Thursday, March 12, 2020

COVID-19 Practical response 3.10.20

My fellow Saint Marians,


We are all acutely aware of the threat caused by the new coronavirus called COVID-19.  We care for all within our community and hope that anyone in need of help during this anxious time (or any other time) will call the Parish Office. We do our best to meet the needs of anyone who asks for help. Our goal is to maintain community and support each other as needed.


To be more specific, however, there are some practical steps that we will now take as a Christian community, under the guidance of our Bishop Thomas Brown. These may change as the situation progresses, but for right now the following steps will be taken:


  1. As always, we encourage everyone to act in his or her own best interests.  If you are feeling unwell or are concerned that being in public is a threat to your health, please be prudent and stay home.
  2. Communion will be shared in the Body only until the threat from the virus subsides. Let there be no concern that this somehow lessens the grace of the sacrament. It does not, as the fullness of God’s grace is freely provided in both elements. In addition, only clergy will distribute the Body after clearly washing and/or sanitizing their hands. They will also minimize any contact with the hands of those receiving. Likewise, blessings will be offered at the Altar Rail without the laying on of hands.
  3. For the time being, we will minimize direct contact by not shaking hands during the passing of the Peace or after the Dismissal. We will also stop holding hands for the Lord’s Prayer. Feel free to greet one another with a wave, a slight bow, American Sign Language, or whatever else works to minimize all hand-to-hand contact.  
  4. Only ushers will touch the Offering Plates. This may take some more time as they move down the center aisle and then along the outer walls in order to reach everyone. Please be patient with this adjustment.
  5. Everyone in a leadership position (clergy, staff, lay leaders, ushers, Guiding RAY teachers, Eucharistic ministers, acolytes, choir members) is instructed not to show up for the Holy Eucharist or any other event if you have a fever, a persistent cough or other flu-like symptoms. You are instructed to stay away until you are symptom-free for 14 days. In this situation, it is prudent to expect the worst and to ensure that we do not spread the virus unwittingly.
  6. If a true crisis develops here in southern Maine and we need to cancel worship or other events, we will communicate this by a similar email, and also on our website ( and our Facebook page. I know that some of you are not fond of Facebook, but this is the simplest and quickest way to communicate broadly. We may also use this to live stream events if the need arises, so please consider liking and following our Facebook page (
  7. The best news in all the world is that God is here – right now, wherever you are. Trust in that promise while you are taking all necessary precautions, and you will avoid that fear which can debilitate or paralyze. And no matter what, never ever lose sight of the goodness, mercy and love of God demonstrated for all the world to see in Jesus our Redeemer. God is good, all the time.


Please reach out if you have any other questions or concerns. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, please let us know as well. And let us know how we can support you. This is time for us to be that authentic, vibrant, Christ-centered community to which God has called us.


Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Nathan Wilson Ferrell






Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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