October 8, 2017 – The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Getting Ready for Sunday!
“To set the mind on the flesh is death,
but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
Events and Happenings
Sparkles NEWS: Save December 2!
BEANS and more BEANS! We need lots and lots of beans to create Saint Mary’s popular Friendship Soup. Put your bags of dried beans (and color or type) in the basket outside the Guild Room.
SPARKLES SPIRITS will be our new event on Friday, October 20. Tickets will be on sale at Coffee Hours on October 8 and 15 - $10 in advance, and $12 at the door. Get your taste buds ready for 12 delicious and convenient appetizers along with wine or the beverage of your choice. You’ll be able to order the appetizers already frozen, ready to thaw and heat whenever you want – Thanksgiving, Christmas, or unexpected guests.
Please join us for the second Planning Meeting on Friday, October 6 at 9:30am in White Wool Room. ALL WELCOME! It is a great way to help with the Sparkle Planning, and to make new friends.
FIRST DROP OFF DATE — October 7, 9:00am-12:00noon. Bring your family treasures and gently used items to be sold at the Boutique. Please NO rummage, books or clothing. We especially need gently used TOYS for our new Sparkles for Kids room, as well as CHRISTMAS PAPER, BAGS, RIBBON, AND DECORATIONS to make this new area as festive as possible for the kids and you know who!
Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook: SparklesSt.MarysFalmouth
Sparkles Spirit October 20th in the Guild Room from 6 to 8pm
It’s an Appetizer party for Everyone! --October 20th in the Guild Room from 6 to 8pm ---
Let us take the stress out of your Thanksgiving or Christmas gatherings. Come, taste and sip and then order these delicious hors d’oeuvres that can be picked up frozen on November 19 or 26. All you do is heat them up.
Get your tickets during coffee hour or from the church office.$10.00 now or $12.00 at the door.
Come for a festive evening, bring your friends and order some appetizers for your holiday entertaining.
Reformation Jubilee 500, Sunday, October 29, 5 PM
Churches around the world are gearing up to celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. On October 31, 1517, a German monk called Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This precipitated the reform of medieval Christianity, which changed the world forever. We are all impacted by Luther, who has been called “the last medieval man and the first modern one.”
Together, we will recognize this momentous occasion with a special ecumenical service at Saint Mary’s on October 29 with Emmaus Lutheran Church, Holy Martyrs and the other Falmouth churches
There will be special music, hymns and anthems based on Martin Luther’s writings with brass quartet. Join us for this very special commemoration.
Serving The World
Welcome New Mainers: Pihcintu Chorus on October 15 at 4 PM
Nationally-recognized, Portland-based Immigrant Girls Chorus at Saint Mary’s Let’s come together to welcome and celebrate our new Mainers with a wonderful concert offered by the Pihcintu multi-national chorus. This group welcomes immigrant girls from around the globe, helping them through music to restart their lives by moving from tragedy and loss to harmony and community. A free concert, but donations will be accepted. A reception will follow.
Year-end Charitable Contributions: Parishioners we want your input!
The Outreach Committee is making decision about their 2017 year-end Charitable contributions. We send support locally and around the world. If you have a favorite charity you’d like the Outreach Committee to consider financially supporting, please contact Marian McCue marian.l.mccue@gmail.com
Souper Suppers: A Chance to Serve - every 2nd & 4th Fridays, 5-7pm
As you begin to ponder your autumn schedule, please consider joining the Souper Supper team! One of Saint Mary's most popular ministries, we serve home-made soup, salads, rolls, desserts at table, FREE to the community on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. Do you have a couple of hours every month or two? Help set up, dish up, clean-up or make/provide desserts. Your Choice!! A fun, fulfilling, very family-friendly ministry! FMI: Jennifer Gregg; jenniferanngregg@gmail.com
9th Annual Harvest Community Supper: Thu, Oct 19, 4:30-7:00 PM
Saint Mary’s, the other Falmouth churches, and Jewish community, again will combine to host a free turkey supper to raise funds for the Falmouth Food Pantry, a resource devoted to serving the growing needs of many in our area. Please come by the Falmouth Congo Church (267 Falmouth Road) on Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 4:30 to 7PM and enjoy an evening of good food, goodwill and friendship. Free-will donations will be gratefully accepted.
As one of the hosts of this event, parishioners from Saint Mary’s are asked to donate and cook turkeys, bake squash and help with serving and cleanup. Please volunteer by signing up on the poster near the Guild Room. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause. Call John Brooks (781-2097) or Nancy Lightbody (781-4670) with any questions.
Youth Ministry
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth
Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 1 to 14 have begun with exciting plans for the program year! We gather all together beginning at 9:45am with classes beginning at 10am. For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website www.smary.org . The Nursery opens at 9:45am for our youngest disciples in the Guiding RAY area every Sunday morning for the later Eucharist.
This week in Guiding RAY
This Sunday Guiding RAY will be celebrating World Communion Day with the help of Janet Bowne and Kathy Galen of the Altar Guild.
Acolytes Wanted! Training NEXT Week, October 15!
Children and youth (age 8 and up) as well as adults are invited to be acolytes. Our acolytes help the clergy with the worship service on Sundays and Holidays, and they have the summer off. The Gospel and Epistle acolytes carry the torches (candles) and the Crucifer carries the cross. The training provided by Father Nathan is short and easy. Training for this year is scheduled for Sunday, October 15 after the 10am service. Acolytes generally serve once a month. It is a wonderful way for youth to be involved in worship and connect with each other and the Saint Mary's community and earn community service hours. FMI and to sign up for training, please contact Tricia Wheeler at tjwheel@maine.rr.com.
Calling all young Singers for NEW Angel Choir
In support of the RSCM program, we are thrilled to announce that Priscilla Rigg, has volunteered to lead our young children Pre-school to 4th grade, in a new children’s choir. The young singe6rs will gather at 9:30 to 10 beginning October 15 in the Father James Chapel for joyous singing through the use of puppets and hands-on percussion instruments.
Priscilla has decades of successful experience engaging children to be excited about music and singing. She is the former organist/choirmaster at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in East Greenwich, RI and current parishioner at Saint Mary’s.
Pathways to Peace
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine invites all youth in Grades 6-12 to the Cathedral for a Columbus Day Weekend Youth Event.
For more information and to register, visit: maineyouth.org
Community Care & Nurture
Wisdom Seekers: studying the Letter to the Romans
This Bible study group meets on Tuesdays at 10:30 AM in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! This Autumn, the group will follow our Sunday focus on St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans and look at each week’s passage in depth.
Chapel Eucharist: every Thursday in the Chapel at 12 noon
This is an informal time (in a beautiful space!) to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day and prayers for healing.
Noonday Prayer: every other weekday in the Chapel Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.
Communicating with Nathan+
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can call or text his cell anytime at 207-310-0268 or e-mail him directly at nathanferrell@smary.org but know that email is checked rarely on weekends or when he’s away on vacation.
Prayer Concerns for this week Lee Lamphere, Julie Vinson, Arthur Markos, Patti Braswell, Brian Pettingill, Richard Harris, Brooke Welch-Frehsee, Ellen Hitchcock, Frank Rheaume, Stewart Stalnecker.
IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or smary@smary.org).
THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 8 8:00am Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
9:45am Nursery opens
9:45 am Guiding RAY gathering with classes to begin at 10am
10:00am Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
Monday 9 Columbus Day – Parish Office is closed for the holiday
9:00am Columbus Day Hike up Pleasant Mtn – ALL welcome!
12 noon Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself
4:30pm Tai Chi
6:00pm Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in the auditorium
Tuesday 10 9:30am Art Group in the auditorium
10:30am Wisdom Seekers – study of Romans
12 noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
7:00pm AA in the auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s)
Wednesday 11 9am-12n Garden Club Workshop in Auditorium
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
12:30 pm Staff Meeting in Kneeler Room
6 – 9pm Magic of Christmas rehearsal in Sanctuary
6 - 8pm SinG rehearsal in the auditorium
Thursday 12 12noon Chapel Eucharist – informal and brief
1:00pm Care Circle in the Guild Room
6-8:30pm Oratorio Chorale in Auditorium
7:00 pm Saint Mary’s Choir rehearsal
Friday 13 Parish Office closed
12noon Noonday Prayer - wherever you find yourself
5:00pm Community Souper Supper
5:30 pm Al-Anon meeting
7:00pm Classic Cinema presents: The Big Sleep
Saturday 14 9-11am Deacons in the Guild Room
Sunday 15 8:00am Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
9:30am RSCM ‘Little Angels’ Singing in the Chapel
9:45am Nursery opens
9:45 am Guiding RAY gathering with classes to begin at 10am
10:00am Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
11:30aam Acolyte Training
4:00pm Pihcintu Concert in the auditorium
Beth Shaw
Parish Manager
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
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