Saint Mary’s Weekly News
January 20, 2013: The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Open Forum on Marriage Equality
After many years of prayer and discussion, the Episcopal Church has discerned that God’s ongoing work of manifesting the divine mercy to all people is intended to include people of all sexual orientations. This includes the blessing of same-sex unions in those places where it is provided by law, such as Maine. All those with questions or concerns about what this means for Saint Mary’s are invited to come to one of the following dates for an opportunity for frank and respectful dialogue about this new possibility in the Church.
v Monday, January 21 (MLK, Jr. Day), 7:00 pm in the Guild Room
v Thursday, January 24, 12:00 noon in the Guild Room
How to Budget with Wisdom
Two Wednesdays (January 23 and 30) at 7 PM in the Guild Room. Everyone is invited for a two-week session with Fr. Nathan and personal financial counselors from the parish. We will explore biblical guidance for managing our finances, use tools for developing household budgets, and discuss ways to grow our capacity for generous giving. Please invite friends, family and neighbors who might benefit from this discussion.
Godspeed – Saturday morning prayer & fellowship & winter sports group! On Saturday, January 19, let’s gather at the Falmouth Nature Preserve (Foreside Rd) at 8 am for skiing and snowshoeing. All are welcome.
Offering Envelopes for 2013 - Can be found in the Guild Room
Our Stewardship Campaign in 2013 will take place during Lent, but offering envelopes for the entire year are available to those who have used them previously or those who have requested them. If you would like to have the parish provide you with offering envelopes, you may sign-up for these in the Parish House or in the Narthex of the church or call the parish office.
Youth Choir
The S. Mary’s Youth choir will meet in the new choir room immediately following the 10am service on Sunday.
Guiding RAY Godparents:
Guiding RAY is looking for individuals, couples, or friends who would like to welcome families and help with our registration attendance process on Sunday mornings. We need "Godparents" from 9:30-10:00am then you can head to church. Our "Godparents" can assist every Sunday or be scheduled in a rotation. Please contact Julie Morrison ( or 797-2201, if you'd like to become a Guiding RAY Godparent!
Men’s Overnight Snowshoe Adventure
Calling all Saint Mary’s men of all ages to join Nathan up in Carrabassett Valley for an adventure in the snow around the Bigelow range and Flagstaff Lake! Thursday evening (Feb. 28) to Saturday afternoon (March 2). Interested? Send him an e-mail at .
Legacy Project Update
The kitchen will again be accessible to us on Monday, January 21, although fire-suppression work on the stove will limit access to that appliance throughout the week. Thank you all so much for your patience as we have "camped" in the Guild Room while the floors were refinished. The Auditorium will still be off limits until January 25, while acoustical panels are installed on the ceiling. Also on-deck next week: Radiant heat installation in the Chapel, refurbishment of the Guild Room closet and ongoing work downstairs in the Youth Room.
Our sincere "thank you" to our most recent donors to the Legacy Campaign! Every single gift gets us closer to the finish line! We look forward to providing the latest update on the campaign, upcoming celebratory events and sharing the most recent iteration of the (draft) Donor Plaque at the Annual Meeting on January 27th We hope you won't miss that important event; be the first on your block to learn all the scoop, ask burning questions ...and, as always, enjoy personalized tours of the construction!
There is still a need and still time for parishioners who have not yet joined this effort to do so! Please contact Beth Shaw, or Jennifer Gregg, for more information!
S. Mary’s Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of The Church of Saint Mary the Virgin will take place on Sunday, January 27th, 2013, beginning at 10:15 in the morning. There will be one liturgy, with hymns, at 9:00, followed by a brunch and the Annual Meeting. Not only will this bring the “two congregations” together, but the meeting won’t last well into the afternoon. There will be child care and activities for kids in the undercroft; volunteers will be needed to supervise the children. If you are available to help, please e-mail Julie Morrison at Annual Reports are now available in the Guild Room and will be emailed to all on the email mailing list.
A new and updated S. Mary's Member and Friends Directory will be distributed at the Annual Meeting on January 27. So we can be assured we have your most recent address, phone number and email address, drafts will be available at coffee hours for the next two Sundays. Please help us out by checking for accuracy or by adding additional contact information. Also, you can use this directory for networking! See below.
Networking Opportunity!
Are you looking for clients? For bridge partners? Golf partners? Seeking to learn knitting or other fine skills? I bet there are other parishioners who are interested! Expand your professional and social networks by offering a few words about your vocation and/or avocations for publication in the 2013 S. Mary’s Members and Friends Directory! Email the information to Beth Shaw at by January 20.
Brunch Help Needed
Hospitality will be serving brunch on Jan. 27th just prior to the annual meeting. We will need strong people to set up tables, and chairs; and kitchen assistance on the morning of the 27th; and most importantly clean-up after the event. We'll need donations of fruit, breakfast breads, and juice. Sign Up sheets are in the Guild Room. It would be great to see some new faces in the kitchen!! Thank you and contact Anne LaFond or 781-8820 if you are available.
Open Door – Every Tuesday morning from 8-9 am, Fr. Nathan will be “live” on Twitter for open dialogue and discussion. Feel free to send a question or start a community conversation. It’s easy and everyone is welcome to join in.
Fr. Nathan Ferrell: Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at .
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Consider hosting a coffee hour in the Guild Room following the service (either by yourself or with another family.) A feast is not needed – just a tidbit to enjoy with the coffee that is already made. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard at 829-2026 by e-mail at
Godly Play Training - February 8 and 9
S. Mary's has arranged a unique opportunity for professional training. All ages and churches are welcome to join us as we blur the lines between teacher and student. You will experience and learn Godly Play stories in a collegial, prayerful setting. Godly Play Foundation’s talented Trainers will deepen your understanding of children’s spirituality while guiding you on a personal journey of wonder. By exploring the fundamental foundations of a Godly Play classroom with us at an accredited training event, you will improve your teaching skills, learn how to build a classroom of your own, and leave spiritually refreshed. February 8 (5:00-9:00pm, dinner included) and February 9 (8:30am-5:00pm, lunch and snacks included). Please contact Julie Morrison at for more information.
Emergency/Fuel Discretionary Fund
As the winter continues and the temperatures drop, let’s not forget to lend assistance to those that are struggling to stay warm. Emergency/Fuel Fund envelopes can be found in the hymnals in each pew. Thank you on behalf of the Outreach Committee and those you will help.
Altar Flower Guild planning meeting - Monday, February 4th at 9am
All members and people interested in joining the guild that has the honor of arranging the flowers on the altar, please join us for our Easter planning meeting. Bring your calendars to work on the summer schedule.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Lee Snow.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s – January 2013
Sunday 20 8:00am The Second Sunday after Epiphany: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY opens downstairs
10:00am The Second Sunday after Epiphany: Contemporary Eucharist
Monday 21 Martin Luther King Day - Parish Office is closed
7:00pm Open Forum on Marriage Equality
Tuesday 22 8:00am Open Door - Twitter live with Fr. Nathan
10:00am Order of St. Luke in church
1:00pm Staff meeting
7:00pm AA in Church
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 23 7:00pm How to Budget with Wisdom ( 1st of 2)
Thursday 24 10:30am Weekday Worship – in the church
12noon Open Forum on Marriage Equality
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 25 5:00pm Souper Supper at Foreside Comm. Church
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Saturday 26 8:00am Godspeed outdoors group meeting at S. Mary’s
9:00am Boy Singers of Maine
Sunday 27 9:00am The Third Sunday after Epiphany: Contemporary Eucharist Intergenerational Service
9:45am Brunch - all are invited
10:15am Annual Meeting in the Auditorium
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