Friday, March 23, 2018

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 3.25.18

Saint Mary's Weekly News

March 25, 2018 – The Sunday of the Passion:  Palm Sunday

      McClosky Voice Workshop:  Saturday, March 24, 10am -12 noon

Our new choir member, Maria Belva, will be leading a vocal masterclass for singers on Saturday, March 24, 10-12 noon in the auditorium. The McClosky method is superbly suited for singers of all abilities. It is especially useful for amateur and older singers who can learn to extend their range and sing with more comfort. The workshop will be open to singers at the cost of $20, with $10 donated to the church by Maria. If interested, please e mail Bruce Fithian:

   The Triduum and Pascha at Saint Mary's


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week

Special Holy Week prayers are offered at 12 Noon in the Chapel.

♦♦ Maundy Thursday Agape Meal: March 29 -- sign-up!

Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. Our Maundy Thursday Agapé Supper and Liturgy is one of our most special liturgies of the year.  We gather for a simple meal of soup, bread, cheese, and fruit. Holy Scripture proclaims the institution of the Lord's Supper and Jesus' act of service by washing the feet of his disciples. We re-enact the footwashing.  At the conclusion of the meal, we walk over to the Church for the remainder of the Eucharist, and the stripping and washing of the Altar.   Visit the Sign-Up Table by the Guild Room  where you may indicate if you (and your family/friends) are planning to attend this special event.  You may indicate if you would like to, ahead of time, bring: a block of cheddar or swiss cheese, dried fruit, mixed nuts, juice or wine. Please bring to kitchen or office by Monday, March 26.

All-Night Watch of Prayer and Adoration

Maundy Thursday 8:00 pm to Good Friday 12 noon in the Chapel.

"Can you not watch with me one hour?"  These are the words spoken by Jesus to his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane.  We overcome the failure of the twelve by keeping an all-night watch of prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel.  This is an intimate, highly spiritual time to spend in the presence of God.  Visit the sign-up next to Beth's office and indicate the time that you would like to keep watch. 

♦♦Good Friday at Saint Mary's: A Day of Fasting, Prayer & Sacrifice

Good Friday morning:  Walk for Habitat for Humanity

Traditionally, Saint Mary's has hosted a walk or a walk/run to benefit Habitat for Humanity in May.  This year, the Falmouth May 5th event will be a run only, and we wish to encourage anyone who wishes to walk to join the wonderful Cumberland Good Friday Walk for Habitat.  You have a choice of four routes:  3-miles, 5-miles, 10 miles, and 20 miles.  Registration runs from 7-3pm at either the Congregational Church of Cumberland or First Baptist Church of Cumberland (for the 3-mile only.)  The Cumberland Walk enjoys a wonderful history (this is its 32nd year!) and how meaningful it will be to do this on Good Friday!  FMI:  Jennifer Gregg ( or  Habitat for Humanity, 772-2151, or www.crowdrise/com/2018GoodFridayWalk  

12 noon:  The Prayer Watch ends with the brief Good Friday Liturgy and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament in the Chapel.

4:00 pm:   The Way of the Cross   An all age service in which we walk the way Jesus walked together with familiar scripture and songs. 

6:00 PM:   The Good Friday Liturgy. A time of powerful readings, times of silence, and the Church stripped bare by the austerity of mourning.  The Passion According to Saint John is chanted to an ancient tone; a plain, wooden cross is brought into our midst.  The organ does not sound; it, too, is silent in the face of Christ's self-offering. 

Good Friday Offering:  We will join the Episcopal Church in donating our Loose offering from Maundy Thursday and Good Friday to the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East and their efforts toward peace, education, healthcare and evangelism in the Holy Land.

♦♦Holy Saturday, March 31

Blood Drive: from 9 AM to 2 PM.  Come and share the gift of life with others as we remember the new life that Christ has given to us through the shedding of his blood. Here in our Parish House Auditorium.  Sign-up now or walk in on Saturday. Go to to make your appointment and use our sponsor code "StMary". Or sign-up TODAY in the Auditorium. And tell your friends and neighbors!

The Great Vigil: Holy Saturday at 7:06 PM

This is the hinge of the entire church year.  It begins at sunset with the Blessing of the New Fire, the Lighting of the Paschal Candle, and our procession into the darkness of the Church, still waiting for the light of the Lord's resurrection.  The story of salvation is told through Hebrew Scripture, all are doused with blessed water, the lights of the church go on as Christ is proclaimed as risen, and we gather for our Paschal feast at the Lord's table!  A special treat awaits everyone at the end. Bring a bell from home to proclaim the Lord's resurrection! All are welcome. We ask the children to be here a few minutes early to lay the kindling for the great fire that brings new light.

♦♦The Sunday of the Resurrection:  Holy Pascha:  Easter Day

9 AM & 11 AM:  Two identical joyous Festive Eucharists with organ, brass, and choir.  RSCM choirs will add to the 11am festivities. Bring a bell from home and be ready to celebrate!

Serving The World

Holy Week Blood Drive:  Saturday, March 31, 9am – 2pm

Jesus gave his life for us. Come to share the gift of your life with others.

Here in our Parish House Auditorium. In partnership with the RED CROSS. Go to and use our sponsor code "StMary".

Christian Formation and Youth Notes

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)

Palm Sunday, the kids will stay in the auditorium for the whole service to begin their journey to Holy Week. The children will create palm crosses, resurrection gardens, pascal candles and enjoy an agape style feast as we begin to understand the sequence of events leading to the crucifixion and resurrection.

  There will be NO classes on the Sunday of the Resurrection:  Holy Pascha:  Easter Day. The nursery will be open for our youngest disciples on Easter Sunday during the 9am and 11am services – anyone interested in manning the nursery during one of these services should contact Megan Akers.  Nursery is open every regular Sunday morning beginning at 9:45 AM.

Young Life Club:  Every Monday night at 7:31pm

At 56 Quiet Lane in Portland (off of Summit St). High schoolers from every town are invited to come together for crazy fun and to meet new friends. Young Life includes everyone – no questions asked! Each Club ends with a 5 minute inspirational talk about the love of God in Christ. Don't miss it!  FMI: visit or call Jordan Droge at 805-453-1999


News & Events

Annual BridgeaThon: Fri., May 4, 12:30-4pm - Reserve your table now!

Enjoy an afternoon of bridge - or any card or table game for four - at Saint Mary's.  Good fellowship, sumptuous refreshments, prizes for high scorers, all for price of admission ($48.00 per table/$12 per person) Call Beth Shaw 781-3366 to reserve your spot!  Please share this with any Bridge player you know!

 Don't play Bridge or cards?  For those who can't or don't wish to play cards that day, we would greatly welcome tea-snacks (tea sandwiches, sweets, savories) for this event. 

Sign-up sheet is outside the Guild Room or contact Betsy Stoddard or Jan Mordarski if you can help. 


Community Care & Nurture

Altar Flowers: Please fill out the inserted sheet with your names for Easter memorial or thanksgiving flowers. Due by Monday, March 26

Please pray for the Bishop search process! 

God of Grace, we give you thanks for all of the blessings of our common life and ministries as the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, and for our leaders who are guiding us through this season of change. Grant to the Discernment and Transition Committees open hearts, minds, and spirits as they receive the Holy Spirit's gifts of faith, hope, and love to aid their work. We ask also that you send courage and vision to our next bishop of Maine as she or he discerns your call. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Wisdom Seekers: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM

This Bible study group meets weekly in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! We discuss each week's  scriptures in depth.

Chapel Eucharist: Thursdays in the Chapel at 12 noon

This is an informal time (in a beautiful space!) to gather at the Lord's Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day and prayers for healing.

Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel 

Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.

With concerns, comment, or issues, feel free to contact the Parish office (Beth, 781-3366) or the Wardens ( Jim Kane, 329-1764 or Janet Bowne, 318-7045)

Prayer Concerns for this week:  Pat Mordecai, Stewart Stalnecker, Karen Mynahan, John Lund, Sally Rigg, Theresa Violette, Nolan Farris, Douglas McCormack, Lee Lamphere, Arthur Markos, Frank Rheaume.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


THIS HOLY WEEK at Saint Mary's

Sunday              25   The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

                                  8:00am         Contemplative Eucharist (in Sanctuary)

                                  9:00am         Coffee hour

                                  9:15AM           RSCM Choir practice in the Choir room

                                  9:45am         Nursery opens

                                  10:00am          Choral Eucharist (all gather in the Auditorium)

Children will stay in the Auditorium after the congregation
processes to the church for a special Palm Sunday project

                                  11:00am          Coffee hour

                                                                                                                                       11:30am     Vestry to meet with Pastor Sara


Monday             26   12noon          Holy Week Prayers in the Chapel

                                  4:30pm          T'ai Chi in auditorium

                                5:30pm      Be Still in the Fr James Chapel

                                6:00pm    Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in auditorium

Tuesday             11   7 - 9am         BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30am         Art Group

                                  10:30am            Wisdom Seekers

                                          12noon          Holy Week Prayers in the Chapel

                                  1:00pm          Staff Meeting / Get Stitching group

                                  7:00pm          AA in the auditorium

                                  7:30pm          Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner's Al-Anon)

Wednesday            12     12noon          Holy Week Prayers in the Chapel

                                        6-8:30pm         Oratorio Chorale in the Auditorium

                                                        6-8:30pm         SinG in the Chapel or choir room

Thursday          24   Maundy Thursday

                                  12noon        Maundy Thursday Eucharist with Foot-washing

                                  6:00pm      Agape Meal and Foot-washing in the Auditorium

                                  7:00pm      The Maundy Eucharist in the Sanctuary

                                  8:00pm          The Watch of Prayer and Adoration begins in the Chapel

Friday               25   Good Friday

                                 7am – 3pm Good Friday Habitat Walk in Cumberland

                                  12noon     Good Friday Liturgy with Communion – in the Chapel

                                  4:00pm         Walking the Way of the Cross all age service

                                 5:30pm         Al-Anon meeting

                                  6:00pm       Good Friday Liturgy with music

Saturday         26      Holy Saturday
         9am– 2pm:   Holy Saturday  Blood Drive – in the Auditorium

                                  7:06pm         The Great Vigil

Sunday              27   Sunday of the Resurrection: Holy Pascha – Easter Day

                                  9:00am        Sunday of the Resurrection: Contemporary Eucharist

                                  10:00am        Coffee Hour 

                                  11:00am        Sunday of the Resurrection: Eucharist & Baptism

                                  12:00am         Coffee Hour continues




Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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