Saint Mary's Weekly News
Blue Christmas: Thursday 22 December at Noon
All are invited to this quiet, reflective service for those of us who are grieving, sad, lonely, not feeling particularly festive, feeling the fatigue of COVID or just in need of quiet in the busy-ness of the season. Please spread the word to those you know.
Join us for this memorable communion service of rest, comfort, and healing.
Stewardship 2023: More Than Enough
Why pledge? Pledging a financial contribution to Saint Mary's helps us ensure we can meet our obligation to pay for everything from ministry, outreach, children's programs as well as our utilities, insurance, maintenance and salaries. Please send in your pledge form today! Thank you! For more information on how to pledge, contact the parish office, or Janet Bowne,
Falmouth Churches Hosting the Homeless: DEC 14-28
Our friends at Falmouth Congregational Church are opening their doors to give overnight shelter to 4 families (18 people) who would otherwise be homeless. But they can only do this if WE volunteer to help! 4 volunteers are needed each night. In the spirit of Christmas, can YOU volunteer one night over these 2 weeks? You can sign up online here: .
Souper Supper : December 23, 5 – 7 PM
Every month on the second and fourth Fridays. Delicious homemade soup, salad, bread, and a sweet treat is available to everyone in a relaxed family-style atmosphere - no questions asked. Try it! Or volunteer to help shop, set-up, serve or cook, contact Jennifer at
St Elizabeth's Jubilee Center: serving every third Tuesday
Adult Winter Coat Drive, plus kitchen & cookware (no other clothing). Saint Mary's is committed to serving at this vital ministry to new Mainers and those in need on the morning of each third Tuesday from 8:30 to 11. FMI and to find out how you can participate, contact Stan Eaton at
Red Cross Blood Drives: Dec 22 - Critical Need!
Please consider sharing your blood in this season of giving. The need is constant. Lives depend on it! This Red Cross blood drive will be in our Auditorium.
Christmas Pageant: December 18 is next Sunday !
Casting call! We are excited to retell the story of the Nativity. We welcome all chickens, horses and sheep, to join the cast. Plus we need three Kings, Pages, Mary, Joseph, the star in the east, Gabriel, Innkeeper, shepherds to participate. Most children are now learning songs and practicing. FMI, contact or by text at 207-939-8294. Our Pageant Director once again is Miss Andrea Myles-Hunkin.
St. Mary Schola Advent Concert: Blow the Trumpet
Buy your tickets for a concert of seasonal music for Advent, that includes a rousing medieval procession, sublime masterworks by Palestrina, Victoria and William Byrd, as well as sparkling choruses from Bach cantatas, a charming pastorale by Marc-Antoine Charpentier and rarely heard pieces from the Mexican Baroque. An early music talk begins 30 minutes prior to each performance.
Last performance: Sunday 11 December, 3:00 PM, Saint Mary's
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
All young people are invited to gather at 9:30 downstairs in the Parish House for crafts, projects and snacks. Class time begins at 10 AM with a brief time of singing. Children are brought over for Communion with their families just before 11 AM.
Sparkles Update
Thank you all for coming together to help with our biggest fundraiser, Sparkles. Once again, the community lined up to shop at Sparkles. The parish hall was decked out with lots of treasures and the mood was joyful! With the help of dozens of parishioners, we raised $16,500+. We won't know the final number until we tally the week after sales and subtract our expenses. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make Sparkles 2022 a huge success!!
Formation on Sundays: 9:30am
Youth Formation - Guiding RAY begins on Sept 11
Be Still on Zoom and in the Chapel: Contemplative readings with reflection
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 0 to 14. During the program year (Sept – mid-June), we gather all together beginning at 9:30am for Formation in the lower level of the Parish House with classes beginning at 10am. We will keep in touch over the summer and see you back on Sept.11
Saint Mary's Adopted Angolan Family
In partnership with the Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition (MIRC), Saint Mary's has adopted the Vemba family of four from Angola, seeking asylum and a better, safer life. See the June AVE or eNEWS for latest needs, but grocery gift cards, metro bus passes and Walmart or Target gift cards for back to school supplies are always applicable. FMI: Anne LaFond or the Parish Office,
Weekday Prayers for Ukraine and for Peace: Compass of Compassion
These emails will come automatically for a week, but you must let the parish office ( or 781-3366) know if you wish to continue to receive these messages of hope, by simply replying YES to the email or contacting the office.
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