Thursday, February 27, 2020

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 3.1.20


Saint Mary’s Weekly News

1 March 2020 – The First Sunday in Lent


The Rite of Forgiveness on the First Sunday in Lent

This practice comes from the ancient Eastern Orthodox liturgy of Vespers (Evening Prayer) for the First Sunday in Lent. It is uncomfortable and different, which is precisely the point! Forgiveness is a challenge for most of us, and it is also beautiful and holy, as we both receive and give the blessing of forgiveness to each other. The Church does this not because of the particular ways that we have hurt each other (although these are included), but because we are part of a broken humanity which ignores the voice of God, harms one another and destroys God’s creation.

Evensong at Saint Mary’s:  Sunday, March 1 at 4 PM   THIS afternoon!

The Saint Mary’s adult Choir and the Handbell choir invite you to savor a special time when you can let the trials and tribulations of this world melt away, as we gather together singing hymns and songs about the close of the day.  Come join us for an afternoon of beauty and contemplation!


Book, Bread & Soup Sale: March 28, 9am – 2pm

   Coffee Hour signup: March 8  

Books may be left on the floor outside the storage room at any time.....but PLEASE NO textbooks, encyclopedias or magazines.

On March 8, the “Book Sale” will be hosting coffee hour and there will be sign-up sheets to help with the sale, and we will have samples of the breads that will be sold during the sale.   If you would like to help sort books prior to the sale, please contact Betsy Stoddard ( or Jan Mordarski (  It is one of the easier volunteer jobs at Saint Mary’s, in that you can come in when you want and stay for as long as you have time!!

To donate books,  help sort books, lead a section, or if you have any questions, contact Jan or Betsy


Souper Supper: second and fourth Fridays of each month:  Mar 13 & 27

Free soup, salad, bread, dessert and beverage suppers, served family-style in our Parish House Auditorium; open to anyone and everyone. Join us sometime between 5 – 7 PM as a diner or volunteer to help serve.  FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg  ( or 781-2665).

Lenten Blood Drive: March 14, 9am – 2pm

Mark your calendars now for a special opportunity to share the gift of life with others as we remember the new life that Christ has given to us in the Paschal mystery - here in our Parish House Auditorium. We are working in partnership with the RED CROSS. Go to to make your appointment and use our sponsor code “StMary”. Or sign-up TODAY on the sign-up table outside the Guild Room. And tell your friends and neighbors!

        Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 10 AM   

Our Guiding RAY programs, for all young people ages 0 to 14, are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God. 


  Classes for pre-K through grade 5 and IGNITE (Gr. 6-8) begin at 10amFor more information on Guiding RAY, visit our website  

We are always looking for leaders to assist with these crucial programs. Please contact Megan Akers to find out ways you can help!

The Nursery is open for our youngest parishioners every Sunday, 9 – 11:30.

Please contact Megan,, if you are able to assist with care. 

This week in Guiding RAY  For our Lenten rotation, we will be learning about Easter through the eyes of Peter. Using drama, art, labyrinths, cooking, and games we will focus on Peter’s relationship with Jesus, specifically, Peter’s denial of Jesus during Jesus’ arrest and Peter’s restoration with Jesus after Jesus’ resurrection. This powerful story of gentle forgiveness can be a great source of comfort and hope for each of us. We still need leaders and assistant leaders for this rotation. Lesson plans and supplies are provided. Please consider helping our Saint Mary’s kids learn about Jesus’ love through your love of Jesus.

IGNITE - Middle School Youth Group! Ignite meets today at 10 AM in the youth room for a game of Bible Pictionary!  This is going to blend together navigating the Bible (what we’ve worked on for several weeks) with our group's love for Pictionary!  We’ll join Guiding RAY and come up for Communion - so save us a seat!  All kids in 6-8 grade are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend.

Guiding SAY (Singing Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 9:30 AM   Before Guiding RAY classes begin, all young people are invited to gather downstairs with our own Maria Belva for fun singing. No special skill or experience required, only a willingness to sing together FMI contact Maria at












Gatherings & Events


Formation for all:  Sundays from 9:30 – 10 AM

Everyone is invited to gather on Sunday mornings in either of two groups – a prayerful group meeting in the Chapel, and a discussion group meeting in the Auditorium.

  • Coffee and Conversation  in the Auditorium with Fr. Nathan

Faith for Exiles – brief discussion of the five practices that empower Resilient Disciples

  • Be Still in the Fr James Chapel with Merle Marie, Jennifer, and Becky.

            A unique Meditation & Discussion each Sunday with a Lenten focus on        


Common Ground: 5-7pm every Thursday potluck & conversation

Sharing a meal and learning together – this is what Common Ground is all about.

March 5-April 2: Special Lenten Teaching Series:  FAITH FOR EXILES


Lenten Quiet Morning:  THE ANOINTING WOMAN

Saturday, March 21, 9 – 12:30 the Fr. James Chapel

                              Not every Gospel tells a story of Jesus’ birth.  Perhaps surprisingly, not every Gospel gives an account of His resurrection.    But every Gospel contains a report of the woman who breaks into a dinner party to anoint Jesus with expensive perfumed oil.  Why not spend some time during Lent with this fascinating woman?  She has the power to teach us about fidelity, courage, intimacy and extravagance. 

                             It’s most helpful is you sign up on the sheet near the Guild Room so we have enough food and handouts.  But if you decide to come at the last minute, don’t hesitate.  (If you have questions, please contact


Lent in a Snapshot

Weekly Lenten Gatherings

  Sundays:           Faith For Exiles: 9:30 am in Auditorium

                             Be Still9:30 am in Fr James Chapel

  Mondays:          Be Still:  5 – 6 pm in Fr James Chapel

  ThursdaysFaith For Exiles - Common Ground  in auditorium

                                    5-7 pm Soup & Salad Potluck / 5:45 pm Presentation & discussion

Special Lenten Offerings

   Quiet Day: Saturday, March 21, 9am - 12noon – led by our own Saint Marians.

   Lenten Schola Concert at Saint Mary’s: April 1, 7:30pm

   Good Friday Walk/Run for Habitat for Humanity:  April 10, 7 am – 3 pm

          -Saint Marians meeting at 9 am in Cumberland to run and walk together

    Lent Blood Drive:  Saturday, March 14, 9am-2pm

Be sure to grab your Lent in a Bag

Lent in a Bag contains small items to be used as symbols to focus individual along with readings for family meditations and conversations during the season of Lent. 

Lenten Schola Concert:  Wed., April 1 at 7:30pm
The St Mary Schola will present a moving Lenten concert in April that includes the rarely performed Campra Requiem. Thanks to a grant from Choral Arts New England, the ensemble will offer this sublime work that is sure to offer comfort and solace to us all. The music is radiant, with magnificent choruses and solo ensembles accompanied by period instruments, including Baroque recorders, strings, lute and positif organ. Also on the program will be the dramatic scene from Handel’s oratorio, Solomon.  Concerts are Wednesday, April 1, 7:30 pm (pre concert talk at 7:00) at Saint Mary’s, and during Holy week, Tuesday April 7, 7:30 pm at St. Luke’s Cathedral. Tickets are on line at or at the door.

Lent Madness: Who will win the Golden Halo? 

Join in the fun and learning!  Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. Tim Schenck. This is a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints. The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen, then to the Elate Eight, the Faithful Four and finally the Golden Halo is awarded on Holy Wednesday.  You can cast YOUR vote and follow the bracket at .

B’Nai Portland invites all to a night of Mystery, Mayhem and Murder!
Saturday, March 21, 7-9pm Best Laid Plans in our Parish House.  A murder-mystery, FUNdraising event to benefit B’nai Portland (an unaffiliated congregation serving the Jewish community of greater Portland without bias) $45 includes the mystery, fun and delicious desserts. Purchase tickets on
Eventbrite murder mystery. FMI, contact

Coffee Hour  Bakers, Set-up Hosts & Cleaners Needed.

Please sign up to help with Coffee Hour. There are three positions: Baker (bring a baked good and some fruit anytime during the weekend),

Set-up/Host (put out the already purchased cheese and crackers, juice, coffee mugs, and the Baker's contribution),

Clean-up (tidy things up, put tables way and run the dishwasher). If you are an early bird, or need to head home after Church, maybe set-up is best for you. Not an early-bird? Maybe clean-up afterwards works better for you ! :)   We all love coffee-hour and we need you to sign up to continue it. Thanks for your time. Sign-up sheets are outside the Guild Room. Thank you. FMI contact Sarah or Tim Caven


Community Care & Nurture

Weekday Worship at Saint Mary’s

MONDAYS:  5 pm Be Still – centering prayer in the Chapel

THURSDAYS:            12 noon Healing Eucharist – in the Chapel

Mon - Wed:   12 noon NoonDay Prayer  - in the Chapel or wherever you are

Wisdom Seekers: Bible Study on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM

Every Tuesday morning, a group gathers to study the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday. It is a great way to prepare oneself for Sunday. Some stay afterward for NoonDay Prayer. All are welcome to join the group at any time.

Merton Group:  Spiritual Formation each Thursday at 3 pm

Here is a small, spiritually diverse, inquisitive, tolerant, open- minded, and supportive group of “seekers.”  Each week we pray, read aloud from a chosen book, reflect, question, and grow.  Feel free to learn more or test the waters.

Be Still:  Monday evenings  5 pm

There is no more precious season than Lent to search for moments of peaceful communion with God in the Father James Chapel. With centering prayer, we can promise that you will leave the chapel with a sought-for peace, calm and renewal. Please join us!

Communicating with Nathan+ Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you need advice, guidance or prayer.  You can call or text his cell at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at , but know that email is checked rarely on Fridays, Saturdays or when he’s away. Texting works best.

Prayer Concerns this week: Tyler, Bill, Cory, Roxann Gregory, Julian Mastrine, Allen Graffam, Ed H., Pixie Kubeck, Will Beck, Hunter Barr, Wayne Bullewell, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or



Special Safety Note:

This is a reminder to all drivers to be aware of people (big & little) walking back and forth from the church building to the Parish House, and that children should be accompanied by an adult to be assured that they cross safely and are not alone in any of the buildings. 

Thanks for being careful and protective of each other.




THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday, March 1      First Sunday in Lent: Forgiveness Sunday

                                  8:00                 Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                  9:30                 Formation for All

                                  10:15               Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour) 

                                  4:00                 Lenten Evensong

Monday             2     12:00              Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  2-5p                Parish office will close early

                                  5:30                 Be Still in the Chapel

                                  6:00                 PCC rehearsal in auditorium

Tuesday             3     7:00                 BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30-12:30       Art Group in the Auditorium

                                  10:30               Wisdom Seekers

                                  11:00               12-step meeting downstairs in Parish House

                                  12:00               Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  6:00                 Schola rehearsal

                                  7:00                 AA in the auditorium (Al-A-Teen in Youth Room)

                                  7:00                 Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6 pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)

Wednesday 4  10:00  Falmouth House at Oceanview Communion Service

                                 5:30                 TOPS meeting in the Kneeler Room

                                 6 – 8                SinG rehearsal in the Auditorium

Thursday            5     12:00               Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                  1:00                 CARE Team and Prayer Partners

                                  3:00                 Merton Group in the Chapel

                                  5 – 7                Common Ground Potluck – Faith For Exiles: Practice 1

                                  6:00                 Dowsers meeting in the Guild Room

                                  7:00                 Saint Mary’s Choir rehearsal

Friday                6     Parish Office is closed 

                                  7 – 4                Maine Montessori Workshop in Auditorium

                                  12:00               Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are

                                  5:00                 Souper Supper – All encouraged to attend or assist

                                  5:30                 Al-Anon meeting

Sunday               8     Second Sunday in Lent        DST begins

                                  8:00                 Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                  9:30                 Formation for All

                                  10:15               Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour) 



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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