Thursday, June 29, 2017

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 7.2.17

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

July 2, 2017 – Our Celebration of Independence Day

Our Celebration of Independence Day: Sunday, July 2

We will celebrate the 4th of July a bit early here at Saint Mary’s, with patriotic songs and prayers for the nation. Wear your red, white and blue and come prepared to pray for God’s blessings to guide us in the way of freedom.

FRESH AIR Mass on the Grass

An eight-week summer study beginning Wednesday, June 28, 6:30 PM

From June 28 to August 16, all Saint Marians are invited to read and reflect together on the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. We will study a book called Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life  by Dr. Jack Levison. Each of the 8 chapters will be presented and discussed in sequence at our weekly Wednesday evening Mass on the Grass gatherings. Even if you cannot attend, you are encouraged to pick up a copy of the book and read it over the summer. And if you didn’t do the reading, each chapter will be summarized so that all can still join in the discussion. Dr. Levison’s insights from Scripture are quite profound, and you are guaranteed to learn something new. Go to our Facebook page for videos from the author and more information on the book. AND S’MORES WILL BE AVAILABLE – for our young people, of course!

RSCM:  Voice for Life at Saint Mary’s in September

We look forward to launching a Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) program here at Saint Mary's in September and would love to hear from parents interested in involving their children in this wonderful opportunity for classical training in voice, music and our Anglican liturgy.  We also need to hear from folks who would like to assist in the organization of this worthwhile venture. Please see Bruce Fithian so that we can prepare for the logistics in September (choir anthem books, cassocks, music work books, etc.)   To help, to participate or for more information contact Bruce Fithian at  

Thank you for keeping your pledges current!

For all you summer vacationers, please remember that if you will be out of town for a few weeks (or the entire summer), it is important to maintain your regular pledge to Saint Mary’s. The parish is still active in the summer and continues to incur operating expenses, so it is important that we maintain cash flow.  The easiest thing to do is to set-up automated bank transfers in advance so that you do not have to remember while away. This can be done through our website ( or through your own bank. That will give you one less thing that you have to remember. Thank you!


Thank you, Sylvia Infantine for filling in for Bruce on the organ while he takes some much deserved time off.  It will be good to have you back in the choir loft! 

Serving The World

Souper Suppers:  2nd & 4th Fridays – July 14 & 28

Twice each month, anytime from 5 to 7 pm, any person can come to our Auditorium for a free supper of soup, bread, salad and desserts. No questions asked. No donations accepted. Each table is served and bussed. And community is created. Come and try it!

Falmouth Food Pantry

Collecting weekly for those in need in our local communities.  FFP is always in need of hot and cold cereals; canned meats and fish; canned soups (especially healthy and low sodium; canned fruit (especially light or in juice.) Thank you for your generosity! Bring these with you on Sundays or to the Parish House during the week.

Youth Ministry

Remember Flat Saint Mary!  Take her with you on vacation, to the beach, the park, and even the gas station.  Snap a picture and include her too!  Remember her son Jesus is always with you.   Post pics on facebook or Instagram  #flatsaintmary

Or send to Beth at

Let’s make this a wonderful way to keep Saint Marian’s connected during the summer vacation months.  Have fun, be safe, and take a Flat Saint Mary with you wherever you go this summer!

Guiding RAY  (Religious Adventures for Youth): off until September 10  

Our Guiding RAY program will take a break for the summer months and resume on September 10.  For more information on our Guiding RAY, please visit our website .

The Nursery will remain open for our youngest disciples in the Kneeler Room (near the Auditorium) beginning at 9:15 AM every Sunday morning.

Young Life Club: off for the summer, but camp is coming!

JULY 29 – AUGUST 4: Young Life camps are designed only with teenagers in mind. They deliver the best week that a kid can imagine! There is still a few spots on our bus. Interested? Visit or call Jordan Droge at 805-453-1999

Camp Bishopswood: it’s not too late!

Located on the shores of Lake Megunticook in the Camden Hills, Bishopswood has been operated by the Diocese of Maine since the early 1960s.  There are mini-sessions for first-time campers, multi-week sessions, and a family weekend See the June AVE or the website Bishopswood for more information.

Gatherings & Events

Zenith Journey to Katahdin: August 17-19

Every Mainer needs to visit Chimney Pond in Baxter State Park and to reach the summit of Katahdin (the zenith of Maine), if they are able. Space is limited, so speak with Nathan+ now if interested. 

Saint Mary's Lobster Bake & Auction: Saturday, August 12

To be held on our lawns, weather permitting. Beginning at 4:30 pm, rain or shine, join fellow parishioners, family and friends for fun, fellowship and feasting. Lobster/Steamer dinner, BBQ Chicken dinner, and grilled burgers and hotdogs. To purchase tickets, contact Beth in the office 781-3366, or Betsy & Jim Stoddard, 829-2026, The Auction Committee is accepting live and silent auction items.  Kindly consider donating an auction item to this event.  Can you offer a service or an experience? If you prefer to underwrite and item, Gift certificates are very popular.  Betsy & Jim Stoddard, 829-2026,

Community Care & Nurture

SUMMER Worship at Saint Mary’s

SUNDAYS:    8:00 am Contemplative Eucharist,

                          9:30 am Choral Eucharist

WEDNESDAYS: 6:30 PM Mass On The Grass

Mon -Thurs10 minute Noonday Prayer in Chapel (or wherever you are)

Communicating with Nathan+   

 Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him.  You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away.

Pray for Episcopal Youth Event and Grace Brown

More than 1300 young people from all 112 dioceses and regions of the Episcopal Church will gather at the University of Central Oklahoma from July 10-14 to worship together and to share their faith with each other. Our own Grace Brown is part of our Maine delegation. Please commit to pray for her and for EYE17.

Prayer Concerns for this week: Marcia Willock, Ginny Stelk, Grace Robinson, David Snow, Marti Galli, Susan Nolde, Talie Harris, Debbie Roberts, Frank Rheaume, Marsha Jewett, Bob Armitage, Larry Bennett, Sarah Gorman, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or



THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday        2        Celebration of Independence Day

                               8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:15am       Nursery opens

                             9:30am         Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

        Parish Office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday for the July 4th holiday

Monday      3        Parish Office will be closed

                             12noon         Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             6:00pm        T’ai Chi in the Auditorium

Tuesday      4        Happy Fourth of July!   Parish Office will be closed

                                    10:30am         Wisdom Seekers (July break)

                                    12 noon        Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             7:00pm        AA in the auditorium

                             7:30pm        Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s)

Wednesday 5             12noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             6:30pm        FRESH AIR Mass on the Grass (Chapter 2)

Thursday     6                           Chapel Eucharist on summer break

                             12noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             1:00PM        CARE Circle meeting

6:15pm        Dowsers in the Guild Room

Friday          7        12noon         Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             5:30pm        Al-Anon meeting

                             7-9pm         “Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective” movie shown in auditorium ( Future of Hurricane Valley Farm)

Saturday      8       

Sunday        9        Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

                               8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:15am       Nursery opens

                             9:30am         Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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