Thursday, October 19, 2017

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 10.22.17

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

October 22, 2017 –  The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Getting Ready for Sunday!

Pay to all what is due them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due  (Romans 13:7).


This Sunday we welcome the Oceanview at Falmouth Choir

Established and directed by Saint Mary’s parishioner, Priscilla Rigg,

we welcome the 40+ singers who all reside at Oceanview.  

Thank you for sharing your talent and love of music with us this Sunday!


Events and Happenings


Sparkles Spirits:  FRIDAY, October 20, 6-8pm

It’s an Appetizer party for Everybody!!--October 20th in the Guild Room from 6 to 8pm---get your tickets during coffee hour or from the church office.  $10 now or $12 at the door.   Come for a festive evening, bring your friends and order some appetizers for your holiday entertaining.


Sparkles NEWS: the Sparkles Fair is on Saturday, December 2

Thanks to everyone who attended SPARKLES SPIRITS Friday night, and to the wonderful cooks who prepared the beautiful appetizers.  Your orders will be ready for pick up on either November 10 or 26.  Enjoy at Thanksgiving, Christmas, for unexpected guests, or just for yourself.

Our next drop-off date for donated items will be Saturday, October 28.  As a reminder, we need gently-used jewelry, linens, and household items, such as china and dishes, crystal, silver, and small furniture and home décor items.  We also are requesting lots of toys, Christmas wrapping paper and ribbons, and Christmas decorations.

BEANS and more BEANS!  We need lots and lots of beans to create Saint Mary’s popular Friendship Soup.  Put your bags of dried beans (and color or type) in the basket outside the Guild Room.

The next planning meeting for Sparkles is Thursday, October 26 at 5:30pm in the Guild Room.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook:  SparklesSt.MarysFalmouth

Reformation Jubilee 500: NEXT Sunday, October 29, 5 PM

Churches around the world are gearing up to mark the 500 year anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. On October 31, 1517, a German monk called Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This precipitated the reform of the medieval Church, which changed the world forever. We are all impacted by Luther, who has been called “the last medieval man and the first modern one.” Together, we will recognize this momentous occasion with a special ecumenical service here with Emmaus Lutheran Church, Holy Martyrs parish and the other Falmouth churches. There will be special music, hymns and anthems based on Martin Luther’s writings with a brass quartet too.  Join us for this very special commemoration. 


Serving The World

Souper SuppersA Chance to Serve - every 2nd & 4th Fridays, 5-7pm

As you begin to ponder your autumn schedule, please consider joining the Souper Supper team!  One of Saint Mary's most popular ministries, we serve home-made soup, salads, rolls, desserts at table, FREE to the community on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.  Do you have a couple of hours every month or two?  Help set up, dish up, clean-up or make/provide desserts. Your Choice!!   A fun, fulfilling, very family-friendly ministry!  FMI:  Jennifer Gregg; 


Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)  

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 1 to 14 have begun with exciting plans for the program year!  We gather all together beginning at 9:45am with classes beginning at 10am.  For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website . The Nursery  opens at 9:45am for our youngest disciples in the Guiding RAY area every Sunday morning for the later Eucharist.


This week in Guiding RAY   

In Romans 13, Paul writes about how loving your neighbor is also obeying the law. This week Heather Teng and Heather Gale will be talking with the kids about how we can all live in peace and harmony by obeying the law. The kids will explore the meaning of this and how they can reach out to their neighbors with love and forgiveness.  

Meg Hurdman and the older Guiding RAY kids will also be exploring the law and discussing the conflict in the early church and the necessity for outreach for the growth of the Christian faith. As a reminder, the Middlers are now part of Guiding RAY and all are welcome to participate in Meg's thoroughly engaging class that is focused on the study of Paul's life. 

Falmouth YOUNG LIFE Club: Mondays at 7:31 PM

Where?  41 Stapleford Dr, Falmouth, ME 04105, USA (map)

Who?   Falmouth & area High School Peeps come kick it @ the BEST thing

     happening on a Monday night GUARANTEED!

Why? Well, why not? FMI, visit

NEW Angel Choir: calling all young singers on Sundays at 9:30 AM

In support of the RSCM program, we are thrilled to announce that Priscilla Rigg, has volunteered to lead our young children Pre-school to 4th grade, in a new children’s choir.  The young singers will gather at 9:30 AM beginning October 15 in the Father James Chapel for joyous singing through the use of puppets and hands-on percussion instruments.

Priscilla has decades of successful experience engaging children to be excited about music and singing.  She is the former organist/choirmaster at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in East Greenwich, RI and current parishioner at Saint Mary’s. 

Community Care & Nurture

Wisdom Seekers: studying the Letter to the Romans

This Bible study group meets on Tuesdays at 10:30 AM in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! This Autumn, the group will follow our Sunday focus on St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans and look at each week’s passage in depth.

Chapel Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon

This is an informal time (in a beautiful space!) to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day and prayers for healing.

Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel   Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.

Communicating with Nathan+   

Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him.  You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away on vacation.

Prayer Concerns for this week Douglas McCormack, Chandra Lowe,Lee Lamphere, Julie Vinson, Arthur Markos, Patti Braswell, Brian Pettingill, Richard Harris, Brooke Welch-Frehsee, Ellen Hitchcock, Frank Rheaume, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or

THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday        22      8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:30am        RSCM Angel Choir in the Chapel

9:45am       Nursery opens

9:45 am       Guiding RAY gathering with classes to begin at 10am

                             10:00am       Choral Eucharist with Oceanview Choir

                             11:00AM     Welcome Newcomers     Coffee Hour

Monday      23      10:00am       Garden Club in the auditorium

                             12 noon       Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             6:00PM        Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in the auditorium

                             7:31PM          Falmouth Young Life Club at 41 Stapleford Drive

Tuesday       24      9:30am       Art Group in the auditorium

                             10:30am         Wisdom Seekers – study of Romans

                             12 noon         Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             7:00pm        AA in the auditorium

                             7:30pm        Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s)

Wednesday 25           9am-12n         Garden Club Workshop in Auditoriums

                                    12noon       Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                             12:30 pm        Staff Meeting in the Kneeler Room

                             6:00pm       Vestry meeting

                             69pm        Magic of Christmas rehearsal in Sanctuary

                             6 - 8pm        SinG rehearsal in the auditorium

Thursday     26      12noon       Chapel Eucharist – informal and brief

5:30pm        Sparkles meeting in the Auditorium

5:30pm        Young Life Banquet at the Woodlands

6:25pm        Dowsers meeting in the Guild Room

                             7:00pm        Saint Mary’s Choir rehearsal

Friday         27      Parish Office closed

12noon       Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself

                             5:00pm        Community Souper Supper

                             5:30 pm        Al-Anon meeting

Saturday     28      Diocesan Convention in Bangor

                             9a-12n        Sparkles Drop off #3

Sunday        29      Reformation Sunday

                             8:00am       Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

9:30am        RSCM Angel Choir in the Chapel

9:45am       Nursery opens

9:45 am       Guiding RAY gathering with classes to begin at 10am

                             10:00am       Choral Eucharist    (followed by Coffee Hour)

                             5:00PM        Reformation Jubilee 500



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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