Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 11.24.19

Saint Mary's Weekly News

24 November 2019 – The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King

Common Ground: every Thursday potluck & conversation

  How it works:

5 – 7 pm  Potluck-style dinner. Take a break from cooking a whole meal. Bring a   dish or just eat what we have. If you are not hungry, come anyway to enjoy the fellowship and discussion. Open to everyone!

5:45 pm    Gather for a conversation on important issues for our community.

Common Ground on Nov 21:  Q & A with Bishop Thomas Brown                                     Join us for this unusual and special sit down with our bishop as he joins us for our weekly potluck and talks about his ministry.  This special Common Ground is followed by a regional Confirmation and Communion liturgy here at 7 PM.

Thursday, November 28: No Common Ground on Thanksgiving

Sunday Formation:  9:30 – 10 AM

Everyone is invited to gather on Sunday mornings in either of two groups – a prayerful group meeting in the Chapel, and a discussion group meeting in the Auditorium.

  • Coffee and Conversation  in the Auditorium with Fr. Nathan
    • Nov 24The 6 Christian Traditions
  • Be Still in the Fr James Chapel:  Meditation, Prayer & Discussion (led by Merle Marie Troeger, Jennifer Gregg and Becky Pride)

Stewardship 2020: Make a Joyful Noise

            Make a Joyful Noise--Our 2020 Stewardship campaign is underway!! Be sure to check your mail for the packet. Take time to prayerfully consider making a pledge to support this campaign to raise funds for our annual needs, increased outreach support and some major projects not covered by our annual budget!

Youth Ministry

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 10 AM   

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 0 to 14, with classes beginning at 10am. The Nursery, classes for pre-K through grade 5, and a group for Middle Schoolers called Ignite are all available. Our classes are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.  For more information on Guiding RAY, visit our website  

We are always looking for leaders to assist with these crucial programs. Please contact Megan Akers to find out ways you can help!

The Nursery is open for our youngest parishioners every Sunday, 9 - 11:30am, so parents can attend Formation classes or sing in the choir. Please contact Megan Akers,, if you are able to assist with care. 

This week in Guiding RAY   We celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of our Church year.  As a part of our lesson we will also be helping Sparkles by making Holy Smokes and Herb pots. All are welcome to join the festivities.

Guiding SAY (Singing Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 9:30 AM   Before Guiding RAY classes begin, all young people are invited to gather downstairs with our own Maria Belva for fun singing. No special skill or experience required, only a willingness to sing together with the invite to sing in some special church services during the month of December:  Advent Lessons & Carols on Dec 1, the Christmas Pageant on Advent 4 and Christmas Eve service.

For more information contact Maria at

IGNITE - Middle School Youth Group:!  All kids in grades 6-8 are welcome to join this growing group that meets twice a month on Sundays at 10 AM downstairs in the Youth Room. Next meeting: December 8

It's beginning to look a lot like . . .

. . . Pageant time!  The Saint Mary's Christmas Pageant will take place during the 10:15am service on Sunday, December 22.  The pageant has a role for anyone who wants to be involved in this beautiful retelling of the Nativity story in scripture and song.  Pageant practice will be held on Sunday December 15 from 11:30 - 1pm with pizza provided.  Please contact Megan Akers if you would like to be involved. 

Serving the World 

 MULTICULTURAL FAIR Sunday, November 24th, 3-6pm

Welcome, New Mainers Fall Event at  Saint Mary's


Mark your calendars for another Welcome, New Mainers' Multicultural Fair at Saint Mary's!  Don't miss this great pre holiday shopping opportunity!

Vendors will sell jewelry, glassware, crafts, clothing, and delicious ethnic foods- from Italian desserts and pasta, to Argentinian empanadas, Syrian specialties, and Mediterranean dinners. Foods are available for take-out, taste testing and/or dining in the Guild Room.

Many New Mainers are artisans and chefs, with artistic and culinary skills they've brought from their native countries. Some have established businesses and others are just getting started and need exposure. Saint Mary's does not charge for table space and all vendors keep 100% of their sales.

The Fair provides a special opportunity for New Mainer entrepreneurs to promote and sell their wonderful products, services, and to introduce us to their culture. It is a festive ethnic event, and a great opportunity to do some unique holiday shopping for family, friends and yourself, while enjoying a delicious meal and stocking up with holiday sweets and frozen meals.

We hope to see you on November 24, from 3pm – 6pm.

For more information, please contact Anne LaFond

THANKSGIVING BLOOD DRIVE at Saint Mary's: Saturday, NOV 30, 9am - 2pm

In this season of Thanksgiving, let us share our many gifts by giving the gift of life to others by donating our blood!  Sign-up today to be a blood donor, and help give to those who need your blood to survive!

Go to and use sponsor code "StMary" to make your donor appointment. Also, can you help our donors at the drive? Volunteers are needed! Contact our Coordinator, Joyce Verey, at 536-0195 or or email Beth in the parish office at 

Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month                                                                                           

Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer,  

Gatherings & Events

Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist: Wednesday, November 27,  6pm

The Holy Eucharist with favorite Thanksgiving hymns will be celebrated the night before Thanksgiving Day. All ages are welcome, and bring your guests! Since the word "Eucharist" means "thanksgiving" in Greek, what more fitting way to prepare for Thanksgiving Day than to feast here together at the Lord's Table on Thanksgiving Eve?  And then we go outside to celebrate the people for whom we are most thankful, both living and deceased, with the Lighting of the Kyros Memorial and Celebration Tree.  See insert and drop or send your names in to the parish office by Monday, November 25.   

Advent Wreathmaking:  Dec 1 from 9 to 10:15 AM in the Auditorium

Gather between the liturgies to make an Advent wreath to take home with you and use throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. Bring your family or any holiday guests in your home and make it all together as a group. If you know you are attending, let Beth in the office know, but come anyway

Advent Lessons & Carols: December 1 at both 8 and 10:15 AM

We look forward to our annual celebration in Advent with the Lessons and Carols Service on the first Sunday of Advent by singing favorite hymns such as Hymn 60, Creator of the stars of night; People Look East; and Hymn 57, Lo! He comes with clouds descending.  In addition to these Advent hymns, there are remarkable selections from the Saint Mary's choir. What a wonderful way to begin the Advent season! (Remember also that there is no Communion on December 1.)

Sparkles NEWS:  Sparkles Fair is on December 7, 9am – 2pm

This Saturday, November 23, is Garlanding Day, where we decorate the Parish House inside and out for Advent and Christmas.  Please lend a hand to help add festivity to the Season.


On Sunday, November 24, between the services (10-10:50) service, we will make Holy Smokes with the Guiding RAY kids in the basement art room.   Remember to also pick up the appetizers you ordered at Sparkles Spirits on Sunday.  They will be available after both services in the kitchen.

On Wednesday, November 27, we will have the Lighting of the Kyros Memorial & Celebration Tree following the Thanksgiving Eucharist. Be sure to send in your honored names by Monday, Nov 25


  • Bake cookies and other goodies for the bake sale
  • Sign up to help before, during and after the Boutique on Dec. 7
  • Hang flyers where you work or shop (they are in the auditorium)
  • Sign up to help or bring food to the Schola Concert and Reception

ALL SIGNUP SHEETS are in the auditorium, and we need EVERYONE'S HELP to make Sparkles a success.

Don't forget to pre-order your Lobster Stew, Coffee Cake, and Boxwood Trees.

Sparkles Concert & Reception:  Preparations are well underway for the St Mary Schola Christmas Concert and Gala Reception on December 15. Your help is still needed to make it the success we have all come to expect. Sign-up sheets are located in the Parish Hall for those who are able to provide desserts, cheese/crackers, wine, or help with kitchen/ serving duty.  In order to be assured of a seat, tickets need to be bought prior to Sunday's performance, and can be purchased during coffee hour, from Beth in the parish office, or on line at

Quiet Morning – The Angels of Advent:  Saturday, December 14

Gabriel was not the only angel of Advent, you know. There are several messengers with major roles in the Advent story, and we'll meet them all in this morning of quiet reflection.  Come prepared to enter into the mystery of the announcement of Christ's birth.  There's outright skepticism, there's wavering doubt and there's total conviction.  The angels encounter it all and so will we.

The program begins at 9:30  but come at 9:00 to enjoy coffee, view a gallery of Advent angels and share your experience of angelic visitations. It's very helpful if you sign up on the sheet near the Guild Room, so we are sure to have enough materials and refreshments.  FMI, contact Merle Marie Troeger


Community Care & Nurture

Weekly Worship at Saint Mary's

SUNDAYS:    8 am Contemplative Eucharist,  9:30 am Formation for ALL

                               10:15 am Choral Eucharist

THURSDAYS: 12 noon Chapel Healing Eucharist

Mon - Wed:  12 noon NoonDay Prayer in Chapel or wherever you are

"Be Still" on Monday evenings 

Begin your week by centering in God!   You are cordially invited to join a small group of parishioners and local residents for an hour of quiet reflection every Monday evenings from 5:30-6:30 in the Father James' Chapel.

Wisdom Seekers: Bible Study on Tuesday mornings

At 10:30 AM every Tuesday morning, a group gathers to study the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday. It is a great way to prepare oneself for Sunday. Some stay afterward for NoonDay Prayer. All are welcome to join the group at any time.

Merton Group:  Spiritual Formation - Thursdays at 3 pm

The "Merton Group" is a small, spiritually diverse, inquisitive, tolerant, open- minded, and supportive group of "seekers."  Each week we pray, read aloud from a chosen book, reflect, question, and grow.  Feel free to learn more or test the waters.

Communicating with Nathan+ Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you need advice, guidance or prayer.  You can call or text his cell at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at , but know that email is checked rarely on Fridays, Saturdays or when he's away on vacation.

Prayer Concerns this week: George and Cindy St. John, Marti Galli, Amber Trosper, Mike Finnegan, Andy Finnegan, Reola Conley, Wayne Bullewell, Roxann Gregory, Jim Martin, John Fournier, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or

THIS WEEK at Saint Mary's

Sunday              24   Christ the King Sunday

                                  8 am                Contemplative Eucharist  (followed by Coffee Hour) 

                                  9:30 am             Formation for All

                                  10 am              Guiding RAY classes begin (Guiding SAY singing at 9:30)

                                  10:15 am         Choral Eucharist  (followed by Coffee Hour) 

                                  4 pm                Multicultural Fair

Monday             25   12 noon           Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  5:30 pm           Be Still in the Chapel

                                  6-9 pm             Portland Community Chorus rehearsal in auditorium

Tuesday             26   7 - 9am            BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30-12:30            Art Group in the Auditorium

                                  10:30am            Wisdom Seekers in the Guild Room

                                  11 am                    12-step meeting in the lower level

                                  12 noon           Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  4 - 5:30            Living with Grief Group

                                  6 pm                Schola rehearsal in the sanctuary

                                  7 pm                AA in the auditorium (Al-A-Teen in Youth Room)

                                  7 pm                Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:00pm Beginner's Al-Anon)

Wednesday        27   6pm                 Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist

                                                            and Lighting the Kyros Memorial & Celebration Advent Tree

Thursday               28    Happy Thanksgiving – Parish Office closed

Friday                29   Parish Office closed 

                                  12 noon           Noonday Prayer – stop and pray where you are

                                  5:30 pm           Al-Anon meeting in the Guild Room

Saturday            30   9 2pm            Thanksgiving Blood Drive – please donate    

Sunday,  Dec 1  First Sunday of Advent

                                  8 am                Advent Lessons & Carols  (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                  9 am                Advent wreathmaking workshop – all welcome!

                        10:15 am         Advent Lessons & Carols  (followed by Coffee Hour



Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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