Thursday, May 17, 2018

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 5.20.18

The News at Saint Mary’s

for 20 May 2018:  The Sunday of Pentecost


Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 1 to 14 have begun with exciting plans for the program year!  We gather all together beginning at 9:45am with classes beginning at 10am.  For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website . The Nursery  opens at 9:45am for our youngest disciples in the Guiding RAY area every Sunday morning for the later Eucharist.

Pentecost -  everyone wear red, orange, yellow.  Be sure to join us for a special coffee hour as we celebrate the birthday of the church. 


This Sunday in Guiding RAY:    we will continue our lessons on kids in the bible.  We will hear the story of how Miriam saves baby Moses.  Sometimes we think that we have to be a grown up before we can care for and protect others. But kids will learn that God can use them to help others right now. 

The Royal School of Church Music Choirs
Each Sunday, the Angel Choir and St. Cecilia Choir meets at 9:15 in the downstairs Choir room and following the 10 o'clock liturgy, the St. Cecilia Choir meets in the downstairs for 30 minutes to learn the fundamentals of music and singing using the highly acclaimed RSCM workbooks. To learn more, send a message to .


Bishopswood Open House Weekend:  June 1-3

Spend one or two nights and experience camp with your children.  Highly recommended for first-time campers.  This is a great time to take a tour of camp, meet some of the summer staff,  swim in beautiful Lake Megunticook, or go for a family canoe ride. Stay for the weekend or come for the afternoon on Sunday for a tour.  Bring a picnic lunch and try some famous congo bars.   For schedule and related costs, visit the website

Serving The World

WELCOME, NEW  MAINERS!  Sunday, May 20, 4 pm

Please join us and help us welcome Nancy Markowitz of Welcoming the Stranger and  Lucky Hollander of Hopeful Links and Allan Monga the Maine championship in the “Poetry Out Loud” competition.

   Welcoming the Stranger (WTS) is a grassroots project matching mentors with      

      asylum-seekers to help them integrate into the Greater Portland community.

 Hopeful Links is a volunteer-based program that matches unaccompanied minors with potential guardians and safe housing.

We are excited to announce that our featured immigrant speaker will be Allan Monga, an 18-year-old asylum seeker who arrived here alone less than a year ago from Zambia and now attends Deering High School. He is the profoundly talented young man who recently won the Maine championship in the “Poetry Out Loud” competition. He will share his story through his “Poetry Out Loud” readings.       Naturally, there will be lovely goodies provided as well.  FMI contact Becky Pride or Anne LaFond

The Casco Bay Swing: play golf and support Young Life Casco Bay

On June 4, come play one of the best courses in Maine with 100% of the proceeds going to Young Life Casco Bay and their great work with teens in our area! Prizes!  Food!   If you don’t or can’t play, please sponsor a hole! Sponsor a foursome or be a Corporate Sponsor! For more information see 

Events & Happenings

Creativity at Saint Mary’s

Bruce Fithian will have his song 'Sailing to Byzantium' based on the poem by W. B. Yeats performed for the first time at the Back Cove Contemporary Music Festival, Friday, May 18, 7:30pm Mechanics Hall, 519 Congress St. Portland. It is scored for soprano, flute, violin, clarinet, cello and piano and will be sung by the superb Molly Harmon, who is a member of the St Mary Schola.

On Saturday, May 19, 7:30 pm at First Parish Church Portland, his 'Gothic Lord's Prayer' will be sung by the St Mary Schola. The Gothic language was very important during the years of the early church, and the sounds of this language inspired Tolkien to invent his elvish language in 'The Lord of the Rings.'


Cecilia Ensemble Concert:  There Is Peace

Saturday, May 26, 2018, 7pm    Plan on attending this unforgettable concert

We are thrilled to have the Cecilia Ensemble, an18-voice auditioned choir from NH, under the direction of Maria Belva, who has recently returned from a Concert Tour of the Czech Republic. Included in the tour was a performance at the Terezin Concentration Camp where the choir sang Nezapomeň in the place where it was written 74 years ago. The girls also presented the Terezin Ghetto Museum with a recording of the song and a copy of the music that the composer sent to David Vernier.  Join us for a potluck ( share your favorite entrée or side dish) at 5pm with the concert at 7pm.    

Also,  we are looking for lodging in homes for several more of the girls and adult chaperones.  Thanks for considering and contacting Bruce Fithian,

Saint Mary’s Garden Club Plant Sale: June 2, 9 AM12

 Mark your calendar for this annual fundraising event on our front lawn. Purchase your annuals, perennials, grasses, and herbs and support a long-standing institution in our community.  

Memorial Day parade refreshments:  Monday, May 28

As usual, we will host the town on our front lawns under the tent with coffee, lemonade and donut holes following the parade ceremony.  Anne LaFond would love some help at 8am setting up and more at 10am with serving and cleaning up.  If you can help, please let Anne know.

Saint Mary Schola presents their Spring ConcertLove Conquers All

June 1,  7:30 PM,  Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Portland

June 3,  4:00 PM, Episcopal Church of Saint Mary, Falmouth

June 5,  7:30 PM, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland

For ticket and more program information,

Community Care & Nurture

Wisdom Seekers: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM

This Bible study group meets weekly in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! We are currently studying the Acts of the Apostles, Join us!

Chapel Eucharist: Thursdays in the Chapel at 12 noon

This is an informal time (in a beautiful space!) to gather at the Lord’s Table with a meditation on the scripture or the saint of the day and prayers for healing.

Noonday Prayer: Mon - Wed in the Chapel 

Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.

Concerns, comment, or issues  If you have an emergency and need any kind of immediate support from Saint Mary’s, please reach out to Deacon Christine at 207-653-2448. If your need is less urgent, please call our Parish Office and speak with Beth ( 781-3366) or the Wardens (Jim Kane, 329-1764 or Janet Bowne, 318-7045)

Prayer Concerns for this week:  Brian Taylor, Peter Horne, Karon Velek, Stewart Stalnecker, Karen Mynahan, John Lund, Theresa Violette, Nolan Farris, Lee Lamphere, Arthur Markos, Frank Rheaume.                  

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or


Sunday                20     The Day of Pentecost

                                    8:00am         Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                    9:15am        RSCM Choirs rehearse in the Choir Room

                                    9:45am         Guiding RAY classes gather

                                    10:00am        Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                    4:00 pm       Welcome, New Mainers Event

Monday              21     12noon        Noon Prayer in the Chapel

                                    4:30pm         T’ai Chi in auditorium

Tuesday              22      7 - 9am       BNI in the auditorium

                                    9:30am        Art Group in the auditorium

                                    10:30am           Wisdom Seekers

                                             12noon        Noon Prayer in the Chapel

                                    3-4:30pm         Till Death Do Us Part (5 of 5)

                                    6:00pm         St Mary Schola rehearsal in Sanctuary

                                    7:00pm         AA in the auditorium

                                    7:30pm         Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)

Wednesday              23        12noon        Noon Prayer in the Chapel

                                                            6-8:30pm         PBE rehearsal in the Auditorium

Thursday            24      9:30am        Art Group in the auditorium

                                    12noon        Chapel Eucharist – led by Rev. Portia Hirschman

                                    7:00pm         Saint Mary’s choir rehearsal

Friday                 25     Parish Offices are closed on Fridays

                                    12noon       Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are

                                    5:00pm         Community Souper Supper

                                    5:30pm         Al-Anon meeting in the Guild Room

Saturday              26     5:00 pm          Pre-Concert Potluck

                                             7:00 pm          Cecilia Ensemble Concert

Sunday                27     Trinity Sunday

                                    8:00am         Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                    9:15am        RSCM Choirs rehearse in the Choir Room

                                    9:45am         Guiding RAY classes gather

                                    10:00am        Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)

Monday              28     Memorial Day – Office closed

                                    10am            Memorial Day Parade begins at American Legion Hall

                                                        Followed by Refreshments on Saint Mary’s lawns



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Road

Falmouth, Maine  04105



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