The News at Saint Mary’s
6 May 2018: The Sixth Sunday of the Great Fifty Days
Annual Bridge – a – Thon: Fri., May 4, 12:30-4pm - Reserve your table now!
Enjoy an afternoon of bridge - or any card or table game for four - at Saint Mary’s. Good fellowship, sumptuous refreshments, prizes for high scorers, all for price of admission ($48.00 per table/$12 per person) Call Beth Shaw 781-3366 to reserve your spot! Please share this with any Bridge player you know!
Don’t play Bridge or cards? For those who can't or don't wish to play cards that day, we would greatly welcome tea-snacks (tea sandwiches, sweets, savories) for this event.
Grab your Gloves & Rakes: Spring Clean-Up, Saturday, May 5
Let’s gather together on May 5 from 8 AM to 12 noon. Please circle that date on your calendar and join the fun. We will be working outside to care for and spruce up our campus for spring and summer enjoyment. Food and drink will be provided.
Habitat for Humanity Falmouth Foreside 5K Run: Saturday, May 5, 9 am start
Please participate: Run Volunteer Support Bake
Great community event for runners of all ages and running speeds! The HFH Run will help provide decent, stable and affordable housing for those in need. Continental breakfast, prizes, cash raffle, raffles and more! Rain or Shine! Registration at Saint Mary's at 8am; runners start at 9am. You can also register to run beforehand at, then click on “events”.
FMI: please contact Anne LaFond,
Trek Across Maine GODSPEED TEAM Coffee Hour
This Sunday, May 6, our 5 Godspeed Team bikers will host Coffee Hour. Please stop in to learn more about this unique event and to help their (required) fundraising efforts! The Trek Across Maine is June 15-17 and the course is from Sunday River to Belfast.
Serving The World
The Casco Bay Swing: play golf and support Young Life Casco Bay
On June 4, come play one of the best courses in Maine with 100% of the proceeds going to Young Life Casco Bay and their great work with teens in our area! Prizes! Food! If you don’t or can’t play, please sponsor a hole! Sponsor a foursome or be a Corporate Sponsor! For more information see
Falmouth Food Pantry needs our vote!
FFP is one of 6 finalist for a grant from Summit Natural Gas. Let’s all vote to give our support to local pantry who serves more than 250 families in four surrounding towns. Thanks for helping out!
Outreach meeting set for May 9 - Join us for new and exciting things
The Outreach Committee will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, May 9 to have a general discussion about the role of Outreach at Saint Mary’s and the work of the Outreach Committee. We want to let people know about Outreach projects and to solicit ideas for our work.
The meeting will be at 4:30 pm in the Parish House. Parishioners are welcome to attend or to share their ideas with the committee members prior to the meeting. Please contact for more information.
Safe Passage Annual 5K Run and Community Fiesta
Join us Sunday, May 6, 2018 for an afternoon 5k and kids' fun run! After the race, enjoy a family-friendly fiesta with live music by Primo Cubano and delicious Latin food. FMI visit Safe Passage.
Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month - May 11 & 25
Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg.
Youth Ministry
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 1 to and this spring we are focusing on kids of the bible! We gather all together beginning at 9:45am with classes beginning at 10am. For more information on Guiding RAY, please visit our website . The Nursery opens at 9:45am for our youngest disciples in the Guiding RAY area every Sunday morning for the later Eucharist.
This Sunday in Guiding RAY: There will be no Guiding RAY programming so that we can all worship as a Faith Family at the 10 am service. The nursery will be open.
Spring is here! And with the warmer weather the kids love to play outside during coffee hour. Please be aware that the playground is not supervised during this time and kids are welcome to “play at their own risk!”
Saint Mary’s Vegetable Garden: Saturday morning, May 12, 9am - 12noon
The Guiding RAY kids have picked vegetables to plant and we will be constructing our Saint Mary’s Vegetable Garden on May 12. The harvest from our garden can be donated to the Falmouth Food Pantry and our summer Farm-to-Table Dinner and Auction. Please plan on joining the Guiding RAY families for some gardening fun!
The Royal School of Church Music: Evensong, May 6 at 4 pm
The Youth Choirs will not be rehearsing this Sunday morning, but will gather at 3pm for a final rehearsal before the Evensong. Typically, each Sunday the Angel Choir and St. Cecilia Choir meets at 9:15 in the downstairs Choir room to sing under the inspiring leadership of Priscilla Rigg.
Young Life Club: Mondays at 7:31 PM
At 56 Quiet Lane in Portland (off of Summit St). High schoolers from every town are invited to come together for crazy fun and to meet new friends. Young Life includes everyone – no questions asked! Each Club ends with a 5 minute inspirational talk about the love of God in Christ. Don’t miss it!
Events & Happenings
Save the date: Saturday, May 26 for a world class youth concert
We will welcome the Cecilia Ensemble from their recent tour of the Czech Republic. The Cecilia Ensemble, under the direction of Maria Belva, is an 18-voice auditioned choir of young women, ages 14-18 from Peterborough, New Hampshire. The mostly a cappella concert will include several Spirituals, Shaker Songs, and part-songs by contemporary American composers, as well as sacred pieces, and arrangements by the choir’s accompanist, David Vernier. Both Maria & David now sing in the Saint Mary’s choir and are part of our SM family. Concert is at 7pm following a potluck dinner.
Plan on sharing and joining the choir in a 5pm celebratory potluck dinner before the 7pm concert. If you have room to host some of the 14 singers and 4 adults for one night ( Sat, May 26), we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Bruce Fithian, or call 831-7113.
Community Care & Nurture
Feast of the Ascension: Thursday, May 10, 12 noon in the Chapel
Come together to celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. We will sing, discuss the Scriptures, and break bread together. All are welcome!
Please pray for the Bishop search process!
God of Grace, we give you thanks for all of the blessings of our common life and ministries as the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, and for our leaders who are guiding us through this season of change. Grant to the Discernment and Transition Committees open hearts, minds, and spirits as they receive the Holy Spirit's gifts of faith, hope, and love to aid their work. We ask also that you send courage and vision to our next bishop of Maine as she or he discerns your call. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Wisdom Seekers: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
This Bible study group meets weekly in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome! We are currently studying the Acts of the Apostles, Join us!
Noonday Prayer: Mon - Wed in the Chapel
Pause for 10 minutes of prayer together. You are also invited, wherever you may be, to STOP and PRAY with us in the Spirit at 12 noon for those in need, for our parish family, our bishop, and our own daily life with God.
Prayer concerns for this week: Brian Taylor, Peter Horne, Karon Velek, Stewart Stalnecker, Karen Mynahan, John Lund, Theresa Violette, Nolan Farris, Lee Lamphere, Arthur Markos, Frank Rheaume.
IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or
THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s: May
Sunday 6 The Sixth Sunday of Easter
8:00am Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
9:15am RSCM Choirs rehearse in the Choir Room
9:45am Guiding RAY classes begin
10:00am Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
11:15am Acolyte Training in the Church
4:00 pm Choral Evensong with all choirs and handbells
5:00pm Potluck for all: Bring Maine dish or side dish to share
Monday 7 12noon Noon Prayer in the Chapel
4:30pm T’ai Chi in auditorium
Tuesday 8 7 - 9am BNI in the auditorium
9:30am Art Group in the auditorium
10:30am Wisdom Seekers
12noon Noon Prayer in the Chapel
1:00pm Staff Meeting
3-4:30pm Till Death Do Us Part (3 of 5)
3:30pm Executive Committee meeting
6:00pm St Mary Schola rehearsal in Sanctuary
7:00pm AA in the auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:30pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)
Wednesday 9 9:30am GC Judges Council meeting in auditorium
12noon Noon Prayer in the Chapel
4:30pm Outreach Conversation
6-8:30pm PBE rehearsal in the Auditorium
6:30pm Ben Pollard’s group in Chapel
Thursday 10 Feast of the Lord’s Ascension
9:30am Art Group in the auditorium
12noon Ascension Eucharist – led by Fr Nathan
7:00pm Saint Mary’s choir rehearsal
Friday 11 Parish Offices are closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer – stop and pray wherever you are
3:30pm Wedding rehearsal
5:00pm Community Souper Supper
5:30pm Al-Anon meeting in the Guild Room
Saturday 12 9am Vegetable Garden Raised Bed construction
4:00pm Murray.Slood Wedding & Reception (Auditorium & Guild Rm)
Sunday 13 Sunday after the Ascension and Mother’s Day
8:00am Contemplative Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
9:15am RSCM Choirs rehearse in the Choir Room
9:45am Guiding RAY classes begin
10:00am Choral Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour)
Beth Shaw
Parish Manager
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
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