Saint Mary’s Weekly News
February 10, 2013: The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
!!! Bring in your palms… THIS SUNDAY!
…last year’s palms from Palm Sunday, that is. Following the 10am liturgy, we’ll burn the palms that have been brought in. These ashes will be used during Ash Wednesday.
!!! Souper Supper for Friday, Feb. 8th has been cancelled due to the storm.
!!! Godly Play training is being rescheduled.
Acolyte Training
Training classes will be held again TODAY and March 3 after the 10am liturgy. Fr. Nathan and Head Acolyte, Elizabeth McIntosh will train new acolytes. Youth 8+ and Adults are welcome; we would also love to see adults and older youth who are able to carry the cross. Please plan to attend at least 2 of the 3 classes. Classes will be approximately 30 minutes. Acolytes generally serve once per month from Sept – June. FMI contact: Tricia Wheeler at
Godly Play Training Opportunity
This was postponed to March 22-23 (tentatively) due to “Nemo”!
Please contact Julie Morrison at for more information.
Now we begin our Pledge commitment campaign! We need your Pledge. Please prayerfully consider the amount which you can commit in support of this parish. We believe that the local church, due to the power of Christ at work within us, is the hope of the world! Your contributions enable us to be a spiritual home to so many others. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and your contributions!
Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Are you ready? Lent begins this Wednesday. It is a season marked by prayer, fasting, self-denial, self-examination, and repentance, and by reading and meditating on God's Holy Word. Ash Wednesday at Saint Mary’s is scheduled as follows:
7:00-9:00 am: Ashes to Go. On Route 1 in the Pratt Abbot parking lot, ashes will be made available to commuters and all passersby. Feel free to stop by and support this ministry of evangelism.
12noon: Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes – in the new Chapel!
4:00 pm: Children’s Ash Wednesday Liturgy. A brief, hands-on prayer service prepared for our young people. Also in the new Chapel! All ages are welcome.
7:00pm: Holy Eucharist with choir and the Imposition of Ashes – in Church
Calling All BOOKS!
As part of our 2013 Outreach Project, S. Mary's is holding its Book, Bake & Soup Sale on Saturday, March 16th, from 9 am to 1 pm WE NEED YOU to: donate books, videos, games & puzzles; sort books; sell books; BAKE for the bake sale; clean-up.
Please sign up to help in whatever way you are able and willing. There are sign-up sheets in the Guild Room. Any questions about baking call Elizabeth Heinzman; any questions about books, contact Becky Pride. Thanks to Babs Bell for making the soups. PLEASE DELIVER YOUR BOOKS TO THE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOM! Take the elevator down stairs and turn sharp left through the doorway. You will see other boxes of books there!! Please do not donate used textbooks, encyclopedia sets, magazine sets.
Legacy Project - Preparing for The Move
Work continues at a feverish pace as Ledgewood strives to complete its job by the time its contract ends on February 22! We are anticipating the move of the furniture, files, etc out of the storage containers and out of the Rectory garage beginning Saturday, February 23rd. Please mark your calendars! In addition to the "Hunks o' S. Mary's" (you know who you are!), we can use all available hands to dust, clean and organize as we bring all of our things back into the Parish House. All hands on deck, bright and early!
CARPOOLING to St. Elizabeth's on Tuesday, February 26th!!
Please meet Margaret Fast and Becky Pride in front of the Parish House at 8:15 AM in order to carpool to the Cathedral. Come and experience the wonder of serving at the Pantry. The BEST three hours you'll ever spend! We'll be back at S. Mary's by 11:15!!
Men’s Overnight Snowshoe Adventure
Calling all Saint Mary’s men of all ages to join Nathan up in Carrabassett Valley for an adventure in the snow around the Bigelow range and Flagstaff Lake! Thursday evening (Feb. 28) to Saturday afternoon (March 2). Interested? Don’t be afraid! You can do it! Send him an e-mail at .
Haiti Trip this Fall!!
If you want to help change the world, there will be a week-long HAITI TRIP in November to work in a school across the border from the Dominican Republic. See or email Becky Pride for details .
Youth Center Ministry needs you!
Jim Stoddard, Marian McCue, Bruce Fithian and Becky Pride had another joy-filled and fun time at the Long Creek Youth Center this past Thursday. Our 17 young men are so appreciative and polite. This is such a safe and rewarding ministry! Please consider joining us as a team member once a month for an hour and a half. We would be so grateful if you did so. We played bucket ball, bean bags, Life, Yahtzee, Connect Four, and just talked ... oh, and we ate lots of cookies and drank soda!! See any of us for more information.
Looking for party hosts for our Newcomers/Returnee Dinner
If you’d be interested in hosting one of our Newcomers gatherings next month or during the next year, please contact Mary Ann McLean for more information. It’s lots of fun!
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Consider hosting a coffee hour in the auditorium following the service (either by yourself or with another family.) A feast is not needed – just a tidbit to enjoy with the coffee that is already made. FMI, contact Betsy Stoddard at 829-2026 by e-mail at
Saturday morning prayer & running & winter sports group! If there is snow, we will gather for snowshoeing and Nordic skiing tours in front of the Parish House on Saturday mornings at 8 am. Watch the E-News for weekly updates.
Open Door
Every Tuesday morning from 8-9 am, Fr. Nathan will be “live” on Twitter for open dialogue and discussion. Feel free to send a question or start a community conversation. It’s easy and everyone is welcome to join in.
Fr. Nathan Ferrell
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at .
Follow-Up on our Marriage Equality Discussions
If you would like to share your concerns about marriage equality privately with Fr. Nathan, please feel free to contact him at any time to schedule a meeting.
Emergency Fuel Discretionary Assistance
As the winter continues and the temperatures drop, let’s not forget to lend assistance to those that are struggling to stay warm. Requests for help come frequently to our office. Emergency Fuel Fund envelopes can be found in the hymnals in each pew. Thank you on behalf of the Outreach Committee and of those you truly need the help.
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor this week is Paul Engel.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s – February 2013
Sunday 10 8:00am The Last Sunday after Epiphany: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY opens downstairs
10:00am The Last Sunday after Epiphany: Contemporary Eucharist
11:30am Burning of the Palms!
11:40am Acolyte Training - in Church
Monday 11 6:00pm Stewardship Meeting in the Guild Room
Tuesday 12 8:00am Open Door - Twitter live with Fr. Nathan
10:00am Order of St. Luke in church
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 13 7 - 9 am Ashes to Go on Rt. 1
12noon Ash Wednesday liturgy – in the Chapel
4:00pm Family Ash Wednesday service – in the Chapel
7:00pm Ash Wednesday liturgy with Choir – in the Church
Thursday 14 9:00am Staff Meeting
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA in the Guild Room
Friday 15 5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Saturday 16 8:00am Godspeed outdoors group (weather permitting)
Sunday 17 8:00am The 1st Sunday in Lent: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am Guiding RAY opens downstairs
10:00am The 1st Sunday in Lent: Contemporary Eucharist
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