Due to technical difficulties, Friday night’s Classic Movie has been Cancelled. See you next month
Saint Mary’s Weekly News
for October 14, 2012 - The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome to our newest Christian.
We welcome into the Body of Christ, and into the Saint Mary’s family, Brecken Cressey who will receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at ten o’clock this Sunday morning. Brecken is the son of Erica & Derek Cressey and the great-grandson of Anne Strahan. May they be strengthened by the Risen Lord, knowing that they are marked as Christ’s own forever.
Ministry Fair This SUNDAY!
As you get goodies for coffee hour, be sure to check out the information from our various guilds and committees. There’s bound to be at least one that will arouse your interest and tap into your skill set.
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40
Our Celebrant this Sunday - The Rev. Samuel Henderson
This Sunday we have the pleasure of again welcoming the Rev. Samuel Henderson to S. Mary’s pulpit. We are delighted that he will be with us throughout the month of October and the first week of November.
Born in Portland, he grew up in Cape Elizabeth and received his M.Div. from General Theological Seminary in New York. Father Henderson says, “These common-like events set him on a path to he knew not where, to joining God’s adventure.”
He further states, “I have come to a place in my life where looking back on this path fills my heart with gratitude. Perhaps that sounds a bit sanctimonious, but I don’t mean it to be. What I mean is that through the 10 parishes I have served and who have served me, through the halfway house for recovering homeless alcoholics (that) I was privileged to direct, through the Federal Bureau of Prisons where I was case manager and home confinement monitor, I have been taught and cared for and humbled and blessed to exercise God’s ministry as a priest.”
“I guess whatever age we are or stage of life we’re at, we surely didn’t make it there by ourselves. Sometimes it was by the kindness of strangers; sometimes by the forgiveness of others; many, many times by the love – tough or otherwise – of people who care about us; and it is of this fact I am, at this time, keenly aware.”
“Now the pathway leads me here to be with you in this most significant time in your life as a community of faith, anticipating your life with a new priest. How wonderful for you; you have much to receive, and in that lovely reciprocity may God’s love be shown.”
Harvest Community Supper - Thursday, October 18th - Join us!
Falmouth churches and Jewish community are joining together to host a free roast turkey supper with all the fixings to raise funds for the Falmouth Food Pantry. This third annual Harvest Community Supper will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Road, on Thursday, October 18, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Plan on joining the community for this evening of good food and fellowship. There is an opportunity for free-will donations to support the Falmouth Food Pantry, given the great and growing need of many of our neighbors. The supper is free and will include roast turkey and all the fixings, vegetables, and homemade apple crisp with ice cream.
Thanks to all those who signed up to help. For more information, please contact John Brooks at 781-2097 or brooksjk@maine.rr.com.
Thursday Eucharist
The Thursday group continues to meet for a worship service at 10:30am in the Guild Room. There will be Holy Eucharist on October 18th and 25th.
Warm Welcome the Ferrells to Maine, Falmouth and Saint Mary’s
With the Ferrell family arriving the weekend of November 3rd and then immediately jumping into work and school, we are hoping to make them feel welcome and make their life a little less stressful for the first weeks. They’ll be camping in the rectory until their furniture arrives on Monday, 11/5.
1) We are hoping to have the rectory ‘move-in’ ready by doing a full cleaning of the empty house on the week of October 29th - starting Monday, 9am - 12noon. Please join the cleaning brigade by contacting jlaplante@homesinmaine.com
2) We’d like to have a few meals in the freezer as well as meals that first week - maybe staples for the pantry. Sign up with Beth or in the Guild Room.
3) And we were hoping to put together a wonderful, specialized welcome basket for each of the family members - maybe even the dogs! Ideas may be a gift certificate to your favorite restaurant or local haunts, LL Beans, Olympia, Zeus’ Closet, Garden Centers, memberships, passes or tickets for area events. If you would rather give a gift of cash, great! We’ll shop for you! Bring your donation or contribution to the parish office or call Beth Shaw by October 29th.
There are sign-up sheets for cleaning and making meals in the Guild Room.
If you would like to help in some way, please let the parish office know. 781-3366 admin@smary.org Thanks all!!
Legacy Project
Inscribe your sentiments on a wall of the chapel! The highest beam is now in place, but it is not too late to leave a message for posterity on the (unfinished) walls of the new wing! The administrative offices and chapel are accessible this Sunday, so grab a "sharpie" and feel free to express your loving thoughts!
Tours of the Guiding RAY, Choir spaces this Sunday! These spaces are still a work in progress....but much progress has already been made! Enjoy the Ministry Fair and then look for Dick Miller after the 8am service and Jennifer Gregg or George Barrett after the 10 am service for a guided tour.
Falmouth Flu clinic - There is a flu clinic held at the Falmouth Congregational church on Monday, October 22n from 1-3pm. They accept Medicare B, Insurance or $30 cash.
Newcomer's welcome Gathering next Sunday afternoon, October 21st
On Sunday, October 21st, a gathering to welcome all "Newcomers & Old Friends Returning" will be held at the residence of Shelly & John Maher, 8 Medinah Circle, Falmouth. This is an entire family event. If you are new or relatively new or returning to S. Mary's, please come so that you enjoy a warm welcome and good fellowship.
If you plan to attend or have any questions regarding this event please contact Mary Ann McLean, 781-4871 or e-mail mmclean3@maine.rr.com.
SPARKLES NEWS - Next Sparkles meeting -Oct 25th at 6:30pm
Many hands make light work, so join in the fun!
lKnitters & Yarn Lovers NEEDED
The boutique needs knitted/crocheted items – hats, scarves, mittens, baby items, etc. are big sellers. Pricing is set by item maker. If you can help, PLEASE call Barbara Murray 799-1326. Yarn remnants and fabric are also needed. Leave items as directed below.
lSparkles Boutique -- Gathering and sorting begins Oct. 20th. We need your beautiful and gently used treasures for the Fair Boutique on Dec. 8th. Please bring your items to the auditorium between 9 and 12 on one of the following Sat. Oct. 20th, Nov. 3, 10 and 17 and Dec. 1. A tax deduction form will be provided.
lNew this year! SPARKLES BUCKS -----At coffee hour (after second service) we will be selling Sparkles Bucks which can be used by yourself or given as a gift certificate. They will be available in $10.00 amts. with a small discount for multiples of ten. If you cannot shop on the 8th yourself, they are a wonderful way to give a gift and encourage someone else to come. Sparkles Bucks may be spent only on items from the boutique.
lCalling All Cooks---Sparkles needs your recipes. The fifth in our S. Mary’s series is Vegetables, Eggs and Side Dishes. Please submit them by October 26th to the church office either by e-mail or the forms provided in the Guild Room. The series has been a great addition to the Sparkles Fun but we need your ideas to keep it going.
lThemed Boxes
Empty theme boxes will be available in the Guild Room on Sunday, October 28. Please take one and fill it according to the chosen theme. These need to be returned by November 11. They will be sold as part of the Sparkles Boutique.
lIn search of Boxes….PACKING BOXES!
As we approach the Sparkles Drop-Off Dates (Oct 20, Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 1) we need sturdy, closeable cardboard boxes in which to pack the incoming treasures until the Sparkles Fair. Have you moved recently? Or do you have boxes down in the basement that you could donate? If so, please drop them off to the kitchen! Ever thankful!
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Sunday morning children's program has resumed with classes for Preschool through 6th Grade and Nursery Care for children under 3. The theme for 2012-13 is God’s Covenants. We meet for “Family Chapel” at 9:30 in the rectory (temporary Guiding RAY home until the undercroft rooms are ready at the end of October), with children going to specific workshops or Godly Play for preschoolers and kindergarteners, all starting at 10:00. The children join their parents in church for Communion. With any questions or for more information, please contact our Director of Guiding Ray, Julie Morrison at jmorrison500@yahoo.com, 797-2201
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Lanny Wenthe.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s - October 2012
Sunday 14 8:00am 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite 1
Followed by the S. Mary’s MINISTRY FAIR
10:00am 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Baptism and Choral Eucharist
Followed by the S. Mary’s MINISTRY FAIR
Monday 15 10:00am Garden Club
Tuesday 16 10:00am Order of St. Luke
4:00pm Pastoral Partners
7/7:30pm AA/Al-Anon
Wednesday 17 8:30am Construction meeting
7:00pm Vestry meeting
Thursday 18 10:30am Weekday Worship in the Guild Room
7 - 9pm Choir rehearsal (in the church)
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 19 5:30pm Al-Anon
Saturday 20 9a-12n Sparkles Drop-off #1 - Boxes needed. Thanks!
Sunday 21 8:00am 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist, Rite1
10:00am 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Feast of St. Luke the Physician: Choral Eucharist Rite 2
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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