Saint Mary’s Weekly News
For August 25, 2013 – The 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Young Life Prayer Meeting: Saturday, August 24, 8 AM
In support of the efforts being made to reach the teens of our communities with the Good News of Christ and to create a vibrant ecumenical youth group, a group will meet on Saturday morning, August 24 at 8am in the Fr. James Chapel simply to pray. We will pray for our young people and ask God to guide us as we seek to minister to them and with them. All are welcome! No special skill is needed, only a desire to support this work.
Our prayer concerns for this week
Doug, Nat Fenollosa, Keith Galli, Chip Hartwell, Andrew Leighton, Lee Snow, Sandy Snow and Ann Tholen
This Sunday, August 25th is our Soup Kitchen Sunday!
The fourth Sunday of each month, Saint Mary’s prepares and serves a hot meal to the clients at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. We need people to (a) go around 10:30 to help with the cooking and set-up; (b) to arrive about 11:45 to assist with table service; and/or (c) to help with clean-up beginning at 1:00. Questions? Please call Marian McCue at 761-1936 or
The “Ultimate” Mass On The Grass! This Thursday, August 29 at 6 PM
Our “ultimate” Mass on the Grass gathering for Summer 2013 will take place at Village Park in Falmouth (next to the Family Ice Center). We will celebrate a brief Eucharist in the Gazebo, share some snacks and soft drinks, then play “Ultimate Frisbee” on the soccer field! All are welcome – players, referees, spectators and cheerleaders.
September 8th, Welcome Home Sunday!
Our regular Sunday worship schedule resumes (8am and 10am); the choir returns after their summer break; and Guiding RAY is open for all children. And we invite everyone to come together and celebrate with an all-parish picnic and carnival at 11:15 AM.
Welcome Home Picnic: Our Hospitality Committee will provide the burgers and hotdogs and drinks. We ask you to bring salads and desserts - big enough to share!
Welcome Home Carnival: Help us to kick off our new Program Year with energy! The events will include water balloons, relay races, face painting, pastel drawings, guessing games, bingo, lawn bowling, and of course, the bounce house. If you can host a game, we need you!! Also sign up to bake a whole cake for the Cake Walk that day also. To help out or provide a cake, please email Heather Gale . Let’s work together to celebrate the children of S. Mary’s and to welcome them back for a new year in Guiding RAY!
Daily Noonday Prayer at Saint Mary’s
Please join us any weekday for a brief (10 min.) Noonday Prayer in the Chapel, and let’s remember to pray for one another at 12 Noon every day, no matter where we might be.
Pat Scharf Committal Service: Tuesday, Sept 27th at 4 pm
All are welcome to join the Scharf family for the Committal of Pat’s body to her final resting place in the S. Mary’s Churchyard. We will gather in the Parish House at 4 pm.
Sparkles News-------It is almost September and it is time to "gear up" for Sparkles.
§ The Memorial Tree lighting will be Sun. Dec 1st (the Sunday right after Thanksgiving) and the Sparkles Fair will be the following Sat. Dec. 7th.
§ The first organization meeting will be Thur. Sept. 12th at 6:30 in the Parish Hall so if you would like to learn more and join in the Sparkles fun---please come.
§ The first gathering/drop-off date will be Sat. Sept. 28th so start thinking about what you would like to donate-----remember, your used things are another person's treasures!
§ Sparkles Bucks will be sold again this year and the first sale date will be Sept. 8th at the Church picnic.
§ The final cookbook in the S. Mary's series is "Sweet Endings" and we need your best "goodie" recipes to complete this wonderful collection. You may e-mail them to the office, or bring them in and a copy will be made or make a copy and put it in the box in front of the Guild Room. If you would like more information, please call Jan Mordarski at 899-4099 (Chief Sparkler)
EFM - Education for Ministry
Is God's call touching your heart? Do you feel drawn to further exploring your faith? Do you seek to better understand how the Scriptures apply to your life. to help you discern your most challenging decisions? Education for Ministry offers a seminary program structured to make the teachings of the Bible relevant to today's life. The four-year program examines Old Testament, New Testament & church history. One does not need to commit to all four years! The $350 per year fee includes all reading materials and mentor fees. Scholarships may be available through the Diocese. The course meets Thursday nights (7-9pm) from September through May at Trinity Church on Forest Avenue in Portland. Please call Father Nathan (781-3366) or Jennifer Gregg (781-2665) for more information.
Dialogue of Art and Faith
Everyone is welcome to join this open group discussion of Art & Faith and all its forms. The discussion group will start up on Sunday, Sept 15th at 9:15am and continue on Sundays. This is for those who couldn’t get enough in the spring class (reportedly - lots of you!) and for those who had other things going at the time but wanted to attend.
Bible Study at the Hurdman’s
All are invited to join this seven-week Bible Study that will begin on September 18th and continue for seven Wednesdays evenings from 7:00 - 8:30pm (until October 30th.) More information will be available soon or for more information contact Father Nathan or Meg Hurdman
Thursday Worship Schedule
10:30 am: Spiritual Reflections with Deacon Christine. Open to all, this may include a Bible study, a book study, reflective readings as well as follow-ups and conversations. The topic for the next several weeks will be “Spiritual Maturity.”
12 noon: Healing Eucharist with the laying on of hands. All are welcome to gather in the Chapel for this brief, informal liturgy. You can send to the Office the names of those for whom prayers are needed, or come and receive prayers for yourself or for another.
6:00 pm: The “Ultimate” Mass On The Grass! The final gathering of the summer. We will gather at Village Park in Falmouth (behind Wal-Mart) for an informal, interactive Eucharist in the Gazebo. After some snacks and soft-drinks, we will split into two teams for a game of Ultimate Frisbee. All are welcome!
Communicating with Fr. Nathan
Feel free to contact Fr. Nathan at any time if you wish to speak with him. You can e-mail him directly at, or call him on his cell at 609-410-7573. Follow him on Twitter @FatherNate or visit his blog at
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. The Eucharistic Visitor today is Paul Engel. During the week if you or someone you know needs communion, please call the Parish Office. If you wish to learn more about this special ministry, feel free to speak with Deacon Christine at any time.
This Week’s Calendar at Saint Mary’s
Sunday 25 8:00am The 14th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am The 14th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
10:30am Preble Street Soup Kitchen – S. Mary’s service Sunday
11am Godly Play training event (ends at 5:30 pm)
Monday 26 9am - 5pm Lifeline Screening testing in the auditorium
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Tuesday 27 10:00am Order of St. Luke
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
4:00pm Walk the Mourner’s Path (2 of 8)
4:00pm Pat Scharf Committal service
7:00pm AA in Auditorium
7:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Wednesday 28 9:00am Kneelers group meeting
12noon Noonday Prayer in the Chapel
Thursday 29 10:30am Spiritual Reflections with Deacon Christine
12noon Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
6:00pm The “Ultimate” Mass on the Grass – at Village Park
7:30pm Men’s AA - auditorium
Friday 30 Parish Office Closed on Fridays
12noon Noonday Prayer - where ever you are!
5:30pm Al-Anon in the Guild Room
Sunday Sept 1. 8:00am The 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Traditional Eucharist
9:30am The 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Contemporary Eucharist
(Next Sunday, Sept 8th, the contemporary Eucharist starts at 10am!)
Beth Shaw
Parish Administrator
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road (Route 88)
Falmouth, ME 04105
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