Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for September 9, 2012 – The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
This SUNDAY is the WELCOME HOME All Parish Picnic - All Welcome! At 11:30 am there will be a picnic for everyone on the lawn with rain date plans for in the auditorium. The Hospitality Committee is grilling hamburgers and hotdogs and providing beverages; families have brought salads and desserts to share. (If you didn’t bring anything, don’t worry : there’s always more than enough food at any Saint Mary’s function!) Welcome Home Carnival - also at 11:30am. Come join in the fun with games, and the moon bounce (weather permitting.)
This Sunday - The Rev. Katharine Babson "comes home" to S. Mary's!
Another highlight for this coming Sunday--we have the joy of welcoming The Rev. Katharine Babson back to the pulpit! Many will remember Kitty Babson from her time with us in 2005. Kitty was ordained 1992, followed her husband, Brad, to Asia (Bangkok and Hanoi) for 5 years where she founded the International Church of Hanoi, served as chair of an international board of trustees and managed the sound establishment of The United Nations International School of Hanoi. Kitty and Brad moved moved to Maine, where Brad has old family roots, in 2003. Kitty's calling centers on Mission and she travels annually to Myanmar (Burma). We are delighted to have her with us throughout the month of September.
Parish Council Meeting on September 12th
After a brief hiatus, the Parish Council will be meeting on Wednesday September 12, from 5:30-7pm. The Parish Council consists of the clergy, wardens, staff, and the heads of the guilds and committees here at S. Mary's. During the meeting we will be discussing, among other things, upcoming events, going over the calendar and planning the Ministry Fair (formerly the Volunteer Fair- see below for more info!). There are some guilds/committees that currently need chairs or co-chairs, so if you have an interest please consider joining us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me by email ( or phone (797-3993)
Parish Office Hours - Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm
We getting back into full fall swing, it is important that Beth Shaw get uninterrupted blocks of time for some of the church projects that need attention. Beth Miller is with us on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) and is available at the 2nd office trailer door. Please try to be respectful of times when the curtain is closed.
Parish House Use–Kitchen and Guild Room Only – SCHEDULE EARLY
Throughout much of the construction period, access to the Parish House will be limited to the Guild Room and Kitchen. If you need this space to meet, please contact Beth Shaw (781-3366) early to reserve! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Camp Bishopswood Farewell
On Saturday, September 15, from 1-4p.m. there will be an open house to say goodbye to Camp Director, Georgia Koch who is retiring after 34 years and Sara Foster who is leaving after 24 years of service at Camp Bishopswood.
Thursday Eucharist
The Thursday group is still meeting and holding worship service together at 10:30am in the Guild Room. This Thursday, Sept 13th, Rev. Kitty Babson will celebrate the Holy Eucharist and will again on Sept 27th. Check the bulletin “Weekly News” for dates in October.
Legacy Project
The new Guiding Ray Spaces have been framed and dry-wall goes up this week. Don’t miss the guided tour of these spaces on September 14th at 4pm. Framing of the Administrative/Chapel wing is now anticipated for week of 17 September (slight delay due late steel delivery). Watch this space for parish-wide TOPPING OFF celebration—when the highest beam on this new building is placed!
Sparkles Organizational Meeting
ATTENTION ALL SPARKLERS (returning helpers and anyone interested in helping) please SAVE THE DATE of Sept. 20th for our first organizational meeting. We will meet in the Guild Room at 6:30pm. We have it on good authority that the Parish House will be ready for us to Sparkle on Dec. 8th. For more information, please call Jan Mordarski 899-4099.
Calling All Cooks---Sparkles needs your recipes. The fifth in our S. Mary’s series is Vegetables, Eggs and Side Dishes. Please submit them by October 15th to the church office either by e-mail or the forms provided in the Guild Room. The series has been a great addition to the Sparkles Fun but we need your ideas to keep it going.
Sparkles Boutique -- Gathering and sorting begins Oct. 20th. We need your beautiful and gently used treasures for the Fair Boutique on Dec. 8th. Please bring your items to the auditorium between 9 and 12 on one of the following Sat. A tax deduction form will be provided. Oct. 20th, Nov. 3, 10 and 17 and Dec. 1
New this year! SPARKLES BUCKS -----At coffee hour (after second service) we will be selling Sparkles Bucks which can be used by yourself or given as a gift certificate. They will be available in $10.00 amts. with a small discount for multiples of ten. If you cannot shop on the 8th yourself, they are a wonderful way to give a gift and encourage someone else to come. Sparkles Bucks may be spent only on items from the boutique.
Help! Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Consider hosting a coffee hour in the Guild Room following the service (either by yourself or with another family. A feast is not needed – just a tidbit to enjoy with the coffee that is already made. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard at 829-2026 by e-mail at .
Wanted: Warm Winter Clothes for Learning Works
Please look through your closet for warm washable sweaters, sweat shirts, and or fleeces. My students at Learning Works will be grateful; me too! They are all recent refugees from the war-torn countries of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda. They arrived with no warm winter clothes. Please put your donations in a marked box in the church vestibule. I will deliver your gifts each Monday before class. We are still in need of backpacks (new or “gently used”) and cloth grocery bags. FMI call Jean Wandel 781-4940. Thank you.
REAL Housewives to resume this fall
The small group study "the REAL Housewives of (1st Century) Palestine" is preparing to resume after Labor Day. The group completed a review of the roles of women in the four Gospels and is now going to complete the study with a review of the Book of Acts and other sources on church history during the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. As the details are solidified we will announce the particulars of the starting date, place and time as soon as possible. All are welcome and encouraged to participate! FMI contact Bryan ( or Susan (
Save the date - Thursday, October 18th
Thursday, October 18, 2012, Falmouth's churches and the Jewish community will host the fourth annual Harvest Community Supper, which has become popular as a community get-together and a way to support the Falmouth Food Pantry. The roast turkey supper with all the fixings will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church from 4:30 - 7pm. See you there!
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Stan Eaton.
We are sad to announce the passing of Eliot B. Payson, a good friend of S. Mary’s and prominent Falmouth citizen. We will inform you when service arrangements have been made.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
September 9, 2012
Sunday 9 8:00am 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
9:00am Guiding RAY registration and social time at Rectory
10:00am 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
10:00am Guiding RAY Rotation Workshop classes begin
11:30am Family Picnic A-L bring a salad; M-Z bring a desert
Tuesday 11 9/11am S. Mary’s volunteer work at St. Elizabeth’s
10:00am Order of St. Luke
7/8pm AA/Al-Anon
Wednesday 12 5:30pm Parish Council
Thursday 13 10:30am Holy Eucharist in the Guild Room
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine rehearsals
7 - 9pm Choir rehearsal (in the church)
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 14 4:00pm Tour of Construction
5 - 7pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon
Saturday 15 9:00am Boy Singers of Maine Rehearsals
Sunday 16 8:00am 16th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
10:00am 16th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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