Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 7.7.19

  The News at Saint Mary’s

7 July 2019:  Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Happy Independence Day


Thanks to the Rev. Anne Fowler and to Clarissa Brown

Anne returns once again to her childhood parish to serve our community as Presider and Preacher in Fr. Nathan’s absence. Clarissa is here to play the organ for us in Bruce’s absence. We give thanks to God for their gifts and callings and their willingness to be with us in the worship of our Creator. 

Third Tuesday of each month: we serve at St. Elizabeth’s

Our service time at St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center (at the Cathedral) has changed to the 3rd Tuesday of every month. FMI, contact Betsy Elliman at 400-6871 or

Note:  Because of the extraordinary generosity of all, St. Elizabeth’s is temporarily overwhelmed by the amount of clothing they have received.  Please discontinue all clothing donations to St. E’s until July 15th. In the meantime, St E’s is able to accept donations of housewares like sheets and comforters, or some of the essential items we distribute like powdered laundry detergent, and toilet paper.  Thank you so much.

How to Help Our Newest Neighbors

THANK YOU to all who have donated food and clothing and games, sports equipment, and more to support the asylum seekers currently at Portland Expo.  Your generosity has been, quite literally, overwhelming!  So we ask that you take a break--a pause, but please don't forget these new neighbors completely!  We will be back to you as needs evolve!  

Over the short term, these asylum seekers still need help.  

If you have time: If you are a health care professional, are fluent in French or Portuguese or can serve meals, register your interest with United Way: .  Following a brief background check, you will be contacted as needs for your talents arise.

If you have money to give:  Our new neighbors are still being actively served by non-profit organizations who could very much use your tax-deductible donations: 

Ø ILAP, the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project is Maine's only nonprofit provider of free asylum legal representation

Ø Greater Portland Health provides culturally competent primary health care to asylum seekers and their children.  You can designate your gift to Health Care for Asylum seekers, or support for all their good work by donating here:

Ø Preble Street is providing good to the asylum seekers being sheltered at the Expo.  Designate your gift to Feeding Asylum Seekers or make a general donation:

Ø St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center - is able to accept donations of housewares like sheets and comforters, or some of the essential items we distribute like powdered laundry detergent, and toilet paper. 

 Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month  - May 24 

Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer,  

Thank you for keeping your pledges current!

For all you summer vacationers, please remember that if you will be out of town for a few weeks (or the entire summer), it is important to maintain your regular pledge to Saint Mary’s. The parish is still active in the summer and continues to incur operating expenses, so it is important that we maintain cash flow.  The easiest thing to do is to set-up automated bank transfers in advance so that you do not have to remember while away. This can be done through our website ( or through your own bank. That will give you one less thing that you’ll have to remember.  Thank You!

Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)  

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 0 to 14.  During the program year ( Sept – mid-June), we gather all together beginning at 9:30am for Formation in the lower level of the Parish House with classes beginning at 10amOur classes are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.  For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website

The Nursery opens at 9:15am on summer Sundays for our youngest disciples in the Guiding RAY area every Sunday morning for the later Eucharist. Please contact Megan Akers,, if you are able to assist with care. 

Guiding RAY: will be back in the fall.  Stay connected this summer on Thursdays for Common Ground Summer, a loosely organized time for fellowship. 

Middle School Youth Group:  MSY is on summer vacation.  All kids in grades 5-8 are welcome to join this growing group that will resume in the fall. 

Young Life of Casco Bay

Club is on break now and everyone is gearing up for Camp at Lake Champion on July 13 – 19. It is not too late to register! FMI , visit

Bishopswood Summer Finale Week(end): August 22-25

Everyone is invited to gather for this end of camp celebration. Bishopswood is on the shores of Lake Megunticook in the Camden Hills. Multiple lodging options are available, fantastic camp food will be provided, lots of games and campfires and singing. For more information, see





Gatherings & Events

Summer Farm-to-Table Dinner & Contra Dance: Saturday, August 10

A beautiful evening of fellowship and fundraising to be held on the church lawn, weather permitting. Join fellow parishioners, family, and friends for feasting and contra dancing. There will be hor d'oeuvres, locally-sourced steak and chicken, the freshest garden vegetable side dishes, and homemade French country fruit tarts for dessert! Ask anyone who went last year; the food is unbelievable and plentiful! Accompanying the evening will be a live Bluegrass & Celtic band with well-known Portland caller Dela Murphy, who will teach everyone how to contra dance. No experience is necessary! Even kids can do it! We will still be hosting a silent auction at the event as a communal way to raise funds for the church. If you have an item or experience to offer in the auction, contact Emily Rodgers, or Janet Bowne,

COMMON GROUND Summer: starting July 11     

As a way to keep us connected during the summer Common Ground Thursdays will continue but with a slight time change. Join us on Thursdays from 9:00 – 11:00am (or later if you wish...bring a picnic to the playground) for fellowship and various activities and programs. Ice coffee, lemonade and snacks will be provided.

A few activities planned are...

  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Curry’s podcasts on “The way of Jesus is the Way of Love. And the Way of Love can change the world”
  • Weed and water the Saint Mary’s Vegetable Garden
  • Play in the nursery (all ages welcome!)
  • On July 18 Denise Curry, owner of Bfit Fitness will share her expertise on aging well with exercise and nutrition, emphasizing natural and organic strategies on skincare, weight loss and stress management. Denise will also conduct private body fat measurements for anyone interested in getting a better understanding of their baselines!
  • Sparkles projects

Or just spend some time chatting with each other. All are welcome!!

Community Care & Nurture

Weekly Worship at Saint Mary’s during summer months

SUNDAYS:    8 am Contemplative Eucharist,

                           9:30 am Choral Eucharist (until Kickoff Sunday on September 8)

THURSDAYS: 12 noon Chapel Eucharist is off for the summer months

Mon -Thurs:  10 minute Noonday Prayer in Chapel or wherever

Tuesdays:   10:30 am  Wisdom Seekers Bible study in Guild Room (off in July)


Communicating with Nathan+   

Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him.  You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away on vacation.

Fr. Nathan will be at his Navy training on July 1 and will return on July 28. During that time, we are fortunate to have Deacon Christine Bennett able to cover pastoral concerns.  If needed, her cell is 653-2448.

Prayer Concerns for this week:  Harry Duvall, Jack Haney, Karen Mangino, Becca Horton and her baby, Tom Chamberlain, Chandra Lowe, Nolan Farris, Stewart Stalnecker. 

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday              7     Fourth Sunday after Pentecost with Rev. Anne Fowler

                                  8:00am            Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)  

                                  9:30am            Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

Monday             8     10:30am          SM Garden Club

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Tuesday             9     7 - 9am            BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30-12:30         Art Group in the auditorium

                                                          Wisdom Seekers on break during July

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  7:00pm            AA in the auditorium (Al-A-Teen in Youth Room)

                                  7:30pm            Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)

Wednesday        10   12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Thursday            11   9:00am            Common Ground Summer

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

Friday                12   Parish Office closed 

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer – stop and pray where you are

                                  4:00pm            Wedding Rehearsal

                                  5:00pm            Souper Supper

                                  5:30pm            Al-Anon meeting

Saturday            13   1:00pm            Lalumiere and Smith Wedding

Sunday              14   Fifth Sunday after Pentecost with Rev. Sam Henderson

                                  8:00am            Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)  

                                  9:30am            Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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