Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 9.22.19

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

22 September 2019 – The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Autumn Sunday Formation:  9:30 – 10 AM

Everyone is invited to gather on Sunday mornings in either of two groups – a prayerful group meeting in the Chapel, and a discussion group meeting in the Auditorium.

  • Current Events and the Mind of Christ  in the Auditorium:  (led by Fr. Nathan & Deacon Christine) 
  • Be Still in the Fr James Chapel:  Meditation, Prayer & Discussion (led by Merle Marie Troeger, Jennifer Gregg and Becky Pride)

The Current Events group depends on input from all of you. You provide the headlines for discussion by sending an email to Nathan+ before 5 PM on Saturday with three bits of information:

  1. An actual current news headline from recent days
  2. A brief summary of the issue under consideration
  3. The (reputable) source of the headline

Do this, then grab a cup of coffee or tea and join the lively discussion in the Auditorium. Together we will look for points of connection between the headline and the Scriptures and Traditions of the Church, always seeking after the Mind of Christ.

Vestry Nominations

For a few more weeks, the Nominating Committee will be seeking nominations for 2020 including:

  • Vestry – four members to serve 3-year terms
  • Sr. Warden – to serve a 1-year term
  • Jr. Warden to serve a 2-year term
  • Delegates to the 2020 Diocesan Convention (late October)

You can submit your own name or someone else’s.  We are seeking three Diocesan Convention delegates and three alternates. Once your submissions are collected, the Nominating Committee will review names and make recommendations to the parish for a slate to be voted on at the Annual Meeting on January 26. Nomination forms are available in the narthex, outside of the Guild Room or in the parish office.  Nominating Committee: Peter Fitch, chair;  Ed Ainsworth, Maggie Gardner, Len Taylor

New! Changes to Hosting Coffee Hour

Please sign up to help with Coffee Hour. There are three positions: Baker (bring a baked good and some fruit anytime during the weekend), Set-up/Host (put out the already purchased cheese and crackers, juice, coffee mugs, and the Baker's contribution), Clean-up (tidy things up and run the dishwasher). If you are an early bird, or need to head home after Church, maybe set-up is best for you. Not and early-bird? Maybe clean-up afterwards works better for you ! :) We all love coffee-hour. Thanks for your time. Sign-up sheets are outside the Guild Room. Thank you. FMI contact Sarah or Tim Caven

Resolve to Get  Fit! Sept. 12 - Oct. 3: new Saint Mary’s offering!

This Thursday ONLY ( Sept 19)

BeFit will be after Chapel Eucharist at 12:45!

Join us on regular Thursdays from 11 - 11:45 AM for a self-paced fitness class in the Auditorium. Instructor and personal trainer, Denise Curry, will lead the class. Whether you prefer to do the class seated or standing, Denise will guide us through a series of exercises suitable for all. She’ll work to help you find your level of ability, so you are challenged sufficiently.

Come dressed to exercise, whatever is comfortable for you. Be sure to wear good shoes for exercising! We’re offering these classes on a trial basis until October 3. What we do next will depend on the participants’ interest. $5 per class suggested donation. But don’t let that stop you from giving this a try. Call or email Beth Shaw ( , 781-3366 to sign up.

Maine Marathon: Sunday, October 6 (NO church services that day)

NEEDED: Godspeed Relay Runners and Water Station Volunteers

Be part of one of our Saint Mary’s GODSPEED relay teams and join this fantastic community event. Runners of ALL ABILITIES are invited to join us. This is NOT a race, but a fun community event. FMI, contact Nathan+.

Volunteering at the water station in front of Saint Mary’s is a great time - cheering on the runners and serving water or Gatorade as they pass by is rewarding and fun!  Contact the office if you are interested: 781-3366,

Outdoors Church:  Saturday, October 5, 5 PM

Join the good folks of Foreside Community Church here at Saint Mary’s as we gather for worship outside in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi. We will sing together, listen for God’s voice in Creation and bless God’s Creation as well. Neither of our congregations can gather on Sunday as usual due to the Marathon, so this will be our alternative time to worship. And we will worship in an alternative way – outdoors! 


Realm is Saint Mary’s new church database software program.  It’s how we track parishioners’ address, emails, contributions, committees, meetings, and so much more.  One of the features of Realm is you may have access to your own information or ‘Profile’ from address to donations.  There are ‘Groups’ formed to list committees and guilds and facilitate their communication.  There are ‘Pathways’ to create easy steps to a project or event.  It’s so great!

But first, you have to accept the invitation;

for your Realm invitation in your email inbox!

Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): Sept. 15, 10 AM   

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 0 to 14, with classes beginning at 10am. The Nursery, classes for pre-K through grade 5, and a group for Middle Schoolers now called Ignite will all be available. Our classes are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.  For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website  As always, we are looking for leaders to assist with these crucial programs. Please contact Megan Akers to find out ways you can help!

This week in Guiding RAY we continue our Bible Blast rotation. During this rotation, kids will learn the who, what and where of the Good Book. We will talk about how the Bible is the inspired Word of God, meaning it did not come from people, but from the Will of God. These lessons will help familiarize our children with the Bible, how it came to be, and the importance of it in our lives.

Guiding SAY (Singing Adventures for Youth): Sept. 15, 9:35 AM   

NEW this Autumn! Before Guiding RAY classes begin, all young people are invited to gather downstairs with our own Maria Belva for fun singing. No special skill or experience required, only a willingness to sing together.

The Nursery is open for our youngest parishioners every Sunday, 9 - 11:30am, so parents can attend Formation classes or sing in the choir. Please contact Megan Akers,, if you are able to assist with care. 

IGNITE - Middle School Youth Group:  All kids in grades 6-8 are welcome to join this growing group that meets every two weeks, including THIS Sunday, Sept 22. Gather at 10 AM downstairs in the Youth Room.

Bibles Presented to Kindergartners and 6th Graders

Special Bibles will be presented to kindergartners and 6th graders toward the end of the 10:15 worship.  Children are encouraged to bring their new Bibles with them weekly to Guiding RAY classes where they will learn how to use it and where to find the stories they are studying.  Families are encouraged to keep the Bible available and to read from it during family time, before bedtime, or on occasions of quiet time.  Please join us for this intentional passing along of our faith to our children.

Young Life of Casco Bay Club is coming soon! FMI see

Serving the World

Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month: SEP 27 

Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer,  

Mission Morning: Faith In Action as a Parish Family!  September 29

Our opportunity to all join together, to seek and serve Christ outside the walls of Saint Mary's!   Families and parishioners of all ages are invited to gather in the Auditorium directly following the 8am Eucharist (9ish) for a short reflection and send-off, after which we will disperse in small groups into the community for various projects appealing to every interest.  We return at 11:30 for a fellowship and mid-day snacks.   The nursery will be available for our youngest parishioners (up to 3 ½ years) from 9-noonFMI see September AVE

Gatherings & Events

Common Ground: every Thursday potluck & conversation

SEPT 19: Ask a Rabbi: Rabbi Laura Boenisch of B’nai Portland will join us to talk about her journey to become a rabbi and to answer our questions about Judaism.

SEPT 26: Aging and Direct Primary Care: our own Dr. Alexandra Barr will talk about her interest in gerontology, how DPC works as a model for medical care, and to answer our questions about aging. NOTE: this is a change from what was in the AVE. The Partners for World Health presentation has been moved to 11/14.

The basic Common Ground structure is:

5 – 7 pm  Potluck-style dinner. Take a break from cooking a whole meal. Bring a   dish or just eat what we have. If you are not hungry, come anyway to enjoy the fellowship and discussion. Open to everyone!! 

5:45 pm    Gather for a conversation on important issues for our community.

Living With Grief: beginning October 8 at 4 pm 

A new "Living with Grief" group will begin meeting at Saint Mary's from 4 to 5:30pm once a week for 8 weeks. Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one whether that death occurred 6 months ago or many years ago is welcome to be part of the group. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Christine at 653-2448 or Beth at the church office.

12th Annual Harvest Community Supper: Thu, Oct 24, 4:30-7:00 PM

Saint Mary’s joins with other religious communities in Falmouth to once again host a free turkey supper to raise funds for the Falmouth Food Pantry, a resource devoted to serving the needs of many in our area.  The community dinner is held at the Falmouth Congregational Church (267 Falmouth Road) on Thursday, October 24, from 4:30 to 7PM.  Plan on coming to enjoy an evening of good food, goodwill and friendship. Free-will donations will be gratefully accepted. 

As one of the hosts of this event, parishioners from Saint Mary’s are asked to donate and cook turkeys, bake squash and help with serving and cleanup. 

Please volunteer by signing up in timely fashion on the poster near the guild Room. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause. Contact John Brooks (781-2097) with any questions.

Sparkles NEWS:  Mark your calendars for December 7

    We STILL have a few gift boxes available!  Choose one of our themes or create one of your own.  Just fill the box, and we’ll wrap it up and sell it at Sparkles.  Please don’t be limited by the size or shape of the boxes.  Customers often purchase these for neighbors, teachers, or co-workers, as well as family members so be creative.  It’s a fun way to donate to Sparkles, and to share a passion for cooking, knitting, fishing or ???  Someone will be delighted to buy or receive your gift basket!

     You might also notice our Bean Basket outside the Guild Room.  We need lots and lots (and lots and lots) of beans to make our famous and delicious Saint Mary’s Friendship Soup.  You supply the beans (any size, any kind), we add the spice packets, and it becomes the most delicious bean soup evah.  It’s consistently a best seller at Sparkles, and many people buy multiple packages every year.Like us on Facebook --SparklesSt.MarysFalmouth

TOPS: new group meeting at Saint Mary’s, Wednesdays 5 - 6:30 pm

TOPS Club, Inc. is a nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss support organization established in 1948. In an industry filled with quick fixes and fad diets, TOPS is an affordable and evidence-based program that encourages members to make small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting weight loss and better health. FMI, visit


Community Care & Nurture

Weekly Worship at Saint Mary’s

SUNDAYS:    8 am Contemplative Eucharist,

                           9:30 am Formation for ALL

                               10:15 am Choral Eucharist

THURSDAYS: 12 noon Chapel Eucharist

Mon - Wed:  12 noon NoonDay Prayer in Chapel or wherever you are

Wisdom Seekers: Bible Study on Tuesday mornings

At 10:30 AM every Tuesday morning, a group gathers to study the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday. It is a great way to prepare oneself for the Eucharist. Some stay afterward for NoonDay Prayer. All are welcome to join the group at any time.

Communicating with Nathan+ Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you need advice, guidance or prayer.  You can call or text his cell at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at , but know that email is checked rarely on Fridays, Saturdays or when he’s away on vacation.

Prayer Concerns this week:  Lee Snow, Gary Conway, Chris McGonigle, Maureen Connolly, Sibyl Wayley, Dave Fenderson, Jim Martin, Sandy Pauly, Keith Lombardizzi, John Fournier, Karen Mangino, Chandra Lowe, Nolan Farris, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


Dear Parishioners and friends of Saint Mary's,

     We are saddened to announce the death of former parishioner Kate Kirsch who died in a biking accident last weekend.  Kate was very active in the Saint Mary's choir and as a multi-faceted volunteer until she moved to the southern side of Portland.

     When we have information on a celebration of Kate's life that is looking like it will be several weeks from now, we will pass the information on.

     Our prayers are with members of Kate's family. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through God mercy, rest in peace.


THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday              22   Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

                                  8:00am            Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)  

                                  9:30am              Formation for ALL

                                  10:15am          Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

Monday             23   Fr. Nathan away (Sept 23-27) at Episcopal Federal Chaplains Symposium in VA

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  6 – 9pm           Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in auditorium

Tuesday             24   7 - 9am            BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30-12:30            Art Group in the auditorium

                                  10:30am            Wisdom Seekers in the Guild Room

                                  11:00am            12-step support group

                                  12 noon           Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  7:00pm            AA in the auditorium (Al-A-Teen in Youth Room)

                                  7:30pm            Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:00pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)

Wednesday        25   5-6:30p            TOPS meeting in the Kneeler Room

                                  6:00pm            SinG rehearsal in the auditorium

Thursday               26    12noon            Chapel Eucharist with Fr. Tom Mousin

                                  5 – 7pm           Common Ground Potluck & Presentation:

                                                          Aging and Direct Primary Care with Dr. Alex Barr

                                  7:00pm            SM Choir Rehearsal

Friday                27   Parish Office closed 

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer – stop and pray where you are

                                  5:30pm            Al-Anon meeting in the Guild Room

Sunday              29   Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

                                  8:00am            Contemplative Eucharist          

                                  9:00am            MISSION MORNING – hands on projects for all

                                  1 - 5pm            Reception Retreat at Saint Mary’s




Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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