Saint Mary’s Weekly News
For September 22, 2013 – The 18th Sunday after Pentecost
*******Don’t miss S. Mary’s GIANT Tag Sale********
to benefit the schools we visit on our Haiti Mission
THIS Saturday, September 21st 9am - 12noon
Episcopal Identity Retreat: Saturday, Sept 21st, 10am – 4 pm
At the Gilsland Farm Audubon Center in Falmouth. Join Fr. Nathan and the Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation class for a discussion of the meaning of “Episcopalian” and the future of our Church. Potluck lunch = bring a salad or dish to share. Also bring walking shoes and $10 to help cover the rental fee. Sign-up now!
Our prayer concerns this week
Peggy Pierce, Ann Tholen, Roger Murray, John, Stella Baumann, Dolores Rich, Nat Fenollosa, Keith Galli, Andrew Leighton, Lee Snow, and Sandy Snow.
Sharing Prayer Concerns
In the Narthex, where the “Guest Registry” used to be, there is now a place for everyone to share prayer concerns. When you arrive on Sunday, if God has placed someone on your heart, please take a moment to write their names and area of need (if appropriate) so they may be added to our Prayers of the People and other Saint Marian’s can pray for them as well.
Spiritual Needs Survey – for VISION 2014
Throughout the month of September, everyone is asked to complete a brief, anonymous 5-question survey about your spiritual life. This will help us to vision together about our future ministries and how we can assist the spiritual growth of each person in our community. Please complete one and place it in one of the 2 Survey collection boxes. You can also complete this on-line at our FaceBook page!
Time for Name Tags!
Please remember to wear your Name Tag as often as possible on Sundays. The Tags are in racks in the front hallway of the Parish House. If you do not have a Name Tag, please tell Beth in the Parish Office about this and you will soon have a new one ready for you!
Can you Host the next Welcome Gathering in your home?
We are planning for October 20th ( but the date is negotiable) to hold the third of three Welcome Gathering in 2013. It’s a wonderful way to greet new or potential members in a casual setting. If interested in finding out more info, please contact Mary Ann McLean,
or call 781-4871.
Upcoming Classes, Meetings and Opportunities
Parish Council Meeting on September 25th
The Parish Council will be meeting on Wednesday September 25, from 6 - 7:30pm The Parish Council consists of the clergy, wardens, staff, and the heads of all parish guilds and committees. During the meeting we will be discussing, among other things, upcoming events and going over the calendar There are some guilds/committees that currently need chairs or co-chairs, so if you have an interest please consider joining us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact Carrie McIntosh by email ( or phone (797-3993)
Footprints in the Sand: Writing Your Own Spiritual Autobiography on Thursday, Sept. 26th, 10 – 11:45 AM
Do you want to grow in faith and in your understanding of what God has done in your life? Come and join this Workshop led by Deacon Christine. Lunch will be provided. Come and be inspired by the amazing grace of God in the lives of those around you.
Dialogue of Art and Faith
Everyone is welcome to join this open group discussion of Art & Faith in all its forms. The discussion group will meet on Sundays at 9:15am. This is for those who couldn’t get enough in the spring class (reportedly - lots of you!) and for those who had other things going at the time but wanted to attend.
Daily Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s
Please join us any weekday for a brief (10 min.) Noonday Prayer in the Chapel, and let’s remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where we might be.
Sparkles NEWS!
First drop-off date for Boutique Items is Sept. 28th from 9 to 12 in the Parish Hall
To help make SPARKLES a success, we NEED:
ü for S. Mary's Soup mixes --dried beans of any kind or color---place in basket in front of the Guild Room.
ü for the Knitter's Corner--knitted or felted items--bring to drop-off dates.
ü for Holy Smokes---scotch pine cones--place in basket in front of Guild Room.
ü for Sweet Endings Cookbook---your favorite dessert or goodie recipe--place in bag in front of Guild Room or give directly to Beth in the office.
For more information please call, Jan Mordarski (899-4099)
Guiding RAY Notes
Godly Play
We offer a Montessori-based program called Godly Play to learn about God, the Bible, and the Church with our children. Family Chapel begins at 9:15am followed by Guiding RAY classes (age 4 through 5th grade) begin downstairs in the Parish House at 9:30am.
The Blessing of the Bay - All families are encouraged to join in for this free sunset cruise with Blessing and Eucharist on Saturday, October 5. We will gather to board the boat at 4:30pm. All children and youth are welcome, and there will be some activities designed specifically with our younger people in mind.
Youth Ministry Notes
“Middlers” group for Middle Schoolers: Sundays at 9 AM
Every Sunday morning, all Middle Schoolers are invited to meet together downstairs for games and a time to learn about our biblical Ancestors. Led by Jeff and Diane Campbell.
Falmouth Unites Now In Serving GOD (FUN IS GOD!): High School group
All High Schoolers are invited to come out for monthly town-wide projects with youth from all churches in town. Community Service hours will be given. These projects are organized by local youth and are open to all. Bring your friends!
***First project: Sunday, September 29, 4-6 PM: Rejoicing for Ripe Red = Apple Picking for Falmouth Food Pantry. Meet at Orchard Hill Farm, 36 Orchard Rd in Cumberland. Pick apples to share with those in need at the Food Pantry, then eat fresh delicious homemade donuts. Questions? Contact Jane Stegemann at .
Serving The World
*** Special HAITI MISSION Insert in Sunday’s bulletin! (Also at the end of this email) Please read carefully!***
This Sunday is our Soup Kitchen Sunday
The fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. We need people to (A) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (B) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (C) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00. Questions? Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or
St. Elizabeth’s Essential Pantry: Tuesday from 8:30 - 11 am
All are welcome to serve those in need in Portland at Saint Elizabeth’s. A group from Saint Mary’s will be there on Tuesday morning. Enter from the parking lot behind St. Luke’s Cathedral on Park Street.
Coastal Clean-Up: Next Saturday, Sept. 28th, 11am – 1 pm
Help to clean up the shore of the Bay as part of the International Coastal Clean-Up effort. Meet at Bonny Rodden’s house at 10 Shoreline Drive for a cleanup of the Mackworth Island causeway and the coastal shores across from the island. Wear gloves and sturdy shoes. Volunteers will be treated to a free lunch afterward at Saint Mary’s. FMI, call 781-2505.
Harvest Community Supper benefits the Food Pantry - Thurs., October 17th
S. Mary’s and the other Falmouth churches and Jewish community are hosting a free supper in support of the Food Pantry. This fifth annual Harvest Community Supper will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Rd on Thursday, October 17 from 4:30 to 7:00pm. Plan on joining the community for this evening of good food and fellowship. Given the great and growing need of many of our neighbors, there will be an opportunity for free-will donations to support the Falmouth Food Pantry. The supper is free and will include roast turkey and all the fixings, vegetables and homemade apple crisp with ice cream.
Sign-up sheets to volunteer are posted outside the Guild Room. Again, we need parishioners to donate and cook turkeys, bake squash, and to help with serving and cleanup. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need in our community. Please contact John Brooks at 781-2097 for further information.
Pastoral Care
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate .
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor today Paul Engel. During the week if you or someone you know needs communion, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine at any time.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 22 8:00am The 18th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:15am Family Chapel – in the Chapel
10:00am The 18th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
10:30+am Preble Street Soup Kitchen – S. Mary’s service Sunday
Monday 23 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 24 8:30-11a St. Elizabeth’s Pantry – Saint Marian’s there to help
10:00am Order of St. Luke
10:00am Staff Meeting
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
4:00pm Walking the Mourner’s Path (session 6 of 8)
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 25 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
7:00pm Parish Council Meeting
7:00pm Bible Study @ the Hurdman’s
Thursday 26 10:00am “Footprints in the Sand” Spiritual Autobiography Group
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
7:30pm Men’s AA in Auditorium
Friday 27 Parish Office Closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
5-7pm Souper Supper
Saturday 28 9:00am Boy Singers of Maine rehearsals
Sunday 29 MISSION SUNDAY: The Rev. Katharine Babson as Preacher
8:00am The 19th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:15am Family Chapel – in the Chapel
10:00am The 19th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
Get ready for Saint Francis Weekend: October 4-6
Friday, October 4, 10 am | Memorial Service for Dorothy Ryan |
Saint Mary’s Garden Club Flower Show – open for public viewing | Saturday, October 5, 10 am – 3 pm |
The Blessing of the Bay - A special St. Francis Day Eucharist with The Friends of Casco Bay | Saturday, October 5, 4:30 pm |
Sunday morning, October 6 | No morning services due to the Maine Marathon, but the “S. Mary’s Godspeed Team” will be running as a relay team! |
Sunday, October 6, 5 pm | Holy Eucharist and Confirmation with our Bishop Stephen Lane – at S. Mary’s |
Fall Focus on Mission - Haiti 2013
Please mark these dates!!
Thank you everyone for supporting our Giant Tag Sale on Saturday, September 21st
At least 50% of all proceeds (and 100% in many cases) is being used to buy calculators and school supplies for our school in Haiti.
MISSION SUNDAY, September 29th:
The Rev. Katharine Babson, missioner to Myanmar who served S. Mary’s in 2005 as a short-term Interim Priest, will preach and offer some clarity about what mission is.
How do we practice mission? How does it work?
We need to understand mission spiritually, financially, emotionally.
Haiti Information Gathering
Wine and Cheese with NATE NICKERSON, head of Konbit Sante Wednesday, October 9th: Often in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, Nate will speak to us on Wednesday, October 9th from 5 - 6:30pm. Nate will talk a bit about Haiti and its people. The gathering is generously sponsored by Kelly & Mike Ianno.
Friday, October 25th: A terrific evening of delicious Haitian recipes for all of us, followed by an informative and powerful movie called “The Price of Sugar.” This will be a wonderfully fun, delicious, and inspiring parish event! Hopefully, we will have with us at the supper Wesley Saintilnord, a former student at Institute Univers in Haiti and member of Becky Pride’s and Kelly Ianno’s class, who is presently attending a U.S. college. Wesley will join us for dinner and attend church with us, his soccer schedule permitting.
On Sunday, November 3, there will be a blessing of our three S. Mary’s missioners traveling to Haiti.
November 9th ~ November 18th.
Ø Becky Pride
Ø Kelly Ianno
Ø Bruce Fithian
As we did with our last trip to Haiti, Bruce Fithian, Kelly and Becky will take parishioners’ contributions to our school, Institute Univers in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Donations may be brought to the S. Mary’s parish house and dropped in a marked Haitian supply box.
Our school’s wish list includes:
· Pencils
· Ball point pens with blue ink
· Colored chalk for teacher use
· 50 compasses for 5th and 6th grade classes (loaned out for use in class)
· 50 protractors for 5th and 6th grade classes (loaned out for use in class)
· Felt chalk erasers for teacher use
· Basic scientific calculators – 1/x, trigonometric functions, etc.
More than 10% of Haitian children die before age five.
80% of Haitians live under the poverty line and 54% live in abject poverty.
The average per capita income in Haiti is $480 a year.
Because of both violence and AIDS, Haiti has the highest percentage of orphans of any country in the Western Hemisphere. Before the 2010 earthquake, the United Nations estimated there were 430,000 orphans.
A typical worker in Haiti makes only $2.75 a day. Because jobs are so scarce [approximately 70% do not have regular jobs], those who do have jobs are afraid to speak out against unfair labor practices.
Only 53% OF Haitians can read and write.
80% of Haitians are Roman Catholic, 16% are Protestant, and 4% other. Voodoo is often practiced alongside Christianity.
Only about 10% of all Haitian children enrolled in elementary school go on to a high school.
Haiti is the third largest country in the Caribbean; Cuba is largest and the Dominican Republic is the second largest.
When Columbus first saw the island of Hispaniola [Haiti and the Dominican Republic],
He thought he had found India or Asia.
Descendants of African slaves make up 95% of Haiti’s population.
The life expectancy for Haiti is low: 50 years form men and 53 years for women.
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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