Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for November 11, 2012 - The Twenty-fourth Sunday of Pentecost
This Sunday and the Ferrell Family have finally arrived!
Today we officially welcome our new Rector, Father Nathan Ferrell, to the pulpit and the whole Ferrell family to the S. Mary’s family. We love seeing the rectory lit up at night, and we feel so blessed by Nathan’s joyful presence and look forward to our future together.
Next Sunday is our Thanksgiving Sunday, Nov. 18. Saint Mary's will celebrate a festive service before thanksgiving that will include rousing hymns with brass, an choir anthem on 'Now thank we all our God' with brass and a singing of Vaughan Williams' Old Hundredth Psalm Tune for the doxology.
Change in Saint Mary’s Thanksgiving Eucharist service
This year the Thanksgiving Eucharist will be held on Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, November 21st at 7pm. That leaves the whole day on Thursday for you to cook, laugh and be thankful in your own home or the home of a loved one.
Vestry Nominations for 2013
The Nominating Committee is inviting you to prayerfully submit nominations for parish governance. The committee will screen names, propose a slate of candidates, and publish the slate well before the Annual Parish Meeting on January 30, 2013. We request all nominees to be baptized and be regular participants in worship and in the financial support of the Parish. Please feel free to nominate yourself. We have an exciting year with a new priest and so much opportunity ahead as we begin 2013. Please place completed form in the nomination box in the church narthex, the nomination box in the guild room, or mail to S. Mary’s, 43 Foreside Road, Falmouth, ME 04105 or email to Jessica LaPlante by November 19th.
Souper Supper AT FORESIDE CHURCH in November
We have accepted the gracious offer from Foreside Community Church, 340 Foreside Rd (just 2.5 miles north of us) for the use of their kitchen to prepare our soup and their Fellowship Hall to host our crowds for our November Souper Suppers. Thank you to our neighboring UCC church. You CAN get there from here!
Classic Movie to follow! featuring: Hope and Glory
Saint Marians, You’ve done it AGAIN!
Thanks to all who donated warm clothes, coats, etc. for the folks in New York. A quick but overwhelming effort, spearheaded by Joyce Hutton-Roberts ( part-time NYC resident), brought bags and bags of warm clothes, bedding and other needed essentials to those effected by Hurricane Sandy. A father & son team from Yarmouth drove it all down to NY on Thursday. God certainly orchestrated all the pieces to fall together so beautifully. Thank you, thank YOU for listening to the call!
Legacy Project Update
Guiding RAY resumes classes in newly-renovated Parish House spaces TODAY! Our children will enjoy fresh, colorful and most important, safe, clean and healthy spaces downstairs in the Parish House for the first time this Sunday. Spaces are most easily and safely accessed via the pathway beginning at the east end of the upper parking lot (near the dumpster...)
Yes, there remain a few "punch list" items to complete in the Guiding RAY spaces, but the spaces are definitely habitable! Adults are also welcome to visit! Take advantage of guided tours of this and other spaces each Sunday following each service. Look for Dick Miller after the 8am and George Barrett, Chuck Horton or Jennifer Gregg after the 10am to show you the latest progress.
A reminder that the Auditorium is closed to all public traffic -- daytime and evening- during November as critical construction is underway. Thank you for your cooperation!
For the month of November, Father Nathan will have a temporary office in the former "Ledgewood trailer," adjacent to the Parish Administration trailer. Phone: 781-3366, extension 301.
Please be safe! With heavy construction underway, we ask that you please try to avoid driving through the middle of the campus during work hours. If you are able to walk in, there is ample parking space along Rt. 88, and you can pick up a very fetching spare hard-hat from Beth Shaw. Thank you!
The Campaign: We still have a gap to fill! Our funding gap is now approximately $125,000. No ONE family is going to close this gap--it is up to us all. For those of you who are still considering, there is NO "minimum" pledge requirement or expectation. Our hope is that every single family will want to be part of building our future by pledging at whatever level is appropriate for them. Remember, a pledge may be satisfied over a period of up to five years--you decide the schedule!! Questions? Contact Jennifer Gregg ( or Beth Shaw at
lSparkles Needs You!
Please sign up to help with baking, cooking, arranging, selling, cashiering, cleaning up after. Almost anything you would like to do---Sparkles has a job for you!!! Sign-up sheets will be in the Guild Room all this week, so PLEASE stop in and volunteer for a position.
lSparkles Boutique -- Gathering and sorting has begun. We need your beautiful and gently used treasures for the Fair Boutique on Dec. 8th. Please bring your items to the auditorium between 9 and 12 on one of the following Saturdays, Nov. 10, 17 and Dec. 1. A tax deduction form will be provided.
lThemed Boxes
Empty theme boxes are available in the Guild Room. Please take one and fill it according to the chosen theme. These must be returned to the office by November 16. They will be arranged, wrapped and sold as part of the Sparkles Boutique.
lNew this year! SPARKLES BUCKS ----- Sparkles Bucks are being sold in $10.00 amounts at coffee hour after each service. You can use them yourself or give them as a gift certificate. A small discount will be offered for multiples of ten. They are a wonderful way to give a gift to encourage someone else to come if you cannot shop on December 8th yourself. Sparkles Bucks may be spent only on items from the boutique.
lSparkles Concert 4 pm December 16 - “Magnificat”
The month of December ushers in the Advent season, and one of its most celebrated texts is Mary's gentle hymn, the Magnificat. Interspersed throughout the evening will be readings from the King James Bible, and poetry from masters of all ages read by Saint Mary's new rector, the Reverend Nathan Ferrell. If you want to experience the mystery of medieval song, the glory of baroque music, and hear some of Maine's best singers and players celebrate this season, please join us at 4:00pm on Dec. 16th in the Sanctuary. After the concert you are invited to an elegant reception to end the Advent Sparkle Season. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and a family cap of $40.00 and are available on line at, the parish office or coffee hours or at the door.
Limited Parish House Access – SCHEDULE EARLY Through the rest of November, access to the Parish House will be limited - even to the Guild Room and kitchen. If you need this space to meet, please contact Beth Shaw (781-3366) early to reserve! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Sunday morning children's program has classes for Preschool through 6th Grade and Nursery Care for children under 3. The theme for 2012-13 is God’s Covenants. We hope that parents will drop children off to the Guiding RAY spaces in plenty of time us to get started at 10am and for them to be able to get over to the church and not interrupt the 10am liturgy. The children join their parents in church for Communion. Watch for our intergenerational services when we all come to church together and worship as a community - great lessons for our young parishioners as well as our seasoned parishioners.
Wanted: Warm winter coats, boots & glasses for Learning Works
We thank everyone who has donated warm clothing for our refugees. However, we still need more winter coats/jackets, warm sweat shirts and winter boots. These refugees arrive with no warm winter clothes and have never seen snow or experienced icy walkways. We also need reading glasses. Please put your donations in a marked box in the church vestibule. FMI call Jean Wandel 781-4940.
Sacred Heart/St Dominic - Monday, November 12, 6:30-8:00 pm
Sepphoris: “A City on a Hill Cannot be Hid” What can archaeology tell us about Jesus and his world? Join Dr. Thomas Longstaff, archaeologist and retired professor of religious studies at Colby College for a slide show and discussion of the excavations of an ancient city near Nazareth.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Stan Eaton.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
November 11 - 18, 2012
Sunday 11 Veteran’s Day - Thank you for your service to our country!
African Team Ministries Arts & Fine Crafts Sale after each service
8:00am 24th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
10:00am 24th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
10:00am Guiding RAY workshops in new Guiding RAY spaces - Best accessible from the lower level (take path to left of building)
Monday 12 9:00am Altar Flower Guild meeting in the Guild Room
11:00am Marilyn Milliken Funeral Service, committal and reception
Tuesday 13 All Day No running water in the Parish House
10:00am Order of St Luke in church
7/7:30pm AA in church/Al-Anon in Guild Room
Wednesday 14 6:00pm Schola in the Church
7:00pm Vestry Meeting in the Guild Room
Thursday 15 10:30am Holy Eucharist in the Church
6:30pm Sparkles Meeting, undercroft
7 - 9pm Choir rehearsal in the Church
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 16 5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild room
Saturday 17 9a-12p Sparkles drop-off in the Guild Room
Sunday 18 8:00am 25th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
10:00am 25th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist, Rite 2
10:00am Guiding RAY workshops in new Guiding RAY spaces
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