Saint Mary’s Weekly News
November 27, 2016 – The First Sunday of Advent
Contemporary Language Usage at 8 AM
Once again, in this Advent season we will experiment with the use of contemporary language texts (Rite II) at our 8 AM Eucharist. It is important for everyone to become accustomed to these texts, as the old Elizabethan texts will be discontinued at some point in the future. Change is difficult, but necessary. Please speak with Nathan+ if you have thoughts or concerns about this experiment.
Stewardship 2017: Celebrate, Honor, and Serve
The pledge forms are coming in daily! Thank you to all who have sent theirs in! Pledging is about ensuring that we can do the work God is asking us to do within our community and in the larger world. From Souper Supper to Mission Mornings and Guiding RAY to glorious music programs, our annual budget supports all of these activities and supports the infrastructure needed for our staff and our buildings and grounds. If you haven’t had a chance to consider your pledge yet, please take a minute to do so. Your support will make all the difference.
First Sunday of Advent: Sunday, November 27
You are invited to two special Advent musical services
At 10 AM there will be the traditional Advent Lessons and Carols, which will begin with the children of Guiding RAY singing the opening hymn, ‘Once in Royal David’s City.’ This carol is sung every year at Kings College, England by a boy soprano and is an enchanting way to begin the season. There will be many wonderful readings from Genesis, Isaiah, Baruch, Luke and Matthew as well as favorite hymns, such as ‘Come thou long expected Jesus, People look east, and Lo! He comes with clouds descending.’ The choir will sing two anthems, a lovely setting of ‘A Maiden most gentle by Andrew Carter,’ and in honor of Maine’s Franco-American heritage, ‘Il est né le divin enfant.’ This carol is sung in every church in France and Quebec at the stroke of midnight on Christmas eve.
At 4:00 PM, there will be a choral evensong service that will also celebrate the Advent season. This will enable us to sing some very beautiful hymns that are for eventide, such as ‘Christ, mighty Savior, O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ,’ and an Anglican chant for the ‘nunc dimittis’ (Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace). For the Magnificat, the choir will present a wonderful baroque setting by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736), accompanied by a string quartet. The work is in six sections, the choral movements containing vigorous writing that resembles Handel’s great choral style. There will be two duets with our soloists Lesley Dolinger, Linda Eaton, Rick Hirschman and Martin Lescault. The lovely Mozart anthem ‘Ave verum’ will be sung by the choir, accompanied by strings, as it was originally intended in Mozart’s time.
These services will be a wonderful way to usher in this special season of Advent.
Mark your calendars now for these special events:
8 AM: Contemporary Advent Eucharist
9 AM: Advent Wreath-making at Coffee Hour (for all ages)
10 AM: Advent Lessons & Carols with seasonal anthems and hymns
11 AM: Advent Wreath-making at Coffee Hour (for all ages - continued)
4 PM: Advent Choral Evensong, led by our Choir who will sing
Pergolesi’s Magnificat with organ and strings
Serving the World
Thanksgiving Blood Drive: Saturday, November 26, 8 AM – 1 PM
Come and share the gift of life with others as a way to give thanks for our many blessings. The Blood Drive is here in our Parish House Auditorium. Sign-up now or walk in on Saturday. To sign up, go to and use sponsor code “SMary” to make your donor appointment. FMI: contact our Coordinator, Jana Burke, at 272-4535 or or Beth in the Parish Office at
Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month
Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg ( or 781-2665).
St. Elizabeth’s has cold hands to warm up!
As cold weather approaches, one of the biggest needs at St. E's is winter gloves (and mittens) for children, women and men. However, the biggest need is for large and extra-large gloves for men. As you prep for winter, you may find a pair that you rarely use and we urge you to contribute them to St. E's. It is unbelievable how many people appear on bitter cold Tuesday mornings, with no gloves at all. (If you are shopping and see gloves on sale...consider buying them and sending them in as your contribution.) Thanks in advance! Please drop them off in our St. Elizabeth’s box next to the sign-up table outside the Guild Room.
Saint Mary’s Advent Snowman Tree – available now!
We look forward every year to having an Advent Giving Tree! Here is an opportunity to become engaged in the spirit of giving this Christmas. Saint Mary’s, together with the Salvation Army, are hosting a “Snowman Giving Tree. Snowman tags will be on the Christmas tree with a child’s gift request. Kindly take a tag, purchase item(s) on the tag, and bring back to Saint Mary’s. Unwrapped gifts should be back under the tree no later than December 11 with the tag on them to ensure the families receive them in time for Christmas. For more information contact Betsy Stoddard 829-2026
Youth Ministry
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our children’s programs is in full swing; for more information on our Guiding RAY or Godly Play programs, please visit our website
The Nursery is open for our youngest disciples in the lower level of the Parish House beginning at 9:30 AM every Sunday morning.
For older Guiding RAY youth
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth graders are invited to a special series of Bible lessons using Legos. The youth will meet during the 10:00 AM service in the Guild Room and will follow the same schedule as Guiding RAY and be in church to join their families for the Eucharist. Building Faith Brick by Brick, a book by Emily Given, offers a culturally relevant, hands-on way to explore faith stories that we hope will engage our youth while learning the stories of God.
Young Life Club: Monday night at 7:31 PM!
Every single high school student in the Casco Bay area is INVITED to gather for an amazing Club at Laine Legere’s house (56 Quiet Lane in Portland). This is crazy fun and growing each week. FMI: visit
Gatherings & Events
SPARKLES NEWS: The Fair is on Saturday, December 3
Sunday Nov. 27 is the beginning of Advent and the Sparkles Festivities.
During BOTH coffee hours we will be making Advent Wreaths to take home to count the weeks until Christmas and the Birth of Jesus.
In the afternoon at 4:00 the Choir will sing Evensong......join us for this meaningful music.
Wednesday Nov. 30 (beginning at 12 noon) and Dec. 1 & 2 (all day) we set up for the Sparkles Fair and Boutique and we need lots of helpers. PLEASE bring cookies and baked goods BY NOON on Friday, Dec. 2.
Saturday Dec. 3 from 9 am to 2 pm is the Boutique, Cafe, Cookie Walk and Bake Sale. We need volunteers to gather downstairs in the Guiding Ray room by 8:00am. YES, there will be coffee and donuts!! Lunch is provided for volunteers. If you didn't sign up but want to help with this wonderful event, we will give you an apron and find you a job! Sparkles is a vital fund-raiser and a friend-maker.
PLEASE come shopping and bring your friends. Again, this year we are cooperating with Foreside Community Church with a raffle bowl at Skillins. When you pay for your purchases you will be given a raffle ticket to drop in the bowl at Skillins and they will pull a ticket and present to the winner a $25 gift certificate to use there. Skillins has again given us two live Christmas trees, so be sure to thank them when you are there.
Friday Dec. 9 is the annual Christmas Caroling at a local retirement center followed by Souper Supper. This is perfect for families, all ages and abilities.
Sunday Dec. 11 is the Sparkles Benefit Schola Concert titled "Nautus Est" or "He is Born". The concert is followed by a gala reception which officially ends the Sparkles Season. Tickets may be purchased at the door, in the office or on-line.
Be sure to look at SparklesStMarys on Facebook.
Community Care & Nurture
Wisdom Seekers: every Tuesday at 10:30 AM
This Bible study group meets on Tuesdays in the Guild Room. Nadine Timberlake is the group leader. All are welcome, because there is always room for anyone who wants to study the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives today.
Thursday Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon
This is an informal time to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day, time for group discussion, and prayers for healing. It usually lasts about 45 minutes. All are welcome!
Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel
Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. Everyone is welcome! You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own daily life with God.
Communicating with Father Nathan
Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268 or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely during the weekends or when he’s away.
Prayer Concerns for this week: David Bates, Charlie Conner, John Delaney, Steve Dunwoody, Dave Fenderson, Bruce Fossett, Sarah Gorman, Talie Harris, Allie Matthews, Dick Miller, Roger Murray, Emily Otte, Grace Robinson, Robbie Smith, Stewart Stalnecker, Phoebe Wysor, and Bucky.
IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or
This Week at Saint Mary’s
Saturday 26 8a – 1p Thanksgiving BLOOD DRIVE at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 27 The First Sunday of Advent (Year A)
8:00am Contemplative Eucharist
9:00am Coffee Hour with Advent Wreath-making workshop
9:30am Nursery opens
10:00am Advent Lessons & Carols for all ages
11:00am Coffee Hour with Advent Wreath-making workshop
4:00pm Advent Choral Evensong
Monday 28 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 29 9a - 12n Art Group in the Auditorium
9a – 2p Embroiderer’s Group in Guild Room
10:30am Wisdom Seekers in White Wool Room
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff meeting
1:00pm Get Stitching group
6:30pm Beginner’s Al-Anon
7:00pm AA in the Auditorium
7:00pm Confirmation class meeting @ The Holt’s house
Wednesday 30 Sparkles Fair set-up (12-5)
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Thursday 1 Sparkles Fair set-up (9-5)
12noon Healing Eucharist (St. Andrew the Apostle) in the Chapel
1:00pm CARE Circle meeting
Friday 2 Sparkles Fair set-up (9-5)
Parish Office is closed
12noon Noonday Prayer – wherever you are
5:30pm Al-Anon to meet in Guild Room
Saturday 3 Sparkles Fair 9am – 2pm
Sunday 4 The Second Sunday of Advent – Bishop’s Visit and Confirmation
8:00am Contemplative Eucharist
9:00am Coffee Hour
9:00am Confirmands meeting with Bishop Lane
9:30am Nursery and Guiding RAY open
10:00am Confirmation and Communion with the Bishop
11:00am Coffee Hour
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
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