Thursday, December 2, 2021

The News at Saint Mary's 

Contacting the Reverend Jane Milliken Hague 

As our welcome to Rev. Jane to Saint Mary's Church blends into a welcome to our Saint Mary's family, please introduce yourself to her, email, text or call her and be sure to wear your nametags at church.  

Anyone may be in touch with her as follows: 301-580-8610 or 

Stewardship 2022   Thank you to everyone who has already turned in their pledge intentions for 2022. We have a long way to go but we are confident that better days are ahead because God's breath continues to give us life.  Thank you for supporting Saint Mary's.      CLICK HERE FOR PLEDGE FORM
With any questions, contact Janet Bowne,

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)        

All young people are invited to gather at 9:30 downstairs in the Parish House. Masks are required for all in Guiding RAY, except for those in the Nursery. Class time will begin at 10 AM, and children will be brought over for Communion with their families around 11 AM.  

The Christmas Pageant is Coming:  Dec 19 

As we prepare for the Advent and Christmas season, we are starting to plan for the annual Christmas Pageant! Andrea Myles-Hunkin is directing the pageant and EVERYONE is welcome to participate during the 10:15am church service on Dec. 19. The time commitment is low (only one rehearsal Dec 5 and a dress rehearsal on Dec 12 - both right after church), but the experience will be rich both for the kids who participate and the attendees during the church service on December 19th. Please stay tuned for more information on how to sign up! On Dec. 19th, there will be no Guiding RAY due to the Christmas pageant. We hope to see you all there! 


Maine Episcopal Youth:  Pray, Play,  

All those in grades 6-12 are invited to gather on ZOOM every third Monday.   Click to join!  We hope to see you there.  


CDC Guideline updated 

Cumberland County COVID situation continues to be in the Substantial Category, so the State recommends residents to voluntarily mask while indoors. For the safety of all, we will also use every other row in the sanctuary to enable physical distancing.   


Advent Quiet Morning on Saturday, December 11, 9 – 12:30 

Mary Sings Her Heart Out: "My soul magnifies the Lord" sings young Mary after she's given Gabriel her "yes." It's an old song, we'll find, and a new one too. What is she remembering as she sings? What future is she imagining? Join Saint Marians in person or on zoom as we experience the Magnificat in all is glory and history.  

We'll gather about 9 a.m. for coffee and snacks and begin the program at 9:30. We'll spend time as a group, and we'll spend time in guided meditation. 

We'll send out a zoom link and written materials via e-mail closer to the date.  If you are planning to attend in person, please contact Merle Marie Troeger ( so we know how to set up the chapel for in-person attendees.  

SACRED GROUND - Exciting Hybrid Program Begins January 2022   

In the Sacred Ground program we will discuss the history of various races and how their stories are intertwined with our own, with the intent of becoming more self-aware of racial disparity and how we can  repair the breach. We will meet in small groups for 90 minutes once each month, beginning in January with a break during the summer. Groups will meet at separate times depending on interest and will be facilitated by Jennifer Gregg, Becky Pride, Bonny Rodden and Merle Marie Troeger.  

To learn more about the experience of participating in Sacred Ground,  click here  to watch a 3-minute video about the program at St. Paul's Church in Brunswick. For details about Saint Mary's version of Sacred Ground,  chat with one of the facilitators. 

   Circle sizes are limited, so please consider joining and reserve your spot now!  A Sign-Up Sheet is in the Guild Room Foyer, or  contact Bonny Rodden:  

Falmouth Food Pantry  

The Falmouth Food Pantry remains unable to accept food donations from individuals, but boxes of food are being packed at the Pantry and delivered by volunteers to area families. These boxes may include garden fresh vegetables or flowers from your garden; please consider sharing some of your bounty.   

If you know a Falmouth family with an urgent need, please call Nancy Lightbody at the Pantry at 776-0081. If you have any questions about ways in which Saint Mary's supports the Pantry, please feel free to reach out to Vanessa Record at  

St Elizabeth's Jubilee Center:  

Let's Keep Going!   Winter Boots this month!   

Saint Mary's is committed to serving at this vital ministry on the third Tuesday of each month from 8:30 to 11 in the morning. St. E's is accepting non-food essentials:  blankets, towels, sheets, bedspreads, kitchen utensils, pots & pans, baby diapers and wipes, feminine needs.  FMI and to find out how you can participate, please contact Stan Eaton at 

Red Cross Blood Drives:  December 9 & 30 

The great need for live-saving blood continues, so if you are able, please schedule an appointment at Use sponsor code StMary to sign up for our drives 

Souper Supper To-Go:  December 10 and 24, 5 – 6 pm 

Every month on the second and fourth Fridays. Delicious homemade soup, bread and a sweet treat is Curbside To Go and available to everyone, no questions asked. Stop by between 5 to 6 PM to get some for yourself. Try it! 

    With the evolving virus, Curbside delivery will continue through October; we will review any in-person possibilities on a month-by-month basis.  Stay tuned! 

S. Mary's Angel Giving Tree : Deadline is Dec 13
Saint Mary's Angel Giving Tree is happening again this year partnering with the local Salvation Army!  Soon the tree will be outside the auditorium and you can stop by on a Sunday morning or on a weekday (with your child/children) to choose a tag with a single gift listed for a deserving, needy, young, and local child. Other unsolicited gifts are certainly welcome too!  Once you've shopped, bring your unwrapped gift (with the Angel tag attached) and place under the Angel Tree by Monday, December 13. Thank you so much for caring for others. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard 809-9777 or 


 Want an Uplift?  Got a phone? Even YOU can listen to an inspiring podcast!  

People living their faith and joining in God's mission in local communities across Maine. A podcast of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. In addition to downloading to your device, you can listen on the Diocesan Website  on the Faith in Maine page 
And NOW even phone in from any telephone for the most recent podcast!  
The permanent phone number for this is: 207-223-6402  Feel free to give a call and listen anytime.  While the phone number stays the same, the podcasts you hear will update when they release new podcasts.  TRY IT!  

The Sunday morning schedule  

            8:00  Holy Eucharist – followed by Coffee in the Auditorium 

            9:30  Formation  – for youth, adults, and choir 

            10:00  Guiding RAY classes begin 

            10:15  Choral Eucharist – followed by Coffee in the Auditorium 


Be Still: Sundays at 9:30 AM  online via ZOOM and in person in the Fr James Chapel. 

Be Still: Mondays at 5 PM  online via ZOOM and in person in the Fr James Chapel. 

Merton Group:  Thursdays at 3 pm  online via ZOOM and in person in the Fr James Chapel. 

These three groups will continue to meet online via ZOOM. If you would like to participate, send an email to Jennifer Gregg ( to receive the meeting login information.    

Wisdom Seekers Bible Study: Tues. at 10:30 AM:  Wisdom Seekers is a group who gathers to study the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday; it is a great way to prepare oneself for Sunday. All are welcome to join in in-person or on Zoom. FMI or for the link to participate, contact Nadine Timberlake at or Beth Shaw at   

Communicating with Rev Jane   

Feel free to contact Jane at any time if you need advice, guidance or prayer.  You can  e-mail her directly at  or call or text her cell at (301)-580-8610.   Emails work great for non-emergent communications.Prayer Concerns this month:     Cindy Horton;  Anne Jorgensen; Brent Scott; Marti Galli 

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO TH PRAYER LIST, contact our Parish Office (781-3366 or This printed list in the eNews and Bulletin is for more immediate and short-term needs. We also keep a Prayer List for chronic and long-term needs that is prayed for by more than 30 parishioners. Feel free to ask about this. 


Be Alert for Scammers
Please be aware that neither Fr Nathan nor Bishop Brown nor any other Church leader would ever contact you over email to ask for money or a favor. If a message seems odd, the first thing to do is check the email address from which it is sent. If it is not from, then it is not from Fr Nathan. 
DO NOT answer these messages or click on any attached links! These are scams and the senders should be marked as spam or blocked and reported to your email provider. 

Beth Shaw
Parish Manager
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road, Falmouth, ME 04105

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