The News at Saint Mary's
Sunday Formation Groups: 9:30 - 10 AM
Coffee and Conversation in the Auditorium
- May 7: Compassion Cures: Overcoming Stigma – watch this powerful film about how real local people overcome addiction. FMI, go to
Faith For Exiles: Five weeks of conversations about the paths by which a new generation is following Jesus in our current world of "Digital Babylon" based on Barna Group research.
Be Still in the Chapel
Each Sunday: silence, poetry, contemplative readings, group discussion.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): 10 AM classes
For all young people ages 0 to 10. During the program year (Sept – mid-June 4), we gather all together beginning at 9:30am for Formation in the lower level of the Parish House with classes beginning at 10am. Meg Hurdman, former Guiding RAY director, will be leading the classes from January – June. Adults are needed to help lead classes. Please consider volunteering to guide our children in the way of Jesus!
May 7 – John 14:1-14 (God's House has Many Rooms
May 14 – Peter 2:2-10 (The Cornerstone)Tour of stained-glass windows
May 21 – Acts 1:6-14 (Jesus Ascends to Heaven)
May 28 – Acts 2:1-21 (The Birthday of the Church)
June 4 – Matthew 28:16-20 (Make Disciples of All Nations)
Why should I join a Sacred Ground circle?
Thursday 18 May, 5:30 - 7:30: Gather in the Auditorium for a potluck supper and a presentation about the Episcopal Church's Sacred Ground program. Our evening will include the viewing of the compelling 45-minute National Geographic film "America Inside Out with Katie Couric." We will view one of the six-part documentary series where Couric travels the country to speak with people bearing witness to the most complicated and consequential question in American culture today. We will have a chance to discuss the film at its conclusion and learn about how Sacred Ground circles work. Please come and bring a dish to share!
Our May Outreach Partner: Family Promise
Homelessness is at a crisis level not only across the US, but here in Maine and the Greater Portland community. Increased homeless families, tight rental market, and influx of immigrants makes housing an urgent need.
Greater Portland Family Promise is dedicated to preventing family homelessness. The Family Promise model is based on partnering with faith communities and other social service organizations to create a community-based system of care for families.
Volunteer Opportunities
1. Volunteer at Woodfords Church (202 Woodfords St, Portland).
Here's the link to sign up.
There is always at least one staff member there and a new training manual on-site for volunteers.
2. Other volunteer opportunities:
On-call drivers - for rides to grocery store, laundromat, medical appointments, etc
English tutors – practicing basic vocabulary and conversation
Food Distributors – food packers and delivery drivers
Putting together move-in kits for when families move into apartments.
Family support partners (provide housing mentorship/support for housed families).
Donating Gift Cards: Hannaford, Target, Walmart, quarters for laundry.
3. Make a Last Sunday Offering on May 28 to support the work of Greater Portland Family Promise! Please be generous in this separate offering opportunity. To learn more, visit .
Critical Need Blood Drives
Monday 15 May, 9 – 2 and Friday 8 June , 8 - 1
There is a critical need for blood! It is safe for all healthy people to give blood. Sign-up today to be a blood donor and give to those who need your blood to survive! Go to and use sponsor code "StMary" to make your donor appointment. PLEASE donate, if you can. The need is great.
Ongoing Outreach projects
St Elizabeth's Jubilee Center: every third Tuesday
Housewares & Kitchenware (no clothing). Saint Mary's is committed to serving at this vital ministry to new Mainers and those in need on the morning of each third Tuesday from 8:30 to 11. FMI and to find out how you can participate, contact Stan Eaton at
Souper Supper : every second and fourth Friday, 5-7 PM
Every month on the second and fourth Fridays. Delicious homemade soup, salad, bread, and a sweet treat is available to everyone in a relaxed family-style atmosphere - no questions asked. Try it! Or volunteer to help shop, set-up, serve or cook, contact Jennifer at
Falmouth Food Pantry
The Falmouth Food Pantry, who serves close to 200 families a month, is accepting food donations from individuals. Our donation box is in the foyer of the Parish House and in the Narthex. Helpful foods are soup in cans (but not cream soups), boxes of pasta, cold cereal, canned tuna fish, canned chicken, and granola bars. If you have any questions supporting the Pantry, feel free to reach out to Vanessa,
Adopted Asylum Family
Baby Jasmine, along with her parents, Belinda & Joao and siblings, Erica & Nicholas are doing well and getting adjusted to their new life as a family of five. They are coming to worship with us at Saint Mary's on Sunday, May 28 at 10:15. Let's all welcome them!
CARE Ministry: Soup Deliveries
One of the many activities of the Saint Mary's CARE Team is the delivery of "Soup in a Bag" to parishioners each week who are unable to leave their homes. The bagged soup (along with rolls and a sweet) can be picked up as early as 3 pm on a given Friday from the Saint Mary's kitchen to deliver to the recipients who live nearby. Contact the parish office if you can help 781-3366,
Helping Hands at Home
If you are in need of indoor or outdoor odd-job help at your home, please reach out. The 'Helping Hands at Home' ministry will try to assist! Contact the parish office if you need assistance or can help 781-3366, or
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