

      Investigation by SSA, Ledgewood and sub-contractors points toward ground moisture interacting with adhesive of both tiles and carpet in the Guiding RAY spaces.  The moisture appears to be migrating from the ground to the adhesive despite a sealant that had been applied throughout during the construction to prevent this.  We await the results of last weekend's testing to determine the extent of this migration.  Scott Simons Architects suspects that the resulting emulsification of the adhesive may also be causing the air quality issues, but this has yet to be confirmed.   Scott Simons Architects, Ledgewood, and subcontractors continue to work vigorously to pursue/confirm the sources of both flooring and air quality issues so that appropriate steps can be taken to  rectify.  In the meantime, we will continue to refrain from using these spaces, and we again thank everyone for their patience. 


DROP OFF DATES CONTINUE:   Bring your gently used household items, family treasures, children's toys, linens and broken or out of style jewelry (no rummage, clothes or books) to the Parish Hall anytime on the following days:

Saturday, November 1, 15 or 22, 9 am – 12 noon.

KNITTERS CORNER:  If you are a knitter--the Sparkles Knitter's Corner needs YOU!  Your hand crafted items (knitted, felted or crocheted) can be dropped off on the above dates.  Please price them for what you think is appropriate for sale.  Also a good chance to clean out your "stash" of unused fabrics or yarns.

GIFT BOXES: There are several gift boxes which were taken to be filled but have not yet been returned.  We really need to have them before Nov. 7 so they can be wrapped and tagged on Nov. 8.


The Sparkles Committee will host.  You will have the opportunity to sign up to help with the Boutique, the Cookie Walk and Bake Sale and the Schola Reception.  We will be taking orders for Lobster Stew and Boxwood Tree Centerpieces.   Remember that Sparkles is not only a fund raiser for Saint Mary's, but also a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know your fellow parishioners.

The Sparkles Jewelry table needs your help before the big day

There are many ways to help!   You could do simple tasks that don’t require any jewelry-making skill.  We could form an assembly line group to complete the jewelry work.  Then...You can work at the table on the big day.   If any of this appeals to you, contact Barbara Bell at babsi821@gmail.com.

Like us on Facebook and Twitter! AND visit our revised website!

Would you like regular updates of what is happening at Saint Mary’s?

Then like us on FaceBook: www.facebook.com/ChurchofSaintMary   

Follow us on Twitter:  @SMaryFalmouth    And visit our website: www.smary.org

Serving The World

The Outreach Committee still would like your vote

            The vote we are asking you to make this election season is so you can tell us what area of need is the one about which you are most concerned. All ages are welcome to join in.  Please speak to one of the Outreach members or add your vote to the            Outreach bulletin board. 

Finally, consider joining us! We do have fun while we do the serious work of serving those in need here and throughout the world.


Mindful Movement & Breath Series: Monday mornings at 9 – 9:45 AM

October  27:  FREE  AND  OPEN TO ALL, in the Auditorium

Enjoy any of the remaining sessions that seek to connect the body mind and spirit.  Each class is structured around a universal meditation/intention, threading quiet movement and breath through a musical journey designed to create space and drop each participant more deeply into themselves.  These movements may be done from a chair or the floor, so are suitable to all ages and physical abilities. Open to and offered at no charge as a gift to the community at large.  Bring a friend or a neighbor!  


HAITI/MAINE Companionship Meeting: November 1, 11:15 AM

Everyone who feels called to support this partnership is invited to the meeting at St.  Mark’s Church in Waterville. Coffee, tea and hearty snacks will be available since we’ll be going through lunch hour!  Prior experience with the Committee or with Haiti is not required. FMI, contact Becky Pride at rebeccapride1@gmail.com .


Join the Souper Supper Team: the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month

We offer free community suppers on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in the auditorium of S. Mary’s Parish House.  The dinners, which are available to the public at no charge, are served in a family-style setting and consist of a hearty soup or entree, salad or vegetable, bread, homemade desserts and beverages.  We’d love to have you join us for a wonderful fellowship dinner or to help out in set-up, serving or clean-up.  FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg at  jenniferanngregg@gmail.com .


Don’t buy your coffee anywhere else!  Support Souper Supper at S. Mary's

Fair Traded  “Coffee by Design” Coffee on Sale Now!

If 50 families bought just 1 bag a month, we could support our Souper Supper community fellowship effort! …. and support fair trade practices by local owners…..and get GREAT organic coffee!     Win!  Win!  Win!

Christian Formation Notes

Aspiring actors & actresses needed for the 2014 Christmas Pageant! 

All ages encouraged to participate in this wonderful annual story of the Nativity!    

The S. Mary’s Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 21 at 10 AM. Sign-ups to participate and help will start this Sunday. Practices will be Sundays after church. FMI please contact Julie Otte at 781-2322 or juliemomotter@aol.com .

Roles include: Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Head Angel, Little Angels, Shepherds, 3 Kings,

3 Kings pages, Sheep, Dnkey, Baby Jesus (already has been cast), Innkeeper, Innkeepers Wife, Passerby, Centurion, Evil King Herod, Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Chicken, and Star.

Godly Play: Christian Formation for our young people

On REGULAR Sundays from September to June, Guiding RAY offers Godly Play, a program that helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain a religious language and to enhance their religious experience through "wonder" and play during which they learn about God, the Bible, and the Church.  

Family Chapel with Fr. Nathan begins at 9:30 AM in the Chapel and is open to everyone.

Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) follow this at 9:45 AM in the Guild Room.

The Nursery also opens at 9:30 AM for our infants and preschoolers and this week will be held in the Ruth White Room.

The Middlers meet in the Rectory living room from 9:30 AM until approximately 10:35 when they join everyone in the church for Holy Communion.


Fall 2014 Small Groups:

Choose your group and plan to grow!

Wednesdays @ 7 PM

(Last session! Oct. 29)

The Legacy of Saint Francis. Led by Nathan+ and meeting in the Guild Room. A 5-week study of Francis’ amazing insights into a life centered on Jesus the Christ.

Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM

Wisdom Seekers. Led by Deacon Christine and meeting in the Guild Room. Spiritual conversations inspired by Scripture and other spiritual writings.

Every other Tuesday @

3 PM  (Oct. 28, Nov. 11)

Food For The Soul. Led by Nadine Timberlake and meeting at Foreside Harbor. Bible study and discussion with the residents. All are welcome.

The Moth @ Saint Mary’s: 9 AM every Sunday in the Auditorium

Modeled after the popular radio show, this is simple storytelling by fellow parishioners. Get to know others in your parish family at a deeper level, and perhaps share a laugh or two. Led by Andrea Myles-Hunkin and Erin McGee Ferrell. All are welcome to stop in and join the group on any given Sunday, and feel free to come in late, if necessary.


Youth Ministry

Young Life Club: every Wednesday at 7:17 PM !

Want to have crazy fun AND learn about God’s love at the same time? Every Wednesday night at 2 Town Landing Rd (the Hurdrich family house), all high schoolers are invited to come and bring a friend. You can park in the lot across from the Town Landing Market.


High School Service Group: TODAY, October 26, at Preble Street

The S. Mary's High School Community Service Group will meet today to serve at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen (on the fourth Sunday of every month). Contact Anne LaFond (alafond@maine.rr.com or 781-8820) with any questions you might have.

Meetings, Events & Notes

Healing Eucharist: every Thursday at 12 noon in the Chapel.

All are welcome for a brief, informal time of Communion with a group discussion of the Scriptures or the life of a saint, prayers for healing and the laying on of hands.

Noonday Prayer every other weekday in the Chapel.

This takes 10 minutes and all are welcome. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own daily life with God.


Get Stitching: every Tuesday at 1 PM

The group that met to see if there was an interest in gathering together to stitch various projects found that there was indeed an interest.  We are gathering at the church EVERY TUESDAY AT 1:00pm to stitch.  Some are knitting prayer scarves, some making dryer balls, some quilting, some making mitten, or socks, or vests.  We help each other and chat about whatever we want.  There is laughter as well as concern for our world.  Everyone is welcome to an hour (and a half) of productive fellowship.


Pastoral Care

Communicating with Father Nathan   

Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at nathanferrell@smary.org or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Eucharistic Visitors

These are trained ministers who take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning.  The Eucharistic Visitor this Sunday is Paul Engel .   If you or someone you know would like Communion brought to them, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this very special ministry and how you might get involved, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine ( deacab@maine.rr.com ).

Our prayer concerns for this week

For healing: John Abramo, Suzanne Bauer, Larry Bennett, Michelle Bilodeau, Terry Cassavant, Lilian Davidson, Marjorie Dyer, Paula Gardner, Lynn Hathaway, Angela Kase, Kathryn Kuehn, Arthur Markos, Patrick Miller, Peg Pierce, Dennis Pike, John Reny, Ann Tholen,.

For those deployed: for Mark Winter, and for all active-duty military personnel and their families.

***IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, please write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or smary@smary.org).



This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday               26   8:00am         The 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist

                                  9:00am         Coffee Hour and The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                  9:30am         Family Chapel & the Middlers

                                  9:45am         Guiding RAY classes begin

                                  10:00am        The 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist

                                  11:00am           Coffee Hour continues

Monday              27 9:00am           Mindful Movement & Breath Series – last class in this series

                                  12noon        Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  3:15pm        Brownie Troop in the Auditorium & Kitchen

Tuesday       28   10:30am              Wisdom Seekers

                                  12noon        Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  1:00pm        Staff meeting in the Guild Room

                                  1:00pm        Get Stitching group in the White Wool Room

                                  1:00pm        Kneeler Guild in the Auditorium

                                  3:00pm        Food for the Soul at Foreside Harbor

                                  4:00pm        Prayer Chain in the Guild Room

                                  6:30pm        Beginner’s Al-Anon in the Guild Room

                                  7:00pm        AA in Auditorium

                                  7:30pm        Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday        29   12noon        Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  7:00pm        St. Francis study in the Guild Room – final session

Thursday            30   12noon        Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                  4:00pm        Boy Singers of Maine

                                  6:30pm        Dowsers in the Guild Room

                                  7:00pm        Choir rehearsal

Friday                 31   12noon        Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are!

                                  5:30pm        Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Saturday,  Nov.1     9:00am            Boy Singers of Maine rehearsal

                                  6:00pm        Progressive Gratitude Dinner begins in the Parish House

Sunday               2     8:00am         The Feast of All Saints’ Day: Traditional Eucharist

                                  9:00am         Coffee Hour and The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                  9:30am         Family Chapel & the Middlers

                                  9:45am         Guiding RAY classes begin

                                  10:00am        The Feast of All Saints’ Day: Contemporary Eucharist

                                  11:00am           Coffee Hour continues




Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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