Thursday, February 19, 2015

S. Mary's eNEWS for 2.22.15

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

February 22, 2015 – The First Sunday in Lent


5 for 5 in Lent: Small Groups for everyone! Beginning THIS WEEK

Sunday, Feb. 22, at 4 pm in Yarmouth: “Freeway” study led by Fr. Nathan

Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 pm in Scarborough: “Being Christian” study led by Fr. Jim Low

Tue, Feb. 24 at 11 am at Saint Mary’s: “Being Christian” study led by Deacon Christine

Tue, Feb. 24 at 3:30 pm in W. Falmouth: “Being Christian” study led by Jane Stegemann

Wed, Feb 25 at 7 pm in Falmouth: Epistle of James study led by the Hurdman’s

THIS is our special program for Lent! Our goal is for everyone to make a special Lenten commitment for 5 weeks to participate in a small group study. This is a proven path to achieve spiritual growth and to strengthen our community here at Saint Mary’s.

Need details? Call the Parish Office or go to Don’t miss this opportunity!



2015 Class for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

Initial meeting on THIS Sunday, February 22, at 9:15am. Everyone who might be interested is invited to our initial meeting in the Parish House. We will discuss our preparations for this special event. Please bring your questions to this meeting, or contact Fr. Nathan in advance.

Who should come to this meeting and join this class?  Those who wish:

·        To confirm their baptismal identity as followers of Christ

·        To be received into the fellowship of The Episcopal Church from another denomination (and so be eligible for parish leadership positions)

·        To reaffirm their trust in God and their commitment to life in Christ


Calling ALL BOOKS,  BOOKS; we need more BOOKS!!

Book, Bake and Soup Sale in support of Outreach: March 21

As part of our 2015 Outreach Project, S. Mary's is holding its Book, Bake & Soup Sale on Sat., March 21st , from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  WE NEED YOU to:  donate books, videos, games & puzzles; sort books; sell books; BAKE for the bake sale; clean-up. Please sign up to help in whatever way you are able and willing.  There are sign-up sheets outside the Guild Room.  Regarding books, games or puzzles:  Please leave all donations downstairs on the HUGE table in the big storage room.  Please, NO used textbooks, encyclopedia sets, or magazine sets.

2015 Offering Envelopes: on the Sign-Up Table now!

Our 2015 Stewardship Campaign is trying to wrap up, but offering envelopes for the entire year are available to those who have requested them at any time.  If you would like to have offering envelopes, please contact Beth Shaw in the Office to request these.


Serving The World

Preble Street Soup Kitchen: Sunday, February 22

On the fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary's prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. Preble Street serves many of the homeless in Portland, as well as others who cannot afford to buy food. We often serve up to 300 clients at a setting.  We have a dedicated band of volunteers who find this work very rewarding.  We are always looking for more people to help.  We need people to (a) arrive 10:30 am to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up from 12:45 to 2 pm.

If you would like to join us, please contact Carla Birt at , or Marian McCue at .


Become a Hospice of Southern Maine Volunteer

Hospice of Maine is currently accepting applications for our April training. If you are interested in becoming a hospice volunteer, and would like more information, please contact the volunteer department. You may also visit and click on Volunteering.

Join the Souper Supper Team!

We offer free community suppers on the second and fourth Friday of each month in the auditorium of S. Mary’s Parish House.  The dinners, which are available to the public at no charge, are served in a family-style setting and consist of a hearty soup or entree, salad or vegetable, bread, homemade desserts and beverages.  We’d love to have you join us for a wonderful fellowship dinner or to help out in setup serving or clean-up.  FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg at .


Don’t buy your coffee anywhere else!  Support Souper Supper at S. Mary's

Fair Traded  “Coffee by Design” Coffee on Sale Now!

If 50 families bought just 1 bag a month, we could support our Souper Supper community fellowship effort! …. and support fair trade practices by local owners…..and get GREAT organic coffee!     Win!  Win!  Win!

Christian Formation Notes

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)

At 9:30 AM, Family Chapel is a brief time for families and children in the Chapel. Guiding RAY classes begin immediately afterward at 9:45 AM.

The Nursery is open for our youngest disciples in the Kneeler Room (near the Auditorium) beginning at 9:45 AM every Sunday morning.

The Middlers meet at 9:30 AM over in the Living Room of the Rectory. They are led by Jeff and Diane Campbell and they all have a great time together!

Youth Ministry

Middle School Winter Event: March 6 – 8

Friday night to Sunday afternoon at St. Paul’s Church in Brunswick. All of those in 6 – 8th grade are invited to meet new friends from across the state, have fun, and learn more about God. Go now to to register. Don’t miss it!

High School Service Group: February 22 & 27

This group serves as a vehicle for service, fellowship and spirituality for all high schoolers.  We will focus on two of S. Mary's established outreach programs:  Preble Street Soup Kitchen (on the 4th Sunday of every month) and Souper Supper (on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month.)  Please see the Sign-Up Table outside the Guild Room.  Or contact Anne LaFond ( or 781-8820) with your dates/times or any questions you might have.

Young Life Club: every MONDAY night at 7:31PM !

Every Monday night at 2 Town Landing Rd (the Herdrich family house), all high schoolers are invited to come and bring a friend. You can park in the town lot across from the Town Landing Market. This is CRAZY fun every time! Tomorrow night is GAME NIGHT.



Meetings, Gatherings and Events

Good Friday Blood Drive: April 3, 12 noon – 5 pm

Mark your calendars now for a special opportunity to share the gift of life with others as we remember the new life that Christ has given to us in the Paschal mystery. Here in our Parish House Auditorium. More details to come soon!

Get Stitching: every Tuesday at 1 PM

We are gathering at the church EVERY TUESDAY AT 1:00pm to stitch.  Some are knitting prayer scarves, some making dryer balls, some quilting, some making mitten, or socks, or vests.  We help each other and chat about whatever we want.  There is laughter as well as concern for our world.  Everyone is welcome to an hour (and a half) of productive fellowship.

Noonday Prayer every weekday in the Chapel

VERY IMPORTANT! Prayer is central to our community. This takes 10 minutes and all are welcome. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own life with God.  On Thursdays, we include prayers for healing and the Eucharist.

Community Care & Nurture

Communicating with Father Nathan   

Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at or call his cell anytime at 207-310-0268.

Prayer Concerns for this week:

For healing: Russell Jennings, Sarah Gorman, Mary Loring, Helen Baldwin, Rick Bartlett, Sasha and Chris Bartlett, Suzanne Bauer, Michelle Bilodeau, Gay Freeman, Paula Gardner, John Horahan, Angela Kase, Arthur Markos, Sandy Pauly, Peg Pierce, Wendy Pierce,  Dennis Pike.

For those deployed: for Mark Winter, and for all active-duty military personnel and their families.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


This Week at Saint Mary’s

Sunday                22    8:00am           The First Sunday in Lent: The Great Litany and Traditional Eucharist

                                  9:00am           Coffee Hour & The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                  9:15am           Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation meeting

                                  9:30am           Family Chapel & The Middlers

                                  9:45am           Guiding RAY classes begin

                                  10:00am            The First Sunday in Lent: The Great Litany and Contemporary Eucharist

                                  11:00am           Coffee Hour continues      

                                  4:00pm           Lent Small Group: “Freeway” study in Yarmouth

Monday        23                March AVE deadline

                                                      12noon  Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                                      3:30–6pm          MMSET tutoring classes

                                          7:00pm              Lent Small Group: “Being Christian” study in Scarborough

                                          7:31pm              Young Life Club

Tuesday         24               9:30am               Art Group in auditorium

                                          11:00am         Lent Small Group: “Being Christian” study at Saint Mary’s

                                  12noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  1:00pm          Staff meeting

                                  1:00pm          Get Stitching

                                  3:00pm          Prayer Chain meeting

                                  3:30pm          Lent Small Group: “Being Christian” study in West Falmouth

                                  6:30pm          Beginner’s Al-Anon

                                  7:00pm          AA in the Auditorium

                                  7:30pm          Al-Anon in the Guild Room

Wednesday          25    12noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  7:00pm          Lent Small Group: “Epistle of James” study in Falmouth  

Thursday             26    10:00am        Garden Club in Guild Room

                                  12noon         Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

                                  4:00pm          Boy Singers of Maine

                                  7:00pm          Choir rehearsal

Friday                  27    Parish Office is closed on Fridays

                                  12noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  57pm          Community Souper Supper

                                  5:30pm          Al-Anon meeting

Saturday              28    9:00am           Boy Singers of Maine rehearsals

Sunday                29    8:00am           The Second Sunday in Lent: Traditional Eucharist

                                  9:00am           Coffee Hour & The Moth @ Saint Mary’s

                                  9:30am           Family Chapel & The Middlers

                                  9:45am           Guiding RAY classes begin

                                  10:00am            The Second Sunday in Lent: Contemporary Eucharist

                                  11:00am           Coffee Hour continues      

                                  4:00pm           Lent Small Group: “Freeway” study in Yarmouth

                                  5:00pm           Acolytes Bowling Party!



Beth Shaw

Parish Administrator

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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