Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Weekly eNEWS for  9 August 2020:
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Picnic Eucharist: Worship together safely outside  
This has worked beautifully on Sundays, and we will continue to gather on our beautiful campus to worship together in small groups of 40 or less two times each Sunday throughout the summer.  The Picnic Eucharist experience over the first few weeks has been very smooth, so there is no need to register beforehand.  Just come and enjoy the worship of God in community, as it was always intended to be. 

Remember that this is picnic style! Don't forget to bring your own bread and wine along with your chair and mask - perhaps also a hat if the sun is shining brightly.  Each household group will have their bread and wine consecrated and will distribute Communion among themselves, rather than sharing it between households. This is different from our usual practice, but it has been approved by Bishop Brown for this unusual pandemic time in which we are living. We are also hoping to have some live music at our morning Eucharists, in a way that is safe for all. 


Do you miss hearing glorious music in our sanctuary? 
           Click here to  watch and listen to Bruce Fithian share his love, knowledge, and musical talent in concert.


Events & Gatherings

Celebrate Saint Mary

Celebrate Saint Mary! Saturday, 15 August at 5:30 PM. Bring your own picnic dinner and gather safely outside on our beautiful campus. There will be music, games, a family movie and more. PIE AUCTION! Bring a pie or cake to be auctioned as a fundraiser and then to be eaten for dessert! 


Sparkles News

How do you Sparkle safely during a pandemic?  By dividing and conquering.  This year, we’re dividing our Fair into 3 events, 1 each in October, November and December.  This will help us adhere to state guidelines regarding crowd sizes and social distancing, and since we’re starting with our events earlier this year, we especially need your donations now!  In addition to other items, our Sparkle in October event will focus on our Appetizer event (more from Jan and Onnie on that), Jewelry and Fashion Accessories, Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving décor, Friendship Soup and Holy Smokes.

Jewelry & Accessories - we need vintage, new and handmade jewelry, and fashion accessories, i.e., scarves, purses and evening bags, belts, shawls, etc.  This year, we’re also accepting jackets, boots and shoes, as well as men’s neckties, shoes, belts and other men’s accessories.

Fall Decorating – We need wreaths (any type, any condition), fall ribbons, faux flowers, pumpkins, gourds, and any other fall decorative items, i.e., pillows, throws, etc.  We could also use Styrofoam balls and cones.

Friendship Soup and Holy Smokes – We need bags of dried beans for our Friendship Soup and pinecones and candles or wax for the Holy Smokes.

We’ll still be accepting items for our Knitter’s Corner, Toyland, Boutique, Christmas and Home Décor areas.  If you need pick up, please let us know.

Jana and Kathy,  Sparkles Co-Chairs


Ignatian Partnership of Maine will offer the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in 2020-2021

“Finding God in All Things” is the primary mantra of the Ignatian Exercises.  Developed over 300 years ago, the prayer practices and spiritual strategies are surprisingly modern.  They use all our faculties including the experiential, the imaginative and the rational.  The Retreat in Everyday Life allows us to move through the Exercises over a nine-month period, beginning in October, allocating a dedicated time of prayer and reflection each day.  Participants meet once a month as a group and at least once a month with a spiritual director.  Merle Marie Troeger has served as a spiritual director in this program for the last year. 

If you are interested in this unique experience, contact Merle Marie at or go to


Youth Substance Use 101  Live Webinar

Thursday, August 13, 2020  9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
This training, facilitated by Jordana Willers, Ed.M, provides an overview of the disease of addiction, key issues to be aware of when working with youth struggling with substance use, and how best to support youth in recovery and their families. We will review key risk factors, trends and best practices. This training will also review the different levels of care available for youth and young adults. Family recovery supports will also be identified.   
$10 Registration Fee, 3.0 Continuing Education Credits
For More Information and To Register


Responding to Racial Injustice


Becoming An Anti-Racist Parish - Summer Reading and Discussion!

White Fragility - Challenge Your Assumptions about Racism

A bright light has been trained on the deep-seated racism that continues to stir up both our country and our hearts.  You are invited to examine its nature - societally and our own individual, witting or unwitting, participation.  As Father Nathan has noted, this is not a "comfortable" read.  But we offer this selection as a first step in better understanding ourselves and our roles, for if we do not understand and embrace our own involvement, we cannot change.  You are invited to read and, if interested, join in small group/safe-space gatherings (in-person or via zoom)  to share our thoughts in August or September (watch this space for details!) .  Copies of White Fragility are available from Beth in the parish office or at Sunday services.  Suggested donation, $15.  


Below are some Episcopal resources to help all of us grow in understanding.

Presiding Bishop Stephen Curry 
Bishop response to the Killing of George Floyd
Episcopal Call for justice
When the cameras are gone, we will still be here


Maine's Bishop Thomas Brown
Bishop Brown's statement and resources for study and action


Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing
A ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta with many resources for Episcopalians
Center for Racial Healing

Serving  Others

Souper Supper To Go continues: 2nd & 4th Fridays, 5 – 6 PM     August 14!!

Souper Supper has returned for take-home distribution of To-Go meals only, returning to the regular schedule of second and fourth Fridays. In addition, if food insecurity is an issue in your home, Saint Mary’s can help you discreetly. Just call the Parish Office at 781-3366.


Plant 2020 Victory Gardens! 

The Outreach Committee is joining forces with Guiding RAY to provide fresh food for local families who are nutritionally vulnerable this summer due to the effects of the pandemic.  Thank you to those who are already sharing their fresh vegetables from their "Victory Gardens!"  The Outreach Committee is organizing weekly deliveries of produce and fresh flowers to the Falmouth Food Pantry for distribution to our most vulnerable neighbors. To donate part of your harvest and fresh cut flowers, please drop your donation  from your harvest and flower gardens in the designated cooler/red bucket outside the Guild Room entrance on Wednesday by noon or arrange for pick-up from your home by contacting Bonny Rodden, or Jennifer Gregg,
    If you wish to help with pick-ups from parishioner homes, just go to then click Events to register!    


St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center  –  has re-opened!

The plan is to distribute only pre-bagged essential items ( soap, detergent, toilet paper, diapers and feminine hygiene products) outside St. Luke's Cathedral.  We need workers from Saint Mary's on the third Tuesday of each month.  Volunteers could help with pre-bagging on either Monday or Tuesday mornings.  They could help with distribution on Tuesdays.  All volunteers as well as neighbors will wear masks and gloves and maintain 6 ' distancing. 
Please contact Betsy Elliman for more information at 207-400-6871 or 

The Book Sale – Still happening!!
There are books, DVDs, CDs, and puzzles in the Auditorium - honor box for donation.  Lots of DVDs!!.  Thanks,  Betsy and Jan, co-chairs.

Homemade Face Masks

We currently have some available outside and in the Parish Office. They are available to anyone who wants or needs one. Thanks to several parishioners who have been quietly making masks for others. We keep working to maintain a supply, as they are popular and in-demand.     If you wish to make one, we have donation material and online patterns that we are happy to share. 

Caring for Others: Facemask Project
For those who have sewing machines, here is an opportunity to help those who are at greater risk during this difficult time by creating washable fabric face masks.  There are many patterns online;  here’s a simple one: .

**There is fabric from a Cuddledown grant and donated fabric to make masks outside our parish office, along with aluminum strips for the nose piece. The Outreach Committee (along with gifts from a couple of generous parishioners)  is willing to reimburse sewers for the cost of supplies, as needed. Submit your expenses to Beth here:    

Here's a DIY face mask with no sewing

Falmouth Food Pantry thanks all and hopes for our continued help

The Pantry is asking for donations of new or used reusable shopping bags.  If you can spare a couple, please bring them to the parish house and leave at the door if building not open.  (We are in the office Monday - Wednesday.)   
Families in need of food are invited to come to the Falmouth Food Pantry
/ Town Hall site on the first and third Friday during July and August. Food will be distributed to cars from 9:00-10:30.  

Pantry managers will continue packing food cartons for delivery to doorsteps of families in need.  It is because of the compassion and generosity of so many in our community that we are able to provide help to so many.  In the event of a need please call 632-2687 or 781-2996.

And if in need of the Emergency Pantry services, please call 632-2687 or 781-2996

Christian Formation & Youth Notes

All Children and Youth Programs are temporarily suspended

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)      During normal programing, our Guiding RAY programs, for all young people ages 0 to 14, are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.   FMI  Please contact Megan

We have set up a Guiding RAY Facebook group as a place for parents to connect. Please like  and join the Guiding RAY Group. It is a great way to share resources, stories and a general check-in with each other.  Please visit our website ( for more at home resources.


High Touch High Tech of Maine
Summer Camp outside at Saint Mary's: Aug. 17-21, 24-28

High Touch High Tech brings the wonder of science & nature to your campers! Our summer programs encourage kids to explore their natural curiosity for science through hands-on, fun, experiences geared for PK-6 grade. Safe and meeting all CDC protocols
Contact:  Genia Sklute, PhD    Phone: 207.400.0937  

Community Care & Nurture

The 2020 Census is happening now

Your response is needed! This is a Constitutional mandate!
Each household can complete their 
questionnaire online, by phone (844-330-2020), or by mailing in the survey sent in the mail. Visit to begin.

Follow-up visits for non-responses to the Census will shortly begin here in Maine (that’s where people knock on doors of households who have not yet completed their forms). Because of the risk of spreading COVID-19, the government is trying to minimize the need for these direct contact visits. That is why attempts are being made to raise the self-response rate as high as possible. Your assistance with those efforts is greatly appreciated.

For additional updates on the Census, here are links that you might find interesting:

How to help                Response rates               Field operations

OnLine worship

NoonDay PrayerMonday – Friday  12noon  on Facebook Live

Sunday WorshipSunday 10:15 am on Facebook Live

These services are also linked on our website ( on the banner titled “Community & Worship Online: COVID-19 Resources”)

OnLine Spiritual Formation

Be Still: Sundays at 9:30 AM  online via ZOOM

Be Still: Mondays at 5 PM  online via ZOOM

Merton Group:  Thursdays at 3 pm  online via ZOOM

These three groups will continue to meet online via ZOOM. If you would like to participate, send an email to Jennifer Gregg ( to receive the meeting login information. 

Communicating with Nathan+

If you need to connect with someone for encouragement, or if you need advice, guidance or prayer, please text Fr Nathan on his cell phone at 207-310-0268. Share your name and your concern.  You can call or e-mail as well ( ), but texting is the best way to make contact.

Prayer Concerns this week:  John Cunningham, Cindy Horton, Mike Obar, Tom Troeger, John Fournier, Greg Hodgdon, John Lund, Noah Bilodeau, Barbara Fielding, Tom Elliman, Manuel Riviera, Crawford, Brian.


IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, contact our Parish Office (781-3366 or

No Facebook? No worries!

Anyone can watch our Sunday worship live on Facebook even if you do not have a Facebook account. All you need to do is go to this web address: at the correct time and you will see it.

Also, our webpage ( has easy links to each Noonday Prayer and the Sunday services after the event with links to the bulletins, the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal, plus lots of other online resources for worship and spiritual growth. There is no reason that this time apart cannot still be a time of important spiritual growth for you. 

THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday            16    The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin (transferred)
                               9:15          Be Still ZOOM meeting   
                              10:15        Picnic Eucharist and on
Facebook Live  
                               5:30          Picnic Eucharist                                        

Monday           17    Parish Office open 

                               High Touch High Tech summer camp (weekdays for 2 weeks)
                               12:00        Noonday Prayer 
                                5:00         Be Still ZOOM meeting           

Tuesday           18   Parish Office open

                   12:00       Noonday Prayer
Wednesday     19   Parish Office open

      12:00         Noonday Prayer

Thursday         20   Noon - 5p      Red Cross Blood Drive in auditorium

                               12:00        Noonday Prayer
                               3:00          Merton Group ZOOM meeting
Friday              21     12:00       Noonday Prayer

Sunday            23     The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
                               9:15          Be Still ZOOM meeting   
                              10:15        Picnic Eucharist and on
Facebook Live  
                               5:30          Family Picnic


Follow us for information on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

While we await the restoration of regular activities, connecting to our online presence (including our webpage) is the best way to participate in our parish and to keep up on parish news. Click on these links to follow us! 



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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