Saint Mary’s Weekly News
May 22, 2016 – Trinity Sunday and our Spring Mission Morning
No regular Sunday services! Everyone is called to come together for mission and service at 9 AM in the Auditorium! It is going to be a beautiful day as we put our faith into action and “SERVE the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Mission Morning at Saint Mary’s is THIS Sunday
May 22, from 9am - 12-Noon.
We will gather at 9am in the Auditorium for a brief service and then go out in groups to find and serve Christ in the community, returning at 11:30 for the Holy Eucharist and,if you choose, a light lunch and fellowship. We have some great projects from which to choose, details of which you will find below.
For this Sunday's Mission Morning, we are collecting for the Headstart Program in Kennedy Park, so we ask all participants to bring children's SOCKS (SIZE 9-2) OR UNDERPANTS for boys or girls (sizes 4,5,6) to St. Mary's that morning.
We hope you will find among these projects something that calls you, and look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!
Ø Bringing Spring to Seniors at the Cedars: Carpool to deliver marigolds to and visit with patients at the Cedar's Convalescent Home in Portland. This is a wonderful opportunity for families and single adults alike! Some residents will appreciate a pop-in with a plant and a card, while others are lonely and would love for you to sit and visit for 10 minutes. Your choice!! Plants and cards provided.
Ø Create a collage for the Falmouth food Pantry: You will stay at Saint Mary's and create a collage (materials and design all provided) that will brighten the Falmouth Food Pantry.
Ø Spring Clean-up at the homes of Beth Shaw and Susan Chapman. As you may know, Beth and her family are moving to Portland. You will travel to her new home in Portland to do yard-work--weeding and edging flower beds that are in need of TLC. Susan Chapman lives in Falmouth; She needs to have her window-boxes planted and summer outdoor furniture placed. (Please bring gardening gloves; gardening tools provided.)
Ø Ready firewood for Cumberland Wood Bank. Carpool to North Yarmouth to cut, split and stack wood.. Please bring gloves, safety glasses. appropriate footwear and , if you have them, chaps, a splitting maul and log splitter. One must be 18 years of age to operate equipment. You are encouraged to before Sunday.
Ø Spring Cleanup at Milestone Old Orchard Beach Residential Center. Carpool to Old Orchard Beach and spend one hour cleaning up the facility and grounds.
Annual Bridge–a–Thon: TOMORROW, Friday, May 20, 12:30 – 4 PM
Saint Mary's Bridge-a-thon has earned Falmouth fame!!! A spring delight for up to 84 players who come to Saint Mary's for fun, food, and prizes! Find a table for four to play bridge, Mah Jong OR any other four-person game. $12 per person.
Any questions or concerns? Call Betsy Stoddard (829-2026) or Jan Mordarski (899-4099).
Saint Mary’s Garden Club Plant Sale: Saturday, May 21, 9am – 12noon
Find the best in annuals, perennials, grasses and herbs. This is a very popular annual event held under the big tent on the front lawn. Get here early for the best selection!
Serving The World
Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month – May 27
Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on one of these Friday evenings for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg ( or 781-2665).
Youth Ministry
Young Life Club: Monday, May 23 at 7:31 PM (but not Memorial Day, 5/30)
Our area Young Life Club is growing each week! Club will meet at the Herdrich’s house at 2 Town Landing Rd in Falmouth. All area high schoolers (and eighth -graders) are invited to come and bring a friend. The more people, the better! If anyone is curious about this, please contact Fr. Nathan who is on the YL Leadership Committee.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
At 9:30 AM, Family Chapel is a brief time for families and children to be with Fr. Nathan in the Chapel. Guiding RAY classes begin immediately afterward at 9:45 AM.
The Nursery is open for our youngest disciples downstairs beginning at 9:45 AM.
Mark your calendars! June 12 is Youth Sunday and our Strawberry Shortcake Celebration! All children & teachers will attend the 10 AM Eucharist and be celebrated. In addition, there will be a number of baptisms, and this will be the last Sunday for the Choir before the summer season begins.
Gatherings & Events
2016 Parish Photo Directory: appointments available for June 1,2,3 & 4
We are getting ready to create a new photo directory, and we need you to help make it complete! There is no purchase necessary, but by participating you will receive a free printed directory and 8” x 10”. And we need everyone to participate to make this a good and usable resource. Sign-up by calling Beth in the office of through our website. The time slots available will be as follows:
· Wednesday, June 1: 2 – 9 Pm (times available after 7pm)
· Thursday, June 2: 2 – 9 PM (3 afternoon slots available and times after 7:30pm)
· Friday, June 3: 2 – 9 PM (4 afternoon slots available and times after 6pm)
· Saturday, June 4: 10 AM – 5 PM ( many slots available after 11:30am)
Changes in the Chancel for the Portland Bach Festival
Don’t panic! We are experimenting with removing the furniture in the Chancel! In June, Saint Mary’s will be the premier venue for the Portland Bach Festival which will require space for dozens of musicians and every available seat in the Nave. This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity. In addition, the popularity of Saint Mary's Schola indicates that we make more seats available for patrons. Due to these upcoming events, we are looking at ways to open the Chancel to allow for more music festivals and events. All constructive feedback is welcome! Share your ideas with the staff or the wardens.
Adopt a Musician for one week in June!
The Portland Bach Festival seeks homestay accommodations within easy driving distance of Portland and Falmouth for their visiting artists. Individual stays range from 2 nights to the entire week, June 18-25. Please consider hosting one or more artists yourself, or share this information with a friend or colleague who would enjoy the experience. Contact Julie Marsh, Managing Director at for more information and to sign up as a host.
Cleaning Closets? Downsizing? Closing an estate? Be sure to consider donating your unique items, family treasures or gently used household goods to the Sparkles Boutique. Please, no rummage or books or clothes. Donation dates are not until the Fall but if you need help with storage, please call Jan Mordarski (899-4099) or Onnie Hastings (878-6683) and we will make arrangements. PLEASE do not drop off things without first speaking with Onnie or Jan.
Community Care & Nurture
Wisdom Seekers: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM – new study of “Half-Truths”
Have you ever said " God helps those who help themselves"? How about "God won't give you more than you can handle"? Would it surprise you to know that these and other common sayings do not come from the Bible? The Wisdom Seekers will be reading Half Truths by Methodist pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton to explore what the Bible does say about God's activity in our lives. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion on any Tuesday. The group is led by Deacon Christine and meets in the Guild Room.
Noonday Prayer every weekday in the Chapel
Prayer is central to our community. This takes 10 minutes and all are welcome. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, for our bishop, and for your own life with God. On Thursdays, we include prayers for healing and the Eucharist.
Thursday Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon
Looking for inspiration and spiritual community during the week? This is what happens every Thursday in the Chapel. This is a beautiful, informal time to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scriptures or the lives of the saints, time for group discussion, and prayers for healing.
Communicating with Father Nathan
Feel free to contact Nathan+ at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268 or e-mail him directly at but know that email is not checked during the weekend or when he’s away.
Congratulations to the Horton family!
For many weeks, we prayed for Nick Horton, Becca and their unborn child. After many weeks of a challenging pregnancy, Becca gave birth on Sunday, May 15, to a very healthy son named Lucas Elijah Horton! He was born at 7 pounds, 10 ounces at a hospital in Los Angeles. Cindy and Chuck Horton, Nick’s grandparents, are driving to LA now to visit and to greet their new great-grandchild. We all need to give praise to God for this good and healthy outcome!
Prayer Concerns for this week: John Fournier, Bobbi Bernier, David Bates, Trent Billings, Gardener Bilodeau, Peter Blaze, John Delaney, Janet Dorman, Angela Kase, Chandra Lowe, Roger Murray, Julie Otte, Stewart Stalnecker, Bucky, Cliff Kucine.
IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or
This Week at Saint Mary’s
Saturday 21 9a-12n Garden Club Plant Sale under the big tent
9:30-2p Holy Cross Retreat in Guild room (and kitchen)
Sunday 22 Trinity Sunday: Spring Mission Morning
9:00am Welcome, Prayer and Sending Out (in Auditorium)
11:30am Gather again for Communion and Lunch
Monday 23 Deadline for June AVE material
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
3:30pm MMSET Class in Great Room
7:31pm Young Life Club (2 Town Landing Rd)
Tuesday 24 9:30am Art Group in Auditorium
10:30am Wisdom Seekers: book study of Half Truths
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff meeting
1:00pm Get Stitching group
6:30pm Beginner’s Al-Anon
7:00pm AA in the Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 25 12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Thursday 26 12noon Thursday Eucharist – in the Chapel
4:00pm Boy Singers of Maine rehearsal & Awards in Auditorium
6:15pm Dowsers meet in Guild Room
7:00pm Saint Mary’s Choir rehearsal
Friday 27 Parish Office is closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
5:30pm Kyros-Kirk wedding rehearsal
5 – 7pm Community Souper Supper
Saturday 28 10:00am Snow family interment in Saint Mary’s Woods
4:30pm Kyros-Kirk wedding
Sunday 29 8:00am The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:00am Coffee Hour
9:30am Family Chapel
9:45am Guiding RAY classes begin
10:00am The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
11:00am Coffee Hour continues
Monday 30 Memorial Day – Parish Office closed
10am Falmouth Town Parade begins
10:45am Refreshments under the big tent on the front lawn
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
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