Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for October 28, 2012 - The Twenty-second Sunday of Pentecost
This Sunday’s Celebrant - The Rev. Samuel Henderson
This Sunday we have the joy of, again, welcoming the Rev. Samuel Henderson to S. Mary’s pulpit. We are delighted that he will be with us this week and next.
Operation: Warm Welcome
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the welcome effort for the Ferrell family.
First Week of Meals:
We have almost covered the first week of meals. Those of you who signed up will get a call or email with more specific information about drop off. If you meant to sign up and didn't but still want to cook/bake something suitable for freezing, contact Beth Shaw 781-3366 for more information!!
Welcome Basket Items:
We have received several items for the welcome basket. If you signed up, someone will be in touch to arrange for pick up or drop off. If you haven't donated yet, there's still time. As of this writing, we have received gift certificates to area hot spots and restaurants with more coming. We've also received some cash donations. With that money we're filling in with items. Contact Beth Shaw in the Office with questions about what's needed.
Rectory White Glove Cleaning:
At this writing, we're planning to clean at the Rectory on Monday, October 29th starting at 9:30-11:30. Our plan is to go through the house and dust, polish, clean, fluff and otherwise ready the house. Several have signed up. Our hope is to complete our work before Hurricane Sandy hits town. There's a chance that this plan might change because of the weather. We have several people signed up. If you'd like to help, contact Jessica LaPlante (
Meet the Ferrell Kids!
Calling the youth of Saint Mary's! The Ferrell children, Angus (16, high school junior), Se`(14, high school freshman) and Fiona (10, grade 5) will start school in Falmouth on Monday, 11/5. To help ease the transition, we are organizing an informal gathering at the Parish House from 4-6 on Sunday, November 4th for any of our youth from grade 5-high school. We'll serve pizza and snacks and have some pre-teen and teen activities. Parents are welcome to stay and kids are welcome to bring friends. There is a sign-up sheet in the Guild Room (of course!) to help us with numbers.
Also : On Nov. 11th there will be two special coffee hours (one after each service) in the Guild Room, welcoming Father Nathan and family to S. Mary's. Coffee hour contributions would be wonderful....baked breakfast breads, muffins, fruit on a stick, juice, etc. Please leave in kitchen prior to service. If you'd like to help set with either coffee hour (set up, clean up), please sign up in the Guild Room or contact Anne LaFond at or 781-8820. Thank you!!
AND THIS Sunday! Anyone willing to help transfer Guiding RAY furniture from the rectory to the parish house after the 10am church service TODAY, your help would be appreciated. We’ll supply the truck and the trailer for ’big hike’ we just need you help load and unload for thirty minutes or less! Thanks!
This Sunday is Soup Kitchen Sunday – October 28
The Fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. We need people to (a) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00. Bless you. Questions? Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or .
Legacy Project Update
The Construction: Don't miss an opportunity to check out the Auditorium this week; you will be amazed! Workers are also scurrying about the Guiding RAY spaces to finish them in time for the necessary activities. The Rectory has been vacated and ready for in-depth cleaning preparatory to the Ferrell's arrival; contact Jessica LaPlante if you can help! We will be moving all storage out of the Rectory garage this week--can you help? Contact Jim Stoddard:
The Campaign: Many thanks to those parishioners who have recently joined the effort to bring this campaign to a successful conclusion. For those of you who are still considering, we understand there may be some clarification needed: Our goal is to achieve 100 percent participation; there is NO "minimum" pledge requirement or expectation. Our hope is that every single family will want to be part of building our future by pledging at whatever level is appropriate for them. Remember, a pledge may be satisfied over a period of up to five years--you decide the schedule!! Questions? Contact Jennifer Gregg ( or Beth Shaw
Legacy Pledge Statements will soon be in the mail. Please review these carefully for accuracy! This statement will indicate whether you are ahead (yeah!) or behind in your pledge payments. If you are ahead, THANK YOU --you are saving S. Mary's additional financing costs! If you are behind and need to change the payment schedule, just please give Beth Shaw a call!
lSparkles Boutique -- Gathering and sorting begins Oct. 20th. We need your beautiful and gently used treasures for the Fair Boutique on Dec. 8th. Please bring your items to the auditorium between 9 and 12 on one of the following Sat. A tax deduction form will be provided. Oct. 20th, Nov. 3, 10 and 17 and Dec. 1
lSparkles Gift Boxes
We will again be selling wonderful gift boxes filled to a theme of your choice. They have been a sell-out and shoppers swoon over them. In the Guild Room, you will see a variety of boxes and a sign up sheet (of course!). Simply select a theme from the list and then take home the box you’d like to fill. We will price them accordingly but prefer to keep them between $20 and $40. Boxes must be returned by Sunday, November 11th. NO NEED to wrap and bow them…we have volunteers to add all the finishing touches!
lNew this year! SPARKLES BUCKS -----At coffee hour (after second service) we will be selling Sparkles Bucks which can be used by yourself or given as a gift certificate. They will be available in $10.00 amts. with a small discount for multiples of ten. If you cannot shop on the 8th yourself, they are a wonderful way to give a gift and encourage someone else to come. Sparkles Bucks may be spent only on items from the boutique.
lCalling All Cooks---Sparkles needs your recipes. The fifth in our S. Mary’s series is Vegetables, Eggs and Side Dishes. Please submit them by the end of October to the church office either by e-mail or the forms provided in the Guild Room. The series has been a great addition to the Sparkles Fun but we need your ideas to keep it going.
lSparkles Concert - “Magnificat”
The month of December ushers in the Advent season, and one of its most celebrated texts is Mary's gentle hymn, the Magnificat. The power of her humble praise has inspired thousands of men and women throughout the ages to compose fitting music. One of Maine s finest early music ensembles, The St Mary Schola under the direction of Bruce Fithian, will offer Monteverdi’s stunning Magnificat, complete with double choir, soloists, strings, recorder and organ, as the cornerstone of its December concerts. Surrounding this rarely heard masterpiece will be equally moving works by the greatest composers of the early Baroque era, including Gabrielli s joyful 8-part Jubilate Deo and Heinrich Schutz's profound motets . Interspersed throughout the evening will be readings from the King James Bible, and poetry from masters of all ages read by Saint Mary's new rector, the Reverend Nathan Ferrell. If you want to experience the mystery of medieval song, the glory of baroque music, and hear some of Maine's best singers and players celebrate this season, please join us at 4:00pm on Dec. 16th in the Sanctuary. After the concert you are invited to an elegant reception to end the Advent Sparkle Season. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and a family cap of $40.00 and are available on line at, the parish office or coffee hours or at the door.
Celebrating the Eucharist with Christians of all Ages - Next Sunday
We are thrilled to once again be celebrating all together next Sunday with our next Intergenerational Service, November 4th. At Saint Mary’s, we are looking to bridge our entire community, so we may all share in God’s love and purposes together. We are of the belief and hope that when children are integrated in the wider church family, both children and adults benefit.
Thanksgiving Sunday, Nov. 18. Saint Mary's will celebrate a festive service before thanksgiving that will include rousing hymns with brass, an choir anthem on 'Now thank we all our God' with brass and a singing of Vaughan Williams' Old Hundredth Psalm Tune for the doxology.
Change in Saint Mary’s Thanksgiving Eucharist service
This year the Thanksgiving Eucharist will be held on Thanksgiving eve, Thursday, November 21st at 7pm. That leaves the whole day on Thursday for you to cook, laugh and be thankful in your own home or the home of a loved one.
Veterans at S. Mary’s!
Father Nathan would like to honor our S. Mary’s veterans by name on the November 11th church service. Please call the office 781-3366 or send your name and service times to by Thursday Nov 8th. We are grateful for your service to the country.
Vestry Nominations for 2013
The Nominating Committee is inviting you to prayerfully submit nominations for parish governance. The committee will screen names, propose a slate of candidates, and publish the slate well before the Annual Parish Meeting on January 30, 2013. We request all nominees to be baptized Christians, and regular participants in worship and in the financial support of the Parish. Please feel free to nominate yourself. We have an exciting year with a new priest and so much opportunity ahead as we begin 2013. Please place completed form in the nomination box in the church narthex, the nomination box in the guild room, or mail to S. Mary’s, 43 Foreside Road, Falmouth, ME 04105 or email to Jessica LaPlante by November 19th.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Sunday morning children's program has resumed with classes for Preschool through 6th Grade and Nursery Care for children under 3. The theme for 2012-13 is God’s Covenants. We meet for “Family Chapel” at 9:30 in the rectory (temporary Guiding RAY home until the undercroft rooms are ready at the end of October), with children going to specific workshops or Godly Play for pre-schoolers and kindergarteners, all starting at 10:00. The children join their parents in church for Communion. Watch for our intergenerational services when we all come to church together and worship as a community - great lessons for our young parishioners as well as our seasoned parishioners.
Grab your Gloves and Rakes - Annual Clean-Up - Mark your Calendars! The Annual Fall Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 9am-1pm. Please circle that date on your calendar and join the fun. We will be working outside to spruce up our campus for the winter season. Food and drink will be provided.
Wanted: Warm Winter Clothes for Learning Works
Please look through your closet and drawers for reading glasses also warm hats, scarves & gloves in addition to the washable sweaters, sweat shirts, coats and or fleeces. The students at Learning Works will be grateful! They are all recent refugees from the war-torn countries of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda. They arrived with no warm winter clothes. Please put your donations in a marked box in the church vestibule. We are still in need of backpacks (new or “gently used”) and cloth grocery bags. FMI call Jean Wandel 781-4940. Thank you.
REAL Housewives to resume this fall
The small group study "REAL Housewives of (1st Century) Palestine" is being held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 at the home of Bryan and Susan Dench, 295 Foreside Road, in Falmouth. Women were significant in the life and ministry of Jesus, among other things providing material support for Jesus and the apostles. All are invited and welcome. You need not have participated before to join in now. If you have questions, would like to receive the course outline, or want more information call 899-0301 or email Bryan Dench or Susan Dench
Help! Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Consider hosting a coffee hour in the Guild Room following the service (either you yourself or with another family). It’s easy and fun. A feast is not needed – just a tidbit to enjoy with the coffee that is pre-made. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard at 829-2026 or e-mail at
Parish House use is very limited–
Throughout much of this part construction period, and continuing into the month of November trying to get the auditorium, access to the Parish House will be limited - even to the Guild Room and Kitchen at times. If you need this space to meet, please contact Beth Shaw (781-3366) early to reserve! And reserve space elsewhere if possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
St. Mary’s Garden Club will be presenting a “Celebration of States” on Monday November 5th between two and six PM. Come to the Guild Room and view a “Garden Club of America” standard tabletop show. There will be six designs, each celebrating a different state.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Paul Engel.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
October 28 – November 4, 2012
Sunday 28 8:00am 22nd Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
9:30am Family Chapel
10:00am 22nd Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
10:00am Guiding RAY workshops
Monday 29
Tuesday 30 10:00am Order of St. Luke
7/7:30pm AA/Al-Anon
Wednesday 31 Happy Halloween
Thursday 1 10:30am Holy Eucharist in the Guild Room
7 - 9pm Choir rehearsal (in the church)
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 2 5:30pm Al-Anon
Saturday 3 9a - 12n Sparkles Drop Off #2
The Ferrell Family arrives in Falmouth!!
Sunday 4 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS - Set clocks back 1 hour
8:00am 23rd Sunday after Pentecost – Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
9:30am Family Chapel in the church
10:00am 23rd Sunday after Pentecost – Choral Eucharist, Rite 2
Intergenerational Service - all in church together!
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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