Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for October 7, 2012 - The Nineteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Celebrating the Eucharist with Christians of all Ages
This Sunday is our first of several Intergenerational Services this year.
At Saint Mary’s, we are looking to bridge our entire community, so we may all share in God’s love and purposes together. We are of the belief and hope that when children are integrated in the wider church family, both children and adults benefit.
This Sunday Celebrant - The Rev. Samuel Henderson
This Sunday we have the pleasure of again welcoming the Rev. Samuel Henderson to S. Mary’s pulpit. We are delighted that he will be with us throughout the month of October and the first week of November.
Born in Portland, he grew up in Cape Elizabeth and received his M.Div. from General Theological Seminary in New York. Father Henderson says, “These common-like events set him on a path to he knew not where, to joining God’s adventure.”
He further states, “I have come to a place in my life where looking back on this path fills my heart with gratitude. Perhaps that sounds a bit sanctimonious, but I don’t mean it to be. What I mean is that through the 10 parishes I have served and who have served me, through the halfway house for recovering homeless alcoholics (that) I was privileged to direct, through the Federal Bureau of Prisons where I was case manager and home confinement monitor, I have been taught and card for and humbled and blessed to exercise God’s ministry as a priest.”
“I guess whatever age we are or stage of life we’re at, we surely didn’t make it there by ourselves. Sometimes it was by the kindness of strangers; sometimes by the forgiveness of others; many, many times by the love – tough or otherwise – of people who care about us; and it is of this fact I am, at this time, keenly aware.”
“Now the pathway leads me here to be with you in this most significant time in your life as a community of faith, anticipating your life with a new priest. How wonderful for you; you have much to receive, and in that lovely reciprocity may God’s love be shown.”
Thursday Eucharist
The Thursday group is still meeting for a worship service at 10:30am in the Guild Room. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at the Thursday Worship on October 11th and 25th.
The Legacy Project
TOPPING OFF CELEBRATION - WEDNESDAY OCT 10 at 1pm! Rain or shine! - Join your fellow parishioners for a cup of cider and to witness the placement of the highest beams of the chapel! In the meantime, sign the steel beam on display next to the church so that your sentiments will be forever in place in this glorious chapel.
The Construction: We are pleased to report that construction is proceeding on budget and on schedule. Absent unforeseen obstacles, Ledgewood expects to be able to turn over the Guiding Ray and Choir spaces for occupancy on time, by 1 November. This week we are moving ahead with taping and will soon begin painting these spaces. Work in the auditorium is proceeding according to plan as well--we all are looking forward to the installation of the large east-oriented window this coming week!
The Campaign: After taking the summer off, the Campaign Cabinet is refreshed and BAAACCCKKK! We are still about $130,000 short of our goal for this project. We look forward to meeting with those parishioners who have indicated their interest in supporting this project but who have not yet pledged.. And for those parishioners with whom we have not yet, instead of showing you plans on paper, we can give you a tour!! We have raised almost $2.8 us get the rest of the way!!
The Financing: Many thanks to all those parishioners who are keeping current with their pledge payments! We now have well over 50% of pledge payments in hand: $1,602,485.23 payments credited. Every penny received reduces the amount we need to borrow to bridge costs. Thank you!
An Invitation from the Choir
We have a great need for new choir members and would love for you to join our merry ranks. Lifting your voice in song and leading our family in worship is a worthy ministry and we hope you will consider this calling. We are looking for folks who can sing any part; and if you are interested, please see Bruce or any choir member, or just come Thursday at 7 PM for our rehearsal (presently in the church). We would greatly appreciate your contribution and welcome you enthusiastically.
REAL Housewives
This continuation of our small group study for men and women will examine the facts about the role and significance of women in God’s plan of salvation as accomplished through the person and work of Jesus the Christ, and in the development and spread of Christianity throughout the world. We will meet for an hour on Tuesdays until early/ mid- December. All are invited and welcome. You need not have participated before to join in now. If you have questions, would like to receive the course outline, or want more information call 899-0301 or email Bryan Dench or Susan Dench
lKnitters & Yarn Lovers NEEDED
The boutique needs knitted/crocheted items – hats, scarves, mittens, baby items, etc are big sellers. Pricing is set by item maker. If you can help, PLEASE call Barbara Murray 799-1326. Yarn remnants and fabric are also needed. Leave items as directed below.
lSparkles Boutique -- Gathering and sorting begins Oct. 20th. We need your beautiful and gently used treasures for the Fair Boutique on Dec. 8th. Please bring your items to the auditorium between 9 and 12 on one of the following Sat. A tax deduction form will be provided. Oct. 20th, Nov. 3, 10 and 17 and Dec. 1
lNew this year! SPARKLES BUCKS -----At coffee hour (after second service) we will be selling Sparkles Bucks which can be used by yourself or given as a gift certificate. They will be available in $10.00 amts. with a small discount for multiples of ten. If you cannot shop on the 8th yourself, they are a wonderful way to give a gift and encourage someone else to come. Sparkles Bucks may be spent only on items from the boutique.
lCalling All Cooks---Sparkles needs your recipes. The fifth in our S. Mary’s series is Vegetables, Eggs and Side Dishes. Please submit them by October 26th to the church office either by e-mail or the forms provided in the Guild Room. The series has been a great addition to the Sparkles Fun but we need your ideas to keep it going.
lThemed Boxes
Empty theme boxes will be available in the Guild Room on Sunday, October 28. Please take one and fill it according to the chosen theme. These need to be returned by November 11. They will be sold as part of the Sparkles Boutique.
Harvest Community Supper -Thursday, October 18th
Cooks for turkeys and squash, and volunteers for serving and clean-up, are most needed. S. Mary’s, the other Falmouth churches and the Jewish community are hosting a free supper in support of the Food Pantry. This fourth annual Harvest Community Supper will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Road on Thursday, October 18 from 4:30 to 7:00pm. Plan on joining the community for this evening of good food and fellowship. Given the great and growing need of many of our neighbors, there will be an opportunity for free-will donations to support the Falmouth Food Pantry. The supper is free and will include roast turkey with all the fixings, vegetables and homemade apple crisp with ice cream. Sign-up sheets are posted in the Guild room. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need in our community. Please contact John Brooks at 781-2097 or for further information.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Sunday morning children's program has resumed with classes for Preschool through 6th Grade and Nursery Care for children under 3. The theme for 2012-13 is God’s Covenants. We meet for “Family Chapel” at 9:30 in the rectory (temporary Guiding RAY home until the undercroft rooms are ready at the end of October), with children going to specific workshops or Godly Play for preschoolers and kindergarteners, all starting at 10:00. The children join their parents in church for Communion. Today is our first intergenerational service in which the children will actively participate by reading the lessons.
Desired: The Nursery room is looking for the medium-sized Duplo blocks. Leave any you can share in the parish office or with Julie Otte in the nursery on Sunday mornings.
Learn to Knit Socks
Several people have told me they would like to learn to make socks. Beth Miller is willing to teach whoever wants to learn, either individually or in a group. She is available all day Monday and Friday or Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. If you are interested, please call Beth Miller at 865-3300 or e-mail and we can make amenable arrangements. Any family member or a friend would love to receive a pair of handmade socks.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Lanny Wenthe.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
October 7 - 14, 2012
Sunday 7 8:00am 19th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
10:00am 19th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
Intergenerational Service
Monday 8 Columbus Day – Office Closed
11:00am Garden Club
Tuesday 9 10:00am Order of St. Luke
4:00pm Prayer Chain meeting
7 - 8pm AA/Al-Anon
Wednesday 10 1:00pm Legacy TOPPING OFF Celebration - Come one, come all!
Thursday 11 10:30am Holy Eucharist in the Guild Room
4:30pm Guiding RAY meeting
7 - 9pm Choir rehearsal (in the church)
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 12 5 - 7pm Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon (in the church)
7:00pm Classic Cinema presents: Hope and Glory
Sunday 14 8:00am 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite 1
Followed by the S. Mary’s MINISTRY FAIR
10:00am 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
Followed by the S. Mary’s MINISTRY FAIR
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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