Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Saint Mary's eNEWS for 12.15.19

Saint Mary’s Weekly News

15 December 2019 – The Third Sunday of Advent

Caroling at Souper Supper and Falmouth by the Sea!

Friday, December 13, 4:30-6:30

   Parishioners of all ages are warmly invited to gather at Saint Mary's at 4:30 pm to carpool to Falmouth by the Sea and Foreside Harbor to sing Christmas carols with and for the residents of both facilities.  Following this, we return to Saint Mary's to enjoy a holiday Souper Supper with our guests and offer a second round of caroling.  Caroling booklets provided!  

     This is a truly wonderful opportunity to center into the true meaning of Christmas, a fun and needed break in the race to the frenetic lead-up to this important holiday, and one that never fails to bring such joy to all involved!  Don't miss it! A sign-up sheet is outside the Guild Room. 

Quiet Morning – The Angels of Advent:  Saturday, December 14

Gabriel was not the only angel of Advent, you know. There are several messengers with major roles in the Advent story, and we’ll meet them all in this morning of quiet reflection.  Come prepared to enter into the mystery of the announcement of Christ’s birth.  There’s outright skepticism, there’s wavering doubt and there’s total conviction.  The angels encounter it all and so will we.  The program begins at 9:30  but come at 9:00 to enjoy coffee, a gallery of Advent angels and share your experience of angelic visitations. It’s very helpful if you sign up on the sheet near the Guild Room, so we are sure to have enough materials and refreshments.  FMI, contact Merle Marie Troeger

Common Ground: 5-7pm Thursday’s potluck & conversation

  December 12:  Christmas Around the World  (with the Hurdmans) Learn aboutdifferent Christmas traditions among Christians around the world – Germany, Ethiopia and Mexico.

   Common Ground takes a break for Christmas and will resume January 9

Stewardship 2020:  Make a Joyful Noise

      Thank you to those who have completed their pledge form. We have a long way to go to reach out goals ($135,963 from 55 families). As we pass the midpoint of Advent and hear the children and adults preparing for the pageant on December 22, we hear their voices lifted in song, their narration with serious faces and their joyful giggles grabbing cookies before practice begins. The pageant is a product of many hands: parents who volunteer to do all sorts of tasks, Megan, our Guiding RAY Director and Maria, our children’s choral leader as well as Bruce, our music director. We are blessed to have a vibrant program to support our youth which happens because of your support.

Sparkles NEWS:  Sparkles Concert is Sunday, December 15, 4 PM

The Sparkles Fair is over, and Sunday’s Schola and Reception will mark the end of the Sparkles Season for 2019.  We were blessed with good weather for Fair Day, we had a good number of shoppers (more than 200 in the first hour), and although the final numbers are not yet in, we have exceeded our goal of $12,000.  We showed a welcoming and beautiful face to the community, and we made new friends within the Parish family, exactly what we hope for.  There are still bags of Sparkles Blend of coffee (donated by Coffee by Design).  Please leave your cash or check in the Honor Box.

So many people helped to make this all happen, some who have helped for many years, and some who were first-time Sparklers this year.  We offer our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you!  Most of our traditions were continued from previous Sparkles Fairs, and the continuity of traditions and Chairs (especially Jan and Onnie) are a great part of our success.  Our Sparkles Spirits was a wonderful success again, and great fun, with tastings of wine and delicious appetizers!   Sparkles Toyland was also a fantastic success, with many of our new young parishioners telling their wishes to Santa and Mrs. Claus!  The Cookie Walk was a success, with over !20 pounds of cookies sold.  Our Home Décor area was truly beautiful, and drew in crowds.

We could never do this without the “behind the scenes” elves who moved furniture, set up tables, decorated the Guild Room and Auditorium, and hung signs.  Special thanks to Roy Packard, who manages to take such great care of the facility, in spite of our mess.  Most especially, we thank Beth, our Parish Manager, who smiled through all the changes in signs, late articles, and other frustrations.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year  - from Jana Burke and Kathy Galen, Sparkles Co-Chairs

Be part of the Anglican Communion’s Global Advent Calendar. It’s an innovative way to engage in the season of Advent with people all over the world.  Create an account and share your reflection on the daily meditation. Visit:

Contemporary Language at 8 AM in Advent & Christmas

Once again, in this season we will experiment with the use of contemporary language texts (called Rite II) at our 8 AM Eucharist. It is important for everyone to become accustomed to these texts, as the old Elizabethan texts will be discontinued at some point in the future. Change is continuous, though it is difficult at times. Please speak with Nathan+ if you have thoughts or concerns about this.

Serving the World

Souper Supper: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month

Our free suppers in our Parish House Auditorium open to anyone and everyone. Please consider dropping in sometime between 5 – 7 PM on either evening for dinner served in a family-style setting and consisting of a hearty soup, salad, bread, homemade desserts and beverages. And we are always looking for more servers to join the Souper Supper Team. FMI, contact Jennifer Gregg  ( or 781-2665).

Saint Mary’s Advent Giving Tree:

We look forward every year to having an Advent Giving Tree!  Here is an opportunity to become engaged in the spirit of giving this Christmas.  Saint Mary’s, together with the Salvation Army, are hosting a “Advent Giving Tree.”  Tags will be on the Christmas tree with a child’s gift request.  Kindly take a tag, purchase item(s) on the tag, and bring back to Saint Mary’s.  Unwrapped gifts should be back under the tree no later than December 16 with the tag on them to ensure the families receive them in time for Christmas.  For more information contact Betsy Stoddard  829-2026

Youth Ministry

It’s Pageant Time!

The Saint Mary’s Christmas Pageant will take place during the 10:15am service on Sunday, December 22.  The pageant has a role for anyone who wants to be involved in this beautiful retelling of the Nativity story in scripture and song.  Pageant practice will be held on Sunday, December 15 from 11:30 - 1pm with pizza provided.  Please contact Megan Akers if you would like to be involved. 

The Nursery is open for our youngest parishioners every Sunday, 9 - 11:30am, so parents can attend Formation classes or sing in the choir. Please contact Megan Akers,, if you are able to assist with care. 


Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 10 AM   

Our Guiding RAY programs for all young people ages 0 to 14, with classes beginning at 10am. The Nursery, classes for pre-K through grade 5, and a group for Middle Schoolers called Ignite are all available. Our classes are designed to both appeal to and offer our children an opportunity to learn key bible stories and to develop their relationship with God.  For more information on Guiding RAY, visit our website  

We are always looking for leaders to assist with these crucial programs. Please contact Megan Akers to find out ways you can help!

This week in Guiding RAY  We continue or rotation on Advent through the Eyes of the Prophets. Today we will learn about the prophet Micah.  Micah was an Old Testament prophet who told about the coming Messiah and that he would be born in Bethlehem. Micah wrote this prophecy about 700 years before Jesus was born! Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem was a gift that we are preparing to celebrate.

Guiding SAY (Singing Adventures for Youth): Sundays, 9:35 AM   Before Guiding RAY classes begin, all young people are invited to gather downstairs with our own Maria Belva for fun singing. No special skill or experience required, only a willingness to sing together with the invite to sing in some special church services during the month of December:  Advent Lessons & Carols on Dec 1, the Christmas Pageant on Advent 4 and Christmas Eve service. For more information contact Maria at

IGNITE - Middle School Youth Group:!  All kids in grades 6-8 are welcome to join this growing group that meets twice a month on Sundays at 10 AM downstairs in the Youth Room. Next meeting: Sunday, December 15

Young Life: Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! Monday, 12/16, 7:31 PM

Drive over to The Root Cellar (94 Washington Ave, Portland) for the BEST Christmas party! High schoolers from every school in our area are invited to pull out that ugly sweater and get ready for some serious fun.

Gatherings & Events

Common Ground: 5-7pm:  Thursday potluck & conversation

   Common Ground takes a break for Christmas and will resume January 9

Sunday Formation:  9:30 – 10 AM

Everyone is invited to gather on Sunday mornings in either of two groups – a prayerful group meeting in the Chapel, and a discussion group meeting in the Auditorium.

  • Coffee and Conversation  in the Auditorium

o    December 15: The Prophets: What Does It Mean To Be Prophetic Today?listen to the great Dr. Walter Brueggemann and Dr. Kenyatta Gilbert discuss the role and risk of being a prophet, and what it means to be prophetic.

  • Be Still in the Fr James Chapel:  Meditation, Prayer & Discussion (led by Merle Marie Troeger, Jennifer Gregg and Becky Pride)

Community Care & Nurture

Weekly Worship at Saint Mary’s

SUNDAYS:    8 am Contemplative Eucharist,  9:30 am Formation for ALL

                               10:15 am Choral Eucharist

THURSDAYS: 12 noon Chapel Healing Eucharist

Mon - Wed:  12 noon NoonDay Prayer in Chapel or wherever you are

Be Still:  Quiet Reflection each Monday evening at 5:30 PM

Begin your week by centering in God! All are invited to join a small group of parishioners and local residents for an hour of quiet reflection every Monday evening from 5:30-6:30 in the Father James' Chapel.

Wisdom Seekers: Bible Study each Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM

Every Tuesday morning, a group gathers to study the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday. It is a great way to prepare oneself for Sunday. Some stay afterward for NoonDay Prayer. All are welcome to join the group at any time.

Merton Group:  Spiritual Formation each Thursday at 3 pm

The “Merton Group” is a small, spiritually diverse, inquisitive, tolerant, open- minded, and supportive group of “seekers.”  Each week we pray, read aloud from a chosen book, reflect, question, and grow.  Feel free to learn more or test the waters.

Communicating with Nathan+ Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you need advice, guidance or prayer.  You can call or text his cell at 207-310-0268  or e-mail him directly at , but know that email is checked rarely on Fridays, Saturdays or when he’s away on vacation.

Prayer Concerns this week:  Hunter Barr, Allan Graffam, George and Cindy St. John, Marti Galli, Amber Trosper, Mike Finnegan, Andy Finnegan, Wayne Bullewell, Roxann Gregory, Jim Martin, John Fournier, Stewart Stalnecker.

IF YOU WANT TO ADD NAMES TO THIS LIST, write them on the Sunday Prayer List found in the Narthex or contact the Office (781-3366 or

THIS WEEK at Saint Mary’s

Sunday              15   The Third Sunday of Advent (Giving Tree deadline)

                                  8:00                 Contemplative Eucharist  (followed by Coffee Hour) 

                                  9:30                 Formation for All

                                  10:00               Guiding RAY classes begin (Guiding SAY singing at 9:30)

                                  10:15               Choral Eucharist  (followed by Coffee Hour)

                                  11:15               Pageant Rehearsal

                                  4:00                 Sparkles Schola Concert & Reception  (3:30 music lecture)

Monday             16   10:00               Garden Club in the auditorium

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  5:30                 Be Still in the Chapel

                                  6:00                 Friends School of Portland Concert in auditorium

Tuesday             17   8:30-11            St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center – Saint Marians serving

                                  7 – 9:00           BNI in the auditorium

                                  9:30-12:30            Art Group in the Auditorium

                                  10:30                Wisdom Seekers in the Guild Room

                                  11:00                      12-step meeting downstairs in Parish House

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  1:20-5:00         GC wreath workshop in auditorium

                                  7:00                 AA in the auditorium (Al-A-Teen in Youth Room)

                                  7:00                 Al-Anon in the Guild Room (6:00pm Beginner’s Al-Anon)

                                  7:30pm            St Mary Schola A Babe Is Born concert at St. Luke’s Cathedral

Wednesday 18   12noon                   Noonday Prayer in the Chapel

                                  5- 6:30             TOPS meeting in the Kneeler Room 

                                  6:00                 Vestry meeting

                                  6:00                 SinG dress rehearsal in the Sanctuary

Thursday               19    12noon            Chapel Eucharist 

                                  3:00                 Merton Group in the Chapel

                                  7:00                 SM Choir rehearsal

                                                          No Common Ground – will resume January 9

Friday                20   Parish Office closed 

                                  12noon            Noonday Prayer – stop and pray where you are

                                  5:30                 Al-Anon meeting in the Guild Room

                                  7:30                 A Ceremony of Carols Concert in the sanctuary

Saturday            21   8:30–10           Altar Flower Guild Set-up

                                  11, 2, 5            Oratorio Chorale Sing We Noel Concerts in SM Sanctuary

Sunday              22   The Fourth Sunday of Advent

                                  8:00                 Contemplative Eucharist  (followed by Coffee Hour) 

                                  9:30                 Formation for All

                                  9:30                 Pageant participants gather in the Guild Room

                                  10:15               Christmas Pageant & Eucharist (followed by Coffee Hour) 





Beth Shaw

Parish Manager

The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary

43 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105



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