Saint Mary’s Weekly News
December 18, 2016 – The Fourth Sunday of Advent
“Be Still" : every Monday in Advent, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Especially for busy people, a time to “Be Still” is offered each Monday of Advent (December 5, 12, & 19). This is time for quiet in the Father James Chapel. Time to breathe, re-center, reflect, to “be” with God. Come for five minutes, or for sixty!
Celebrate Honor Serve 2017
Please take time to prayerfully consider your 2017 pledge to Saint Mary’s. We’ve been blessed with 107 households pledging $217,386, but we are still a ways from our goal of $285,000. It’s a busy time of year but pledging helps us meet our obligations and plan to grow our ministries. Pledge forms are in the Narthex and in the Parish House. Once completed, please return (confidentially) to Beth Shaw, our Parish Administrator. We need everyone to play their part. Thank you!
Sundays during the 12 Days of Christmas: 10 AM only
On December 25 and January 1, there will be only ONE Eucharist at 10 AM.
Serving the World
Outreach Notice on Christmas Offerings:
100% of all undesignated offerings going to Haiti!
Offerings collected outside of an envelope or without a designation on the memo line will go to 2 trustworthy organizations in Haiti working to help those affected by the direct landfall of Hurricane Matthew in October: COCINA and Konbit Sante. Thousands of Haitians remain in relief shelters and cholera continues to spread. The need for safe drinking water is overwhelming. Please remember those in southwest Haiti who are struggling to put their lives back together. For us to whom so much has been given, now is our opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti. May you have a blessed Advent season and a wonderful Christmas!
Emergency Fuel Fund
Please consider making a special offering to enable our support of those who need help with their heating bills this winter. Envelopes are available in the Sanctuary Prayer Books and in the Narthex. Thank you for all those who you will help!
Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month – 12/23
Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg ( or 781-2665).
St. Elizabeth’s has cold hands to warm up!
As cold weather approaches, one of the biggest needs at St. E's is winter gloves (and mittens) for children, women and men. However, the biggest need is for large and extra-large gloves for men. As you prep for winter, you may find a pair that you rarely use and we urge you to contribute them to St. E's. It is unbelievable how many people appear on bitter cold Tuesday mornings, with no gloves at all. (If you are shopping and see gloves on sale...consider buying them and sending them in as your contribution.) Thanks in advance! Please drop them off in our St. Elizabeth’s box next to the sign-up table outside the Guild Room.
Youth Ministry
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our children’s programs is in full swing; for more information on our Guiding RAY or Godly Play programs, please visit our website
The Nursery is open for our youngest disciples in the lower level of the Parish House beginning at 9:30 AM every Sunday morning.
The Pageant REHEARSAL: Saturday, December 17 @ 3 PM
The Rehearsal will start at three o’clock. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. About 2:30, while the children get ready to begin, there will be a discussion with parents about the Royal School of Church Music and our hope to launch this program here in 2017.
Young Life Club: on break until January. Stay cool!
FMI: visit
For older Guiding RAY youth: The Bible and Legos
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth graders are invited to a special series of Bible lessons using Legos. The youth will meet during the 10:00 AM service in the Guild Room and will follow the same schedule as Guiding RAY and be in church to join their families for the Eucharist. Building Faith Brick by Brick, a book by Emily Given, offers a culturally relevant, hands-on way to explore faith stories that we hope will engage our youth while learning the stories of God.
Community Care & Nurture
Wisdom Seekers: every Tuesday at 10:30 AM (EXCEPT FOR 12/27)
This Bible study group meets on Tuesdays in the Guild Room. All are welcome!
Thursday Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon
(EXCEPT FOR 12/29) This is an informal time to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day, time for group discussion, and prayers for healing. It usually lasts about 45 minutes. All are welcome!
Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel
Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. Everyone is welcome! You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own daily life with God.
Communicating with Father Nathan
Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268 or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely during the weekends or when he’s away.
Prayer Concerns for this week: David Bates, Lynda Conner, John Delaney, Sarah Gorman, Talie Harris, Betty Hessemer, Joyce Maranville, Allie Matthews, Roger Murray, Emily Otte, David & Grace Robinson, Stewart Stalnecker, Phoebe Wysor, Bucky and Tri Nguyen.
IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or
FYI: Beth Shaw will be on vacation next week (Dec. 26 to 30)
The Parish Office will be closed for the holidays during that time.
Pastoral or Emergency calls should be made to Fr Nathan’s cell phone at 207-310-0268
This Week at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:00am Contemplative Eucharist: using new texts in Advent
9:00am Coffee hour begins
9:30am Nursery opens
10:00am Our Christmas Pageant and Choral Eucharist
11:00am Coffee hour continues
Monday 19 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:30pm BE STILL in the Fr. James Chapel
Tuesday 20 January AVE deadline / Annual Meeting reports deadline
9-12:30 Art Group in Auditorium
10:30am Wisdom Seekers Bible Study in Guild Room
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Get Stitching in the White Wool Room
1:00pm Staff meeting
7:00pm AA in auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon meeting – in Guild Rm (Beginner’s at 6:30pm)
Wednesday 21 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
6:00pm SinG rehearsal in auditorium
Thursday 22 8:30-10am BNI in auditorium
12noon Thursday Eucharist (St. Thomas the Apostle) - Chapel
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
Friday 23 Parish Office is closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer – wherever you are
5:30pm Al-Anon meeting
5-7pm Souper Supper – free and open to all
4:00pm Family Christmas Eve Eucharist
7:00pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Eucharist
9:00pm Choral Candlelight Christmas Eve Eucharist
10:00am Christmas Day Eucharist with carols
The Parish Office is closed during this week 12/26-12/30 to reopen Tuesday, Jan 3
Sunday, Jan. 1 The Holy Name OF JESUS
10:00am ONE Holy Eucharist celebration
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
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