Thursday, July 27, 2017

Saint Mary's eNEWS 7.30.17

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

July 30, 2017 –  Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

FRESH AIR Mass on the Grass

An 8-week summer study on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30 PM

From June 28 to August 16, all Saint Marians are invited to read and reflect together on the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. We will study a book called Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life  by Dr. Jack Levison. Each of the 8 chapters will be presented and discussed in sequence at our weekly Wednesday evening Mass on the Grass gatherings. And if you didn’t do the reading, each chapter will be summarized so that all can still join in the discussion. Dr. Levison’s insights from Scripture are quite profound, and you are guaranteed to learn something new. Even if you cannot attend, you are encouraged to pick up a copy of the book and read it over the summer. Go to our Facebook page for videos from the author and more information on the book. AND S’MORES WILL BE AVAILABLE – for our young people, of course!


We thank Tom Troeger for sharing his talent on the flute with us during the Prelude and Postlude this Sunday.  We give thanks to God for the many gifts among us!

Royal School of Church Music Open House:  September 13, 2017

Open to all who may be interested in this new, high quality, voice training school for our young people. Invite interested friends and neighbors. To help, to participate or for more information contact Bruce Fithian at  

Serving The World

Souper Suppers:  2nd & 4th Fridays – July 14 & 28

Twice each month, anytime from 5 to 7 pm, any person can come to our Auditorium for a free supper of soup, bread, salad and desserts. No questions asked. No donations accepted. Each table is served and bussed. And community is created. Come and try it!

Falmouth Food Pantry

We collect each week for those in need in our local communities.  FFP is always in need of hot and cold cereals; canned meats and fish; canned soups (especially healthy and low sodium; canned fruit (especially light or in juice.) Thank you for your generosity! Bring these with you on Sundays or to the Parish House during the week.


The Milestone Foundation Annual Fundraiser: September 9

They are looking for contributions for this event. Some ideas might be subscription to the Portland Symphony, etc. Please contact Manuela Arundel, development director for your ideas:


Youth Ministry

Remember Flat Saint Mary! 

Take her with you on vacation, to the beach, the park, and even the gas station.  Snap a picture and include her too!  Remember her son Jesus is always with you.   Post pics on facebook or Instagram  #flatsaintmary . Or send to Beth at smary@smary.orgLet’s make this a wonderful way to keep Saint Marian’s connected during the summer vacation months.  Have fun, be safe, and take a Flat Saint Mary with you wherever you go this summer!

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): off until September 10  

Our Guiding RAY program will take a break for the summer months and resume on September 10.  For more information on our Guiding RAY, please visit our website . The Nursery will remain open for our youngest disciples in the lower level Guiding RAY area beginning at 9:15 AM every Sunday morning.

Young Life Club: off for the summer, but camp begins this week!

July 29 – August 4: Young Life camps are designed only with teenagers in mind. They deliver the best week that a kid can imagine! There is still a few spots on our bus. Interested? Visit or call Jordan Droge at 805-453-1999

Camp Bishopswood: Finale Week – August 21-27 

Everyone is invited to Camp for this final week of the summer. You can stay in a bunkhouse, or bring our own tent or camper, and eat Bishopswood’s delicious home-cooked meals. Swimming, kayaking, campfires, hiking, archery, group tours of the Mid-Coast area and more – all the amenities of camp made available to all ages! Go to for details.

Saint Mary’s Celebration Weekend

Saint Mary's Lobster Bake & Auction: Saturday, August 12

To be held on our lawns, weather permitting. Beginning at 4:30 pm, rain or shine, join fellow parishioners, family and friends for fun, fellowship and feasting. Lobster/Steamer dinner, BBQ Chicken dinner, and grilled burgers and hotdogs. To purchase tickets, contact Beth in the office 781-3366, or Betsy & Jim Stoddard, 829-2026, See you there!


The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin: Sunday, August 13

We will gather at our regular times of 8 and 9:30 AM to keep the feast and to honor our parish patron, Mary the God-bearer, the Mother of our Lord.

London Organist Recital at Saint Mary’s: Sunday, August 13, 6 PM

Concert organist, Alan Saggerson, music director at St. Mary with All Souls, London (West Hamstead in London), will offer a free recital here at Saint Mary’s. Mr. Saggerson has a degree form Hertford College, Oxford, is a trustee of the Royal College of Organists St. Giles Academy organ project which oversees the rebuilding of historic organs. He has toured annually in the Netherlands, France, the UK and this year, the United Sates. In 2014 he was featured as a recitalist for the Royal College of Organist’s 150th anniversary celebration.

As part of our Celebration Weekend, Mr. Saggerson has chosen music specifically for the unique qualities of our Opus 3384 Casavant organ. The organ was designed by Gerhard Brunzema and is reminiscent of north German Baroque instruments. Mr. Saggerson will play three movements from François Couperin’s Messe des Couvents, a prelude by Nicolaus Bruhns, the chorale prelude “St. Mary” by Sir Hubert H. Parry, the fugue of the Magnificat by J.S. Bach, and “March” by Nicholas Choveaux (French Canadian composer who lived and worked in the UK). Come one and all. Free and open to everyone!


Community Care & Nurture

SUMMER Worship at Saint Mary’s

SUNDAYS:    8:00 am Contemplative Eucharist,

                          9:30 am Choral Eucharist

WEDNESDAYS: 6:30 PM Mass on the Grass (through August 16)

Mon -Thurs10 minute Noonday Prayer in Chapel (or wherever you are)

Communicating with Nathan+   

 Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him.  You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away on vacation.

Pray for Young Life campers and staff: July 29 – August 4

Almost 50 young people and staff leaders will head off to Lake Champion camp in Glen Spey, NY. Please pray that each young person’s heart is open to the good news of God’s love in Christ and that the staff have strength and wisdom.

Prayer Concerns for this week:  Talie Harris, Larry Bennett, Brooke Welch-Frehsee, Ellen Hitchcock, Theo Cline, Marcia Willock, Ginny Stelk, Grace Robinson Susan Nolde, Debbie Roberts, Frank Rheaume, Marsha Jewett, Bob Armitage, Sarah Gorman, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or




THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday        30      Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

                          8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:15am       Nursery opens

                             9:30am         Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

Monday      31      Beth - vacation day

                             12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             6:00pm        T’ai Chi in the Auditorium

Tuesday, Aug 1     10:30am         Wisdom Seekers

                             12 noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             1:00PM          Staff Meeting

                             3:30pm        ExCom

                             7:00pm        AA in the auditorium

                             7:30pm        Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s)

Wednesday    2          9:30 am          Mainely Weavers

                                    12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             6:00pm        T’ai Chi in the Auditorium

                             6:30 pm           ORI meeting in Guild Room

                             6:30pm        FRESH AIR Mass on the Grass (Chapter 6)

Thursday     3        Beth - vacation day

                             9a - 12n          Garden Club workshop in the Auditorium

                             12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel (Chapel Eucharist on summer break)

Friday          4        Father Nathan at Navy Reserve Drill - Friday and Saturday

                             12noon       Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             5:30 pm        Al-Anon meeting

Saturday      5       

Sunday        6        Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

                          8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:15am       Nursery opens

                             9:30am         Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)






Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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